Automation for masses or story of creation yet another automation framework @SeleniumCamp



One of the most important parameters for any kind of framework or tool is Level of Understanding. Lower level allow more people to start to use it and companies to hire more people for cheaper price. I want to tell the story of creation automation framework for masses, based on Selenium of course. We will discuss general concepts, some backend details and future plans.

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  • 1. Automation For Masses or story of creation yet another automation framework

2. About me Anton Smorodsky - work in IT since 2005 - since 2010 concentrate on Automation - was involved in develop of two Automation Frameworks - love linux and java skype : asmorodsky Gmail : 3. Agenda General thoughts about Automation For Masses (AFM)AFM 1.0 . First tryAFM 2.0 . Wiping Excel with Java stack technologiesSome handy featuresFuture plansQuestions 4. Ideal Automation QA 5. Real world situation 6. Our solution 7. AFM - Automation For Masses AFM Command launchBrowser , click , setvalue , hoverElementIfCommand conditional runRunStep call to anotherAFM CommandARG1 ARG2Element 8. Other important entitiesSTEPAFM CommandTest CaseARG1 ARG2Element 9. Storage 10. Excel HELL Edit of book with 500 rowsEndless switching between booksExcel ODBC magicTest Cases sharingVersioning 11. AFM 1.0 Execution Shared network driveWindows Scheduler 12. New AGE - AFM 2.0 Replacing Excel with Java stack technologies Excel data migrate to DB (MySQL)Microsoft ODBC to HibernateEdit in Excel to edit in PrimeFaces 13. AFM 2.0 14. AFM 2.0 15. General system architecture 16. AFM 2.0 Execution Scheduling Settings Agent to useScheduler BrowserTypeDomainRunEntity 17. Handy features 18. Sizzle locators jQuery locator not implemented in pure selenium (examples) : .container-checkout2.clearfix.stored_cc>table>tbody>tr>td >input[type=radio].tab-head.clearfix:contains('Credit / Debit Card')>input#dropdown_aria_list_4 19. Online tests results viewer 20. Online tests results viewer 21. Other worth to mention features Step warning Test Case keywords (TestNG groups analog) AFClipboard (buffer ) 22. Integrations Test Link (manual test management system )Jenkins AFM plugin 23. Future plans Versioning StepHistory and ElementHistoryHeadless automation HtmlUnit and XvfbPhantomJS ! 24. Questions
