Ax 2012 enterprise portal development



This is a jump start course in Arabic for Dynamics AX 2012 Enterprise Portal development.

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Enterprise portal development

Dynamics AX 2012

Moutasem Al-awa Technical consultant at eBECS


• What is the Enterprise Portal?

• Demo – Create List page

• Structure of the Enterprise Portal

• Coffee break

• Demo – Create Detail page

• Modelling Enterprise portal pages

• Debugging in the Enterprise portal

• Demo – Debugging X++ in EP, Debugging User controls on EP

What is the Enterprise Portal?

• The Enterprise Portal is a combination of several standard Microsoft technologies that provide a web-based user interface similar to what is available in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 client. The Enterprise Portal also hosts the pages used for Role Centres in the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 client.

Enterprise Portal Architecture

Enterprise Portal in AOT

Demo – Create List page

Structure of the Enterprise Portal

Navigation Elements

List Pages

Detail Pages

Navigation interaction pattern

Coffee break15 minutes

Demo – Create Detail page

Modelling Enterprise portal pages

• Data set

• User control

• Web Part

• Page

• Web Module

Debugging in the Enterprise portal

• Debugging X++ in the Enterprise Portal

• Debugging User controls on Enterprise portal pages

Debugging X++ in the Enterprise Portal

• Configuring Internet Information Services (desktop interaction must be enabled for the IIS World Wide Web service.)

• Preventing Web Session Timeouts (Debug = true)

• Configuring the Microsoft Dynamics AX Business Connector for Debug

• Configuring the Application Object Server for Debug

• Verifying or Adding User Rights to Debug

Demo – Debugging X++ in EP

Debugging User controls on Enterprise portal pages

• Enabling Debug in the Enterprise Portal (Debug = true)

• Adding the Necessary Code Artefacts to the Web Application Project

• Debugging the User Control in the Enterprise Portal (Attach to process)

Demo – Debugging User controls on EP

Useful links

• EP Training (Partner source)

• EP Benchmark (Partner source)

• AX 2012 EP Cookbook

• Community blog


• EP Code samples (AX 2009)

• EP Screen casts (AX 2009)

Q & A

Thank you
