B2B Conversion-Optimization Case Study



The Cline Group’s Strategy -- Consulted on the best- practices in online advertising -- Took over the company’s LinkedIn advertising campaign -- Created multiple campaigns and versions of ads within each campaign to test the results and adapt accordingly -- Worked with the client ’s graphic design team on landing-page best practices to increase conversion rates and lower the cost-per-lead The Results The LinkedIn conversion- optimization results thus far: -- The conversion rate increased by 658% -- The cost-per-lead declined by 83%

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B2B Conversion-Optimization Case Study: massiveImpact

The Problem

massiveImpact had been spending $249 per acquired lead in the company’s LinkedIn lead-generation advertising campaign. The company hired The Cline Group to increase the conversion rate and lower the cost-per-lead coming from advertisements on the B2B social-media network. The campaign is currently ongoing at the time of this publication. The data from the campaign prior to our work:

82% of visitors from LinkedIn who had arrived at the first landing-page left without doing anything

Only 24% had gone to the second landing-page (the sign-up page)

1% total of the visitors had “converted” by filling out the form on the second landing-page

The Cline Group’s Strategy

Consulted on the best-practices in online advertising

Took over the company’s LinkedIn advertising campaign

Created multiple campaigns and versions of ads within each campaign to test the results and adapt accordingly

Worked with the client’s graphic design team on landing-page best practices to increase conversion rates and lower the cost-per-lead

The Results The LinkedIn conversion-optimization results thus far:

The conversion rate increased by 658%

The cost-per-lead declined by 83%

New Campaign

Old Campaign

Amount Spent $211.41 $1,496.71

Clicks 102 724

Cost Per Click $2.07 $2.07

Entrances 66 598

Conversions 5 6

Conversion Rate 7.58% 1.00%

Cost per Conversion $42 $249

Detailed changes to the landing pages are on the following pages.

Prior Landing Pages The prior conversion process consisted of two landing pages. First, traffic would arrive here:

This layout was ineffective because the page was a long block of text with one small call-to-action each on the side and on the bottom of the page. The few people who would click on one of the buttons would then be taken to a second landing page:

The form consisted of a lot of text, numerous fields, and a small button all the way at the bottom of the page.

The Cline Group worked with massiveImpact to redesign the conversion process so that it would consist of a single page, a shorter form, better graphics and calls-to-action, and no way to exit through clicking to other pages.
