GIS Services



Slide show demonstration the different uses for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for real world business decisions as it relates to data mining and due diligence. Specific Focus and the study of high speed internet and broadband availability by technology.

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Geographic Information Geographic Information Services (GIS)Services (GIS)

Advanced Broadband Availability Mapping and Data Mining

Brian Webster Consulting

What is GIS?What is GIS?

Geographic Information Systems.Visual presentation of data.Uses maps to “SEE” your data and any

trends.Complex analysis of data.Creates answers and business

intelligence.Properly used, it gives a competitive


What can GIS do for me?What can GIS do for me?

Objectively displays data.Shows trends or clusters (or lack of).Compares new and old data.Studies proprietary data against public

information like census statistics.Gives you more information to make

business decisions.

What will it tell me?What will it tell me?

Sales by location and amount.Where your customers come from.Who your best customers are.Why some locations perform better.If advertising is being targeted in the

areas your customers are located.

What will it tell me (continued)What will it tell me (continued)

If you have overlapping service areas.The average distance your customers

travel to buy.The most profitable customers and if

you target advertising to them.Geographic patterns in data.

This type of information can This type of information can be gathered quickly and cost be gathered quickly and cost


GIS should be called a GIS should be called a “Business Intel System”“Business Intel System”

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Simple plot of customer addressesSimple plot of customer addresses

These images illustrate the concept of mapping your customer addresses to look at any trends. This data is easily overlaid on a street map. Each dot is an address


Customer Mapping ToolsCustomer Mapping Tools

Mapping data can help you assign workloads or territories.

Territories can be assigned by density or physical area.

Existing databases can have this information added without manual input.

Example Territory MapExample Territory Map

In conjunction with this type of map a corresponding spreadsheet or database can be created that would assign any address to the proper territory, eliminating manual data

entry to existing systems.

Targeted MarketingTargeted Marketing

With commercial mailing lists you can use selected records based on your needs. If you open a new store you can market to the addresses in the list that pertain to that location only.

Helps maximize your advertising dollarsExamine the circulation or coverage

area of your media outlets to chose the most effective advertiser for your needs.

Example Newspaper Circulation AreasExample Newspaper Circulation Areas

Radio Station Coverage AreasRadio Station Coverage Areas

GIS and High Speed Internet GIS and High Speed Internet (Broadband) Systems(Broadband) Systems

UsesUses GIS can display detailed availability information with

specific technology coverage area. Industry and market specific statistics can be

tabulated. Address data can be compared to the coverage area

to identify who can be served. Occupied household density per square mile is

established. Where competition has overlapping or unique service

areas. Adoption and Take Rates by state, county or market


Technology Coverage MapTechnology Coverage Map

This map shows the coverage area by technology statewide.

Availability MapAvailability Map

This map shows the areas served by broadband or high speed Internet access.

What other things can GIS What other things can GIS do?do?

Identify exactly who is served by name and address.

Pre-Qualify customers for service by street address.

Establish the minimum housing density a competitor uses for broadband deployment.

Tabulate total served households and population count.

Identify precise adoption rates and use that in business modeling for more rural markets.

Compare Infrastructure DataCompare Infrastructure Data

This map shows other data sources such as registered Cable TV communities and DSL enabled Telephone switch locations.

Study Specific InfrastructuresStudy Specific Infrastructures

This maps shows the maximum DSL service areas from the telephone switch trimmed by the wire center boundaries.

Demographic StudiesDemographic Studies

The yellow areas represent the census blocks covered by a 4 site wireless high speed internet system.

Household DensityHousehold Density

Each census block is shaded by number of households, the darker the color the more units in the area. This total network serves 34,753 households with a population of 97,660.

Examine census block data for new market opportunities.

Intelligently investigate new markets for financial viability before construction.

Identify key demographic elements of your served markets.

Compare your coverage area to your advertising distribution areas.

Examine data patterns for regulatory (USF reform) purposes.

Other Uses

GIS and Due DiligenceGIS and Due Diligence

Business AcquisitionsBusiness Acquisitions GIS is a valuable tool for investigating the

value of a company for purchase or acquisition.

GIS shows business data trends that may not be obvious.

GIS allows business decisions to be made based hard facts rather than intuition.

GIS allows you to uncover a “diamond in the rough” or to expose an overvalued entity.

Uncover market information about the company that may have gone unnoticed.

Do this quickly and cost effectively. Use as tool to determine the best purchase or

selling price. Determine how to best integrate the new

company with your existing operations. Identify and eliminate overlapping services or


GIS can speed the due GIS can speed the due diligence process diligence process


The bottom line is GIS can be The bottom line is GIS can be applied to make actionable applied to make actionable

financial decisionsfinancial decisions

Contact InformationContact Information

Brian Webster Consulting214 Eggleston Hill RoadCooperstown, NY 13326

(607) 643-4055 Voice(208) 692-1898 Fax
