"Archive What I See Now" - NEH ODH overview



"Archive What I See Now": Bringing Institutional Web Archiving Tools to the Individual Researcher Slides from shutdown-cancelled NEH ODH Project Directors' Meeting (originally scheduled for Oct 4, 2013) Michele C. Weigle and Michael L. Nelson

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"Archive What I See Now"Bringing Institutional Web Archiving Tools to the Individual Researcher

Michele C. Weigle and Michael L. Nelson

Old Dominion University{mweigle,mln}@cs.odu.edu

Web Science and Digital Libraries (WS-DL) Research Group

ws-dl.blogspot.com, bit.ly/wc-wail

NEH ODH Partners MeetingOctober 4, 2013

Standard web archiving tools are difficult for non IT experts.

"Save Page As" is not suitable for archiving purposes.

Pages are behind authentication.

Pages change quickly, but current state needs archiving.


NEH ODH Partners MeetingOctober 4, 2013

Standard web archiving tools are difficult for non IT experts.

"Save Page As" is not suitable for archiving purposes.

Pages are behind authentication.

Pages change quickly, but current state needs archiving.



NEH ODH Partners MeetingOctober 4, 2013

Standard web archiving tools are difficult for non IT experts.

"Save Page As" is not suitable for archiving purposes.

Pages are behind authentication.

Pages change quickly, but current state needs archiving.


What I See


NEH ODH Partners MeetingOctober 4, 2013

Standard web archiving tools are difficult for non IT experts.

"Save Page As" is not suitable for archiving purposes.

Pages are behind authentication.

Pages change quickly, but current state needs archiving.


What I See



NEH ODH Partners Meeting

WARCreate– generate archive of

any webpage, right from your browser

WAIL– gathers institutional-

strength archiving tools into simple package/GUI

– run your own Wayback Machine

October 4, 2013 http://bit.ly/wc-wail