After Effect Lab



After Effect Lab

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AE Lab

New Project- Go to File > New > New Project

New Composition- Go to Composition > New Composition

Selection Tool

Selection Tool (V)- Add text with Horizontal Type Tool (Ctrl + T)- Choose Selection Tool (V), appear the black mouse then can drag the object.

Hand Tool (H)- Choose Hand Tool (H), appear the white mouse then can drag the composition.

Zoom Tool (Z)- Choose Zoom Tool (Z), then click to zoom in, or keep Alt then click to zoom out, or select Magnification ratio popup combo.

Rotation Tool (W)- Choose Rotation Tool (W), then drag to rotate the object.

Camera Tool (C)- Choose the 3D layer to enable 3D the layer.

Camera Tool (C) - cont.- Go to Layer > New > Camera

Camera Tool (C) - cont.- Then adjust the position.

Camera Tool (C) - Orbit- Choose the Orbit Camera Tool, then drag the object.

Camera Tool (C) - Track XY- Choose the Track XY Camera Tool, then drag the object.

Camera Tool (C) - Track Z- Choose the Track Z Camera Tool, then drag the object.

Text Tool

Add text- Add text with Horizontal Type Tool (Ctrl + T)

Font family, Style and Color- Choose the Font family, Font style and Color

Font size- Drag or choose the Set font size

Font spacing- Drag or choose the Set tracking characters

Font scale- Drag or choose Vertical, Horizontal Scale

Font shift- Drag or choose the Set baseline shift

Font tight- Drag or choose the Set Tsume characters

Font leading- Drag or choose the Set leading

Paragraph- Drag or choose the Paragraph style
