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Archiving In Second Life

ASRA 2007

Archiving In Second Life

• What Is Second Life?

• Who is OhMy Kidd?

• Alienspeaking crew

• Archivists of Second Life

[23:25] Yman Juran: 24 hours from now is 11 PM saturday for this right ?[23:26] You: If you want to sugges another time I am happy to promote it as a sperate eventand to

do my end of the tech (running audio sream)[23:26] Yman Juran: my commitment is early saturday, in the day time from 9-15 in europe[23:27] You: Also I have another event from 9 PM Saturday SL time maybe that works better[23:27] Yman Juran: and then I suggested to do the show in SL at 12.15 PM but is it then sunday in

SL[23:27] You: Yes, and it is around 9:27 in Europe now?[23:27] Yman Juran: no it is 8.27[23:27] You: OK sorry[23:27] Yman Juran: in the morning[23:27] You: in the morning, right?[23:28] Yman Juran: and one day and 4 hours from now gets us to 12.30[23:29] Yman Juran: PM SL time[23:29] Yman Juran: or...?????[23:29] You: soI'm trying to hink in your time now - I think my event starts at 7 am European time

tomorrow and goes to about 9:15 with the present schedule[23:30] You: Your place in the original schedule was at 8 am[23:30] Yman Juran: right[23:30] Yman Juran: which was 8 in the morning, half an hour ago[23:31] You: exactly, but because of the date difference you arrived to find only me :-([23:31] Yman Juran: right smiles

Reflections on being ten days old How to have fun in SL:

DO Figure out what you're here for. My first SL friend asked me "what are you doing here?" It made me

think. The answer is in my profile. Fill in your profile - it's a quick "first impression" for others. Look at other people's profiles.

Pay attention to the chat around you. Join in. There's more than one way to join in. Get very familiar with search - it's the web of Second Life.

DON'T Don't Panic. Take it slow. If the place you're in isn't slow, then it probably isn't fun.

Don't be impatient. Sure there's lag, and all the rest, but it's a long way from web 1.0 to Second Life in only 10 years (www being 14 and SL being 4 I think that works out). Don't take it for granted - be

amazed! Don't forget that behind every avatar is a real person. Don't forget that YOU are you're avatar. Be free,

be real, be cool, be fun, be you. Don't leave a place so quick you don't see what's going on. Don't stay if you don't like it.

Best experiences: Dancing with strangers, who were dancing as a group made me feel part of the group.

Hearing (and seeing) RL friends performing in SL. OhMy! Being part of a huge crowd at a gig.

Freebie shopping frenzy! Worst experiences:

Getting stuck in a wall of a house a friend was building in a sandbox. System crashing the first time I was in a huge crowd.

- OhMy Kidd
