Break into tech_developing_online_presence


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Breaking Into Tech From Corporate America: Developing an Online Presence

By Justin Reitman +

Courtney Ronan +

Suits to Silicon Alley

Thursday, May 30, 13

Four Questions to Introduce Ourselves

Who are you?

What do you do?

Which one of Social Media Platforms do you prefer?

Where would you like to be in 6 months?

Thursday, May 30, 13

Four Questions to Introduce Ourselves

Who are you?

What do you do?

Which one of Social Media Platforms do you prefer?

Where would you like to be in 6 months?

I’m Justin Co-Founder of Suits to Silicon Alley

I’m a lawyer by training and currently Head of Content for Equitally a Fin-Tech Startup

I prefer Linkedin and Twitter for professional use - Facebook and Instagram for social.

At Equitally in charge of Business Development

Thursday, May 30, 13

My Story

Tried to break in for over 6 months

Went to Meetups, Networking events, took classes

Attended Startup Weekend - Worked on project and team came in second

Kept in touch with Mentors, asked them how I could help

After getting coffee and meeting every other week with my boss, he asked me to join company.

Thursday, May 30, 13

Our Roadmap

Lots of Noise





Thursday, May 30, 13

Lots of Noise

Twitter Quora Linkedin

Facebook Blog Meetup

AngelList Google+ SkillShare

Thursday, May 30, 13


Twitter LinkedIn


Thursday, May 30, 13


Consolidate your MessageShort summary describes who you are (background, interests, current role)

Connect your - Personal Landing page

Twitter - LinkedIn - Blog

Thursday, May 30, 13


Bottom-Up Networking Fill your stream with relevant content

Discover Relevant People Start small, who do they follow

Interact with individualsFeedback, questions (make them feel important)

Thursday, May 30, 13

Relevant People fill their feed with Relevant Information and

Powerful People

Ask People Questions: They will Respond

Give Feedback!

Thursday, May 30, 13


Make Every Connection Count Tell them why you are connecting; ask a questionDon’t reach out unannounced

Follow the Companies and groups you want to be apart of

Have a relevant Summary

Thursday, May 30, 13


To show world who you are

Develop an expertise

Become a Thought Leader

Reach out for an interview

Lets Make it


Thursday, May 30, 13

StrategyDo you want to start a company?

Which Industry?Edu-tech, eCommerce, Enterprise, Social Web

Crunch Base has a complete list

Use Social Media to solve your weaknesses and promote your strengths

Do you want to work at a startup?What Industry?

What Position?Biz Dev, Product, User Acquisition, Marketing

Follow people in those positions

Thursday, May 30, 13

Anything Else

Other NetworksQuora - Answer and Ask Questions (Become an expert)

Skill Share - Work on Projects Make Something

Meetup - Find People with like minded interests

Other ResourcesStartup Institute

General Assembly


Business Insider

Thursday, May 30, 13

Four Final Takeaways

Life-Long Learning

Developing Your Voice

Curating Content and Network (Top-Down)

Engaging with Your Network + Feedback

Thursday, May 30, 13
