Briefing room 20160913-ep0016-sap-anomalies-or-alerts-streaming-analytics-to-the-rescue-dez-slides


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Analytics.. From batch to real-time..

My top five use cases for analytics.. all of which are screaming out for real time capabilities streaming analytics can bring about a fundamental transformation in ways we’re still coming to grips with..

1. Fraud Detecting & Security

2. Compliance & Regulatory Reporting

3. Customer Segmentation

4. Operational Risk Management

5. Personalised Product Offering

The challenge now for organisations of all size and scale, is to select the best Streaming Analytics tools & platforms to meet the needs of both their staff and their customers


3 x forms of analytics focus

past present predictive


Aviation.. One of my favorite use cases..


When life was simpler..


Analytics was simpler..


the last decade has seen the

worlds technology develop at

a pace difficult to comprehend



Beyond ‘simple’ scale & complexity..


it’s been reported that the

Boeing 787 Dreamliner has

1,000’s of sensors per wing


Present.. Life the Universe & Everything..

The Boeing Dreamliner 787 is reported to produce 500 Gigabytes of data per flight, from thousands of sensors in every part of the aircraft, front back left and right..

• 500 Gigabytes of new data generated per flight ( let’s call it half a Terabyte )

• 87,400 flights per day in the domestic airspace over the USA alone ( *NOAA )

• 87,400 x 0.5 Terabytes = 43,700 Terabytes approx.

• Let’s round that down to 42 Petabytes approx for easy math

• That’s 42 Petabyes of data per day! The meaning of Life, the Universe & Everything

• Traditional big data analytics simply can’t scale to cope with these volumes

* The USA’s National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration estimate that on any given day, some 87,400 flights are in the skies in the United States


Why is Streaming so different?

The transition from Batch Mode processing to Stream Analytics is still a real challenge for most organizations to grasp and put into effect, as it’s a paradigm shift few have seen before outside the likes of Telecoms or Military industries..

• Batch Analytics

• High latency applications• Static Data / Databases• Store then Process• Batch processes

• Stream Analytics

• Low latency applications• High volume Event streams• Real time Sense & respond• Plug-in Stream processors• In stream processing


Streaming Analytics is the new Black..

When we applied the 3x V’s of Volume, Variety and Velocity at what’s referred to as ‘WebScale’ we got Big Data.. Now we need to address the explosion of IoT coming at us like a freight train, and without Streaming Analytics we are destined to fail..


organizations should move “full stream ahead” to adopt streaming analytics solutions if they wish to

offer their staff a bona fide ability to meet the need for real-time data and insights in decision making