Alphonce comp. centre


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ALPHONCE COMPUTING CENTRE:Alphonce Computing Centre is locally registered company that engaged primarily in Computer Training, Sales, maintenance and Secretarial.

Since establishment in late 2012 ,Our Centre has train well over 500 candidates. The trained people are from Government Ministries, Parasitical Organisation, Private Sponsored Individuals.Our Office is situated within Mbeya City,Soweto at Buttrane Company Office,Highway road(Uyole Stand,Opposite Oil Com Petrol Station). By ADM 1961.

MICROSOFT EXCEL Andika vichwa kwenye table (COLUMNS) Andika Serial Number kasha drag kwa kutumia karatasi pale penye nguvu-ulipo-click ili kuandika

serial numbers,zote zitajitokeza hadi pale unapotaka.

KUJUMLISHA (MAKSI,FEDHA,NAMBA n.k) Kanuni baada ya kuandika namba/maksi /fedha za waallytahiniwa unajumlisha-

horizontally na vertically hatua zifuatazo ni muhimu:Click equal sign (=), Sum ( highlight numbers, ),Enter =Answer. Then you autofill handle to get all answers.

TO PLACE GRADES (A,B,C,D,E,) Start with! Equal sign(=),IF, final score >(number which stars that group the lowest number from the top) is A,IF,final score (the lowest one)> is B, IF(click final score) > is C, IF,(final score,the slowest number) > which starts the goup is D, IF,final score <( here refer to the highest number at that group) is F.

NB:Wekta mabano matano kwa sababu grades ziko tano,na penye grades sita weka sita ya namna hii ))))) then bonyeza ENTER, Watahiniwa watakuwa wamejipanga kwenye madaraja yao.(kumbuka apostrophe kwenye madaraja).
