Analyst View of Devices: Microsoft BYTE FY15



Images only (supply your own captions/content, if you'd like) of a comparison of perceptions of strengths and weaknesses of Apple, Google Chrome/Android and Windows devices in varying markets. Delivered by Frank Catalano, Intrinsic Strategy, at Microsoft's BYTE FY15 event on September 23, 2014. A column based on this presentation appeared later on the tech news site GeekWire at . Images mostly public domain drawings via Wikimedia Commons, photographs via Frank Catalano, logos via individual companies, and Clippy-Minecraft mashup via @poweredredstone on Twitter. Frank Catalano is principal and founder of Intrinsic Strategy, a marketing and business strategy consultancy for companies in education and consumer technology. Clients have included Apple, Pearson, McGraw-Hill, and the Toy Industry Association, among others. He’s also been Chief Marketing Officer for Professional Examination Service and Senior Vice President of Marketing for Pearson Education. In addition to working with his own clients, Frank works with MDR’s EdNET Insight service as a consulting Senior Analyst, and writes a commentary and analysis column for the tech news site GeekWire.

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