Buddy Press 10-19-2012



The slideshow presentation by Brian Messenlehner and Tom Carney made on October 20th, 2012 at WordCamp Philly on the campus at Temple University. The demonstration website that Brian and Tom used was PhillyBuddyPress.com to see the setup done within with the presentation.

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BuddyPress: How to Create Social Networks from Your Wordpress Websites

By: Brian Messenlehner & Tom Carney October 20, 2012

About Us Brian Messenlehner

Twitter: @bmess

Email: brian@webdevstudios.com

Tom Carney

Twitter: @tecdoc

Email: tecdoc4877@gmail.com

What is BuddyPress?

An intro and history of the plugin

BuddyPress Installation

Running the BuddyPress Installation Wizard

BuddyPress Components

BuddyPress Structure

BuddyPress Plugins

The BuddyPress Roadmap –

What you may see in future versions

Question and Answers

What We Will Be Covering:

Social Networking Plugin for WordPress

Social Media like features that are comparable to Facebook

First Stable release version was in May 2009

Current Version 1.6.1

About BuddyPress

BuddyPress Installation

Download the plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress/

Installation Wizard

BuddyPress Components

Activity Blogs Core Forums Friends Groups

Members Messages Settings Theme XProfile







BuddyPress File Structure

/bp-members /bp-messages /bp-settings /bp-themes /bp-xprofile bp-loader.php

There are several ways to create or customize a BP Theme

1. Create a Child Theme from the BP-Theme folder

2. Adding the necessary BP files and folders to your theme. Also, the need to add BP code to your theme’s functions.php

3. Using a BP Template Pack or BP Skeleton to add the necessary BP functionality needed to your theme. (Outdated because of the Theme Compatiblity functions of BuddyPress version 1.7)

Customizing the BP theme

BuddyPress Loop

<?php if ( bp_has_members() ) : while ( bp_has_members() ) : bp_the_member(); ?>

BP Template Tags

<?php bp_member_name(); ?>

<?php bp_member_permalink(); ?>

The BuddyPress Loop

The BuddyPress Database Stucture wp_bb_forums













wp_bp_messages_messages wp_bp_messages_notices wp_bp_messages_recipients wp_bp_notifications wp_bp_user_blogs wp_bp_user_blogs_blogmeta wp_bp_xprofile_data wp_bp_xprofile_fields wp_bp_xprofile_groups wp_bp_xprofile_meta

BP Album

Invite Anyone

BP Group Management

BP Achievements

BP Toolbar

BP Mobile

Buddy Stream

BP Gravity Forms Extension

BuddyPress Plugins Some of the Plugins that we use for BuddyPress sites. There are over 450 BuddyPress plugins in the repository

BuddyPress compatibility for all WP themes

Improved Admin UI/UX features for Groups

Improve DB performance when querying users

Finish the Group Forum integration with bbPress 2

The BuddyPress Roadmap BuddyPress version 1.7 improvements

Global content tagging

Bulk accept/reject friendship requests

Grouping of similar activity stream items

Ability to block all communication from a user

Option to receive forum post notifications via email

Structured profile fields (templates for address / phone number)

AJAX live updating of site wide activity stream

Import/Export of all BuddyPress user data

Archiving of messages to an archive folder

jQuery autocomplete for @ mentions

Roadmap (Con’t) Future BuddyPress Features (1.7+)

Sites That Use Buddy Press

http://www.trainerspace.com http://commons.gc.cuny.edu/ http://www.isixsigma.com/ http://helloecoliving.com/ http://www.ooizit.com

Questions & Answers