Cell byot


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Mobile phones in Learning

Liz’s Mobile Business Card

Send a new text: 50500

In message: kolb




Dry E





her L




















% of New Teachers

Classroom Technology requested by new teachers

% of New Teachers who would like technology in their hands of the students

Tech. NOT w/ students

Tech. W/ Students











% of New Teachers

New Teachers List The Technologies They Use EVERYDAY outside of teaching

Everyday UseTV-DVD-DVR


Online Courses

Web Blogging

Cell Phones

Facebook or MySpace


Video Games (Wii and Computer-Based)

iPod/MP3 Players

GPS Devices

Google, Google Earth, Google Maps


Classroom Wish ListTV-DVD-DVR


LCD Projector

Chalkboard/Dry Erase


Teacher Laptop



Tape/CD Player

Overhead Projector

Educational Software



Why haven’t we seen long-term education technology change that reflects technology changes in society?

In 1986 & 2001, Larry Cuban Found:

• Teachers teach how they were taught

• Technology traditionally infused from “Top-Down”

Cuban, L. (1986). Teachers and machines: The classroom use of technology since 1920. New York: Teachers College Press.

Teachers Say Technology in Their school is introduced by…

BYOT: Bring Your Own technology

What is inYour


98% of 9-12 28% of K-2

How 21st century student’s view their cell phones

NPR: Three Generations' View of Cell Phones


Research on cell phones in learning says…

1) "The proportions of textisms that kids used in their sentence translations was positively linked to verbal reasoning; the more textspeak kids used, the higher their test scores”

2) "The younger the age at which the kids had received mobile phones, the better their ability to read words and identify patterns of sound in speech.”

PBS: Ready to Learn Study

• Parent’s cell phones loaded with literacy software• Parents living at or below poverty line

• Findings:• Participants found the intervention to be a

positive experience, especially for their children. • They reacted enthusiastically to receiving early

literacy content via cell phone. • Most importantly, participants reported that

their children enjoyed and benefited from the program.

• Child participants, for the most part, were eager and excited to view the letter video clips.

• They frequently requested to view the videos. • Some parents reported that each time the phone

rang, their children came running, hoping the call was from Elmo.

Parents say “YES” to Cell phones

Speak up 2009

Speak up 2009

Why Are We Reluctant?The elephant in the room

Speak Up 2009

Speak Up 2009

 Cheating is a problem…

• 26% of teenagers admitted to using their cell phone to store information to look at during a test or a quiz.

• 25% have text messaged their friends about answers during a test or quiz.

• 20% have searched the Internet via their mobile phone during a test or quiz.

• 17% have taken pictures of a test or quiz with the cell phone in order to send the pictures to their friends.

Common Sense Media 09

Even MORE of a problem

Most students do not envision these activities as cheating.

More than half of the students surveyed did not think these acts were serious offenses of cheating, rather they think of it as just “helping out a friend.”

Common Sense Media 09

70% of U.S. schools completely ban cell phones from campus

63% of students admitted to sneaking in cell phones and using them during class anyway.

In a seven class a day, five day school week, the average student sends at least three text messages per class.

Common Sense Media 09

Life Consequences

• Students are sometimes “sexting” to friends for their entertainment value, as a joke or for fun."

• Six teens face child porn (13 to 15) charges after being caught "sexting" each other. Criminal Charge!

• IN PA, 3 girls (12, 12, 16) charged with child pornography for sexing. Picture of them in bras.

• 15% of teenagers have risqué photos of themselves or their friends on their cell phones.

• 1 in 5 sext recipients report that they have passed the images along to someone else


"If you take a picture, you can be accused of producing child pornography; if you send it to somebody, you can be accused of distributing child pornography; and if you keep a picture, you can be accused of possessing child pornography. Anywhere along this chain of transmission of the images, you can be charged as a registered sex offender."

-Parry Aftab, an Internet privacy and security lawyer.

One in three (34%) texting teens ages 16-17 say they have texted while driving.

Case Study: School Change with student

Cell phones


• Do ALL students need their own phone?• NO! Groups, Web Options, Landlines

• What if my school does not allow cell phones on campus?• Activities work very well off-campus for homework

• Can I use a BASIC phone?• YES! Phone call, text message, take a picture…

• Does it costs money?• The resources are FREE, students should know their plans

• Students with disabilities?• Speech to Text & Text to Speech Options

2007: Middle School Principal’s Journey

“Last year the school ran out of calculators needed for a math exam, So I let a student use the calculator function on his cell phone. The student was excitedto use a phone instead of a calculator. I found 19 of my 22 students had phones.”

-Kipp Rogers, Principal at Passages Middle School in Virginia

Mary Passage Middle School Cell Phone Policy 1. Students will talk on their cell phone only to complete assignments that are related to the instructional lesson.2. Students will keep cell phones turned off or left in lockers when they are not being used for instructional purposes in class.3. Students will only send text- messages, pictures or video- messages to others outside of the classroom with permission and directions from the teacher.4. Students will not record still or moving images or voices of students or the teacher without permission from the teacher.5. Students will not post recordings of still or moving images or voice recordings of students or the teacher to online websites without their permission.6. Students will practice internet safety with online resources.7. Students will post only appropriate text, audio and visual media to on-line websites. I _____________________ understand that violation of our class acceptable cell phone use policy may result in my not being able to participate in additional class activities that involve using the cell phone. I also understand that I may receive disciplinary consequences for violating school board policies regarding cyber-bullying. I _______________________ have gone over the Cell Phones in Class Acceptable Use Policy with my child and agree to allow my child to participate. 

Discuss Mobile Safety & Appropriate Use

• Part of digital footprint

• Your digital dossier that includes Internet activity such as social networking, email, chat rooms,

• YOU can’t erase this!!! Permanent record

• EVERYTHING you send via text message (pictures, videos, text, audio…etc) is PUBLIC!!!

• Example: Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick

• Mobile “bullying” and “sexting” is public

• MTV Special on Sexting and Quiz

• Students should know their plans

• Bring in their cell phone plan and a bill

• Discuss what is charged and how much

• Give Students a Survey

Learn more specific safety tips at Connectsafely

5 Rules for Cell Phones in Schools

Set rules based on business regulations for cell phone use (look at business contracts)

Social contract with students

Must be on vibrate at all times

Keep them in the front of the room until you are going to use them.

All messages/media sent or published must be related to lesson.

If you are referencing someone else in class, you must have their approval before posting or publishing.

Create a permission form (in addition to the School’s AUP)

Passages Middle School Cell Phone Book


Case Study: Teacher Change

Avatar Project: Spanish Oral Exams

High School Spanish 2 & 3 Students

Developed an Avatar to take oral exams

Used http://voki.com

Focus: Engagement in oral speaking, oral speaking exams, culture representation with images

EXAMPLE: Mobile Podcasting Project: Field Trips

High School Chemistry Students on a field trip at Cranbrook Science Museum in MI.

Cell Phones pictures documented chemical elements.

Used: Camera on cell phone and sent to drop.io at http://drop.io/CKCHEM4

2nd Grade Field Trip


Scavenger Hunt

• http://drop.io

Film/picture on the Fly Projects

http://www.koce.org/filmonthefly http://www.cellphonesinlearning.com/2009_04_01_archive.html

Text Message Alerts!

Sending out mass text messages to large or small groups of people.

http://textmarks.com http://txtblaster.com


EXAMPLE: interactive brainstorming boards

CPS Project: Brainstorming


Summer Text Program

Norwich Free Academy (Connecticut)

• Text of the week!• Monday is vocabulary day• Tuesday is science facts• Wednesday is mathematics• Thursday is history • Friday covers a variety of topics including general

knowledge and cultural literacy

• Each day is a theme

• Parents and Students Opt in

Use a cell phone to write a private or collaborative novel, poem, chapter review, or short story to “publish” on a cell phone.

Mobile Novels


Elementary Spanish

3rd-6th graders use Google Voice to call in oral language assignments


Create Your Own Mobile Scavenger Hunt

• http://www.scvngr.com

SCVNGR Example

• High School

• History Class

• Scavenger Hunt on Constitution

• http://vimeo.com/9348372

SCVNGR Example

• High School

• English Class

• Scavenger Hunt on Shakespeare

• “One of the challenges that they had to do read “Stand up as a group and, with your right arm in the air, repeat the Shakespeare’s motto in Latin. It was a kick to watch them do this. Honestly I was surprised that not a single student refused to do the challenges.”

9th Graders Text Messaging Romeo and Juliet

• 9th Grade English in Michigan

• Translating Romeo and Juliet to “text speak”

• Start in class with translating a few lines to a wiffiti board.

• Voting on best “translations”

• Move to Homework

• Create a whole text message novel of Romeo and Juliet

Mobile Note taking and Organization

Using your cell phone to create speech to text reminders, emails, twitters, scheduled items on web-based calendars, get translations, and more!

Mobile Note taking and Organization

• http://dial2do.com Create an account

• Send Emails

• Transcription

• Translation

• Post to your Google Calendar, get SMS reminders of your events.

• Create reminders

• Listen to any website or news feed


• Bar codes for cell phones. Take a picture of a bar code and receive information on your phone.

• Need to download a free reader on your phone

• http://kaywa.com

• http://www.i-nigma.com/CreateBarcodes.html

• http://zxing.appspot.com/generator/


• Send text, audio, or email to mass groups at one time.

• Schedule messages

• Get Feedback

• http://www.sendgm.com/

Student’s Say…

"The whole having to hide the cell phone is really why so many students are not able to pay attention. If we were allowed our cell phones as we work, we would pay a lot more attention, since we don't have to keep glancing down at the cell phone we are currently hiding under a table. I am able to avoid the whole messaging thing during school, but if they allowed it I have the feeling my grades would go higher, and my learning would improve”

-Thomas, high school student

Professional Resources
