Active Merchant - Krzysztof Jabłoński (PRUG 2.0)


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ActiveMerchant Krzysztof Jablonski (Netguru)!

What will I say

!   Short overview of online payments!

!   What is Activemerchant and how it can help us?!

!   Paypal developer account!

!   Simple rails example!

Online payment providers

What is it activemerchant?

!   Ruby library for dealing with credit cards and payment processors and shipping.!

!   Created in 2006!

!   67 direct payment providers and 11 offsite payment gateways!

Structure of activmerchant

!   ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.mode = :test // development.rb

!   ActiveMerchant::Billing::PaypalExpressGateway!

!   login!

!   password!

!   signature!

!   setup_purchase(money, {:return_url, :cancel_return_url})!

!   redirect_url_for(token)!

!   details_for(token)!

!   purchase(money, {:token, :payer_id})!

Paypal developer account


Paypal Test accounts

Paypal Test accounts

rails example!