Analysis of contents pages and double page spreads


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Analysis of contents pages and double page spreads

NMEContents Page - The name of the page and name of the magazine are in large bold letters at the top of the page as this is the most important part of the page, so will stick out more. The issue date is on this page so people know what date it was released. There is a band index on this page so the readers can find their favourite band, easier to navigate. The subheadings are on the page to provide the reader about the articles in the magazine. The extract from the story is there because it is the feature article and the most interesting. Subscriptions are a different colour so it stands off the page, this is important because they want people to subscribe to their magazine. Double Page spread - One page of the double page spread is filled by a large image that is relevant to the article, usually the band that the article is about. The name of the (title) article is usually in a large font that will catch the eye of a reader. The title is typically the name of the band. The first letter on the contents of the article is usually bigger and bolder than the rest; this is to make sure the reader knows where to start reading. The font is usually a serif text as this makes the reader read across the columns of text. The colours on the page are simple basic colours such a black and white, but then the picture that is used includes bright red which stand off the page. There is a page number at the bottom of the page which is a basic feature in a magazine. When the artist is named in the text, her name is a different colour, and this is done because it makes the reader notice it, and if they are their favourite artist, they will start to read straight away.

QContents Page - The logo is at the top of the page as it the name of a magazine. The name of the page a typical feature as the readers will then know what page that is. The subheadings and smaller subheadings are on this page as it explains what will be in the magazine. These smaller headings include feature and regular articles. The main image is there to fill the room on the page and to interest people in the main article. Just like the large, main image, the quote will try to interest the reader in the main article in the magazine. There is no real template to this contents page, there is only one column over a large picture.Double Page Spread – On one of the pages of the double page spread, it contains a large image of the artist being interviewed with an interesting quote from the interview, this is because it is relevant to what the article is about and would be too boring with all text and no pictures. Unlike the NME double page spread, there is no large title, but it does contain a large letter over the whole page, often the first letter of the artist, this is because it makes the page look more interesting. The start of a new section of the article starts with a bold capital letter to signal that it is moving onto a new section. The title of the article is at the top of the page in a different font so the reader knows it’s the title of the page.

MOJOContents Page – The name of the magazine is the largest text on this contents page and is at the top of the magazine. The issue date and issue number is underneath this, this is information that is needed by the reader. The subheadings are on one side of the page and contain what will be in the magazine, including feature articles and regular content. There is also a large main image on the page, this is usually from the main cover story, and will attract the reader’s attention. The image is taken from a high angle shot, which is more interesting than a mid shot. The artist featured in the article, is wearing a red outfit which stands of the simple colour background. The quote is there to do the same thing; an interesting quote is picked to make the reader think the whole article is interesting.Double page spread - Again, one of the pages on the double page spread is filled by a picture of the artists the article is based on. There is an overview of the interview at the top of the page, used as a title of the article; this is to make people interested in the article so that they will read it. The colour scheme for this page is basic, using colours such as black, white and light blue; this makes it easier to read. The picture is a darker colour to the rest of the page, this makes it eye catching as it stand off the page. There is a page number at the bottom of the page which is a basic thing in a magazine. There is also the name of the interviewer on the page. A serif font is used as it makes the reader read across the columns easier.

The FlyContents page – This contents page is split into 4 columns, this makes it easier in the designing process to lay everything out. The issue date is also in large writing at the top of the page, this is so the reader knows which date/issue it is. Under this, there is one large picture which is not a usual feature of contents pages as there is usually more than one picture all relating to different articles within the magazine. The picture would be related to the main feature article in the magazine. The contents include both feature articles and regular contents. They are separated using bold letters for the page number, then underneath that, what the article is. A feature section in the magazine is in the colour orange, this will stand out to the reader and make them go to that article.Double page spread – On this double page spread, one of the pages is filled by a large image from a side view, this image is relevant to the article and has a blue tint over it. This is done because the title of the article is in a large, bold, blue font. So it fits in with the colour scheme of white, black and blue. On this contents page, one of the page is split up into two columns, this is so the writing can then fit into two columns. The page number is at the bottom and is a standard feature in a magazine; the website address is also at the bottom of the page. This is there so that more people will access their website. Underneath the title of the article, there is a little overview of the interview, this is there so that readers can read that and then decide if they want to read the whole article.

ClashContents page – In this magazine, the contents page in this magazine is double paged, this is not what many other magazines uses, so this deviates from the codes and conventions of a typical contents page. The pictures on this contents page are all pictures relevant to the articles in the magazine, and the page numbers anchor the images. There is no main image on the page, they all are around the same size and no picture dominates the page. The page numbers are also in a large font so that the reader knows what page to go to if they are interested in that certain article. The articles on this page are split into sections and this is done using different colours. Then the subsections are split by using larger texts and bold fonts. This page is split into five column sections; this makes it easier to layout.Double page spread – One page of the double page spread is filled by a large image that is relevant to the article, usually the band that the article is about. The top of the page is telling the reader what section/chapter of the magazine they’re in. The title of the page is quite disjointed, as the words are quite spaced apart in different fonts and different sizes. There is no page number on this magazine, which does not follow the conventions of a typical double page spread. One of the pages is split into three columns, this makes it easier to read for the reader and easier to design and make. Also, information such as the interviewer, photographer ect. are in a green box in white writing, this makes it stand out the to reader. On the side of the page is the website address, this is there because they want as many people as possible going onto the website.