Buy Putti Forms


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Go  on  to  App  Direct!overview  and  click  ‘Buy  Now’  

You  will  then  be  asked  to  sign  up  or  login.  

If  you  select  sign  up,  enter  your  email  and  you  will  receive  a  confirmaMon  email.  

Click  the  confirmaMon  link  on  the  email  and  you  will  be  directed  to  the  ‘acMvate  your  account’  page.  Fill  out  your  

details  and  click  conMnue.  

You  will  then  be  directed  to  the  buy  now  page  where  you  need  to  select  your  desired  plan  and  a  design  package  if  required.  Then  

click  conMnue.  

You  will  then  be  directed  to  the  ‘buy  now’  page.  Select  your  desired  plan  and  a  design  package,  if  required.  Then  click  conMnue.  

On  the  next  page,  enter  your  payment  details,  PayPal  or  Credit  Card.  Then  click  conMnue.  (Clicking  PayPal  will  redirect  you  to  

PayPal  payment  screen).    

Once  your  details  have  been  added  you  need  accept  the  Ts  &  Cs  and  click  to  place  the  order    

Once  the  order  has  been  placed  you  will  receive  an  order  receipt.  On  this  page  click  to  go  to  ApplicaMons.    

Select Putti Forms on the applications screen on your App Direct account

Fill out the form to create your instance that will be used to create forms, assign users and read submissions etc. The Company URL determines your Putti Forms address so choose something simple and convenient.

The password is for accessing the iOS or Android Putti Forms app. After clicking submit, it may take a short time to set up your instance, so please be patient.

Once your instance has been created you, will be taken to your Putti Forms dashboard. Here holds the information regarding how many forms, users etc you

have, which will depend on the plan you selected.

From the dashboard you can start creating your forms by clicking the forms tab on the top menu bar
