Building Enterprise Dashboards By Vivek Khurana At The Bt Summit Bangalore



Vivek Khurana, Owner, Soundsource Consultancy presents at the BT Summit on Building enterprise

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Building Enterprise dashboards

Presented by:Vivek Khurana

Soundsource Consultancyat

www.btsummit.comNovember 4, 2009

This presentation is not

A software demo


This presentation is

Collection of 15 lessons learnt from mistakes we have done while building dashboards.

Points to remember while building or buying a dashboard solution.

Trendz in dashboard design.


Have a clear idea of what you want on a dashboard.

One size doesnot fit all

Different people require different information

Dashboard design is iterative

You will never get it correct in one go and the iterations will never end.

UI do matter

Unusable controls are going to create problems.

Focus on data

Dashboard with no substance is useless,

Dont put in too much

You are limited by screen size.

Listen to users, yet dont listen to them

A driver might not know what is going to harm him.

Dashboard data should be current

Current != Real

Notify the user

Dashboard should generate some kind of alert on updates.

Learn from news sites

Every information has a place and it has to be in its place.

Put it on a mobile

Handhelds are ubiquitous now.


Trend #1

Animated charts

Trend #2

Streaming dashboards.

Trend #3

Collabrative visualization.

Trend #4


Thank you

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