Best e-mail services



A study about the online e mail services providers. By Dario Furente

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Best e-mail marketing services. By DARIOFURENTE

+Why this analysis?

1. To find out the best quality-service/price relation.

2. To get to know the most up-to-date features related to the e-mail marketing.

3. To create ad hoc new service platform.

+Why use an e-mail marketing service?

E-mail marketing services allow to easily create, manipulate and track professional e-mails for your marketing campaigns to improve your communication strategies and your sells.

Just forget traditional envelopes and stamps!

+E-mail marketing services, so many providers:



StreamSend E-mail Brain Dinamize

UolHost iConact Pinpointe MailChimp

Campaigner Mailigen Go Daddy

JangoMail EasyMailing

Benchmark e-mail Mad Mimi

E-mail Marketing Constant Contact

Vertical Response Boomerang

+The best three…



StreamSend E-mail Brain Dinamize

UolHost iConact Pinpointe MailChimp

Campaigner Mailigen Go Daddy

JangoMail EasyMailing

Benchmark e-mail Mad Mimi

E-mail Marketing Constant Contact

Vertical Response Boomerang

+Why?So far Constant Contact, Benchmark e-mail and iContact have the best and most numerous futures compered to other similar service providers.

The general feature are: Drag and drop easy to use editor (to compose

mails). Tracking service (to know if the e-mails got

trashed, received, etc.). E-mail list management (to import e-mail

addresses, in ex. from an Excel spreadsheet). Integration with Social media (such as Facebook,

twitter, LinkedIn etc.).

+iContact. 1/2Features.

WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editor but still professional thanks to the possible implementation of HTML code.

Integration with social media: allows users to add Facebook and Twitter buttons and barcodes.

Target segmentation: age, gender etc.

Sign up form to add directly to Website.

Function of creating customer survey.

Spam test to evaluate the e-mail subject.

+iContact. 1/2Features.

Large selection of e-mail templates optimized for every e-mail client (Google mail, Lotus notes, Hotmail, Outlook 2010 etc. ).

Customizable mail layout with company logos, images etc. to maintain the corporate identity and integration with company’s web site.

Track service both for emails and social media (opened e-mail, bounced, no info, clicked; number of F.B. likes, comments, clicks etc.).

Service of time scheduling.

+Screenshots of some services.


+Screenshots of some services.

Facebook integration.

+Screenshots of some services.

A barcode button can be add on the mail txt.

+Screenshots of some services.

Tracking function.

+Prices.Per months.

0 to 500 e-mails: $ 14.

501 to 2500 e-mails: $ 29.

2501 to 5000 e-mails: $ 47.

5001+ e-mails: dedicated account service.


Best easy to use editor.

Good integration with social media.

Access through Android and iPhone devices.

Large selection of e-mail templates.

Creation of survey.

Sign up form for your website.


Doesn't include LinkedIn buttons focusing just on Twitter and Facebook.

Tracking reports do not include the best conversion rate.

+Benchmark e-mail. 1/2Features.

Editor drag and drop.

Templates divided by industry (real estate, invitations, education, etc.).

Segmentation of e-mail list.

Advanced e-mail delivery service to quit any spam characteristic.

Member of ESPC and Return Path trusted organization, (means less chance of reaching the spam folder).

+Benchmark e-mail. 2/2Features.

Allows multiple users access.

Auto set of campaigns, for customers with luck of time.

Integration with Google analytics.

Track Service.

Survey creation.

Integration with Twitter, Facebook, Wordpress, Blip, Vimeo, YouTube.

+Screenshots of some services.

Tracking report.

+Screenshots of some services.

Mailing list management.

+Prices.Per months.

0 to 600 e-mails: $ 9,95.

601 to 1000 e-mails: $ 12,95.

1001 to 2500 e-mails: $ 19.95.

2501 to 5000 e-mails: $ 35.

5001 to 10000 e-mails: $ 60.

10001 to 25000 e-mails: $112 .

25001 to 50000 e-mails: $ 200.


Advanced e-mail delivery.

Member of ESPC.

Full integration with Google analytics.

Multiple users access.

Best Price.


Doesn't offer conversion tracking (but it is available through integration with Google Analytics).

+Constant Contact. 1/2Features.

400 templates.

Easy to create e-mails campaign with the 3 steps process: “create the look, select the audience, schedule and send”.

“Join my mailing list” app. to enable customer to sign directly from the Facebook page.

Wordpress plugin available for those who don’t have a web.

Social media integration (add buttons for Twitter, LinkedIn F.B. ; links for YouTube, Flickr and purchasing options like Paypal and Amazon).

+Constant Contact. 2/2Features.

Customization with XHTML code and CSS.

Survey service (under extra payment).

Tracking service without including conversion tracking.

IPhone editor app. to create mails directly from the phone.

+Screenshots of some services.


+Screenshots of some services.

Mailing list management.

+Screenshots of some services.

Social media integration (example of social media template ready to use).

+Screenshots of some services.

Social media tracking report.

+Prices.Per months.

0 to 500 e-mails: $ 15.

501 to 2500 e-mails: $ 30.

2501 to 5000 e-mails: $ 50.

5001 to 10000 e-mails: $ 75.

10001 to 25000 e-mails: $ 150.

25000+ e-mails: Need to call.


Numerous templates including social media template ready to use.

Mailing list signing form app. directly on F.B. page.

Wordpress plugin for those without website or more focused on blogging.

IPhone app.

Best social media integration.


Xhtml instead of html for those who want integrate code parts.

Survey service require extra payment.

Missing integration with Google analytics.


The there providers are surely the best ones available on the market now.

Without any doubt iContact offers the largest range of services but not at the cheapest price.

On the other hands we have Benchmark emal that seems to have the best delivery results and an affordable price offer.

Constant Content is particularly appealing for bloggers due to its great social media integration and the Wordpress plugin feature.
