A Short WebRTC Introduction



A very short WebRTC introduction aimed at ICT managers. This presentation was used at BELTUG's October 2013 Member Forum.

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WebRTC – An Introduction by Johan Schoofs1/12 October 2013P.

WebRTC – An Introduction by Johan SchoofsOctober 2013

WebRTC – An Introduction by Johan Schoofs2/12 October 2013P.

What is WebRTC?

WebRTC is an API definition drafted by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to provide peer-to-peer applications for voice, video and data sharing

Goal: point-to-point or multipoint voice, video and data communication without browser plugins using JavaScript

Most peers today are devices running compatible web browsers but other devices such as WebRTC mobile devices are coming

WebRTC is considered a disruptive UC technology by many

WebRTC – An Introduction by Johan Schoofs3/12 October 2013P.

Standards and Browser Implementations

WebRTC standards development:

IETF standardises the on-wire protocols

W3C standardises the API

Compatible browsers (Oct. 2013)

Google Chrome >= 23

Mozilla FireFox >= 22

Ericsson Bowser

Opera (Mobile) >= 12

WebRTC – An Introduction by Johan Schoofs4/12 October 2013P.

Why is it Considered Disruptive?

Very easy to integrate UC in new or existing web applications using JavaScript

Based on open standards i.e. non-proprietary

Peer-to-peer media streaming i.e. no intermediate server involved in media streaming

The next wave of UC:

Wave 1: fully proprietary UC products

Wave 2: free, proprietary UC products such as Skype and Google Hangout

Wave 3: WebRTC-based products

Extremely fast pace of evolution (Internet speed)

Includes a minimum base set of royalty free codecs!

Open source

WebRTC – An Introduction by Johan Schoofs5/12 October 2013P.

Triangle Architecture

Web Server



WebRTC – An Introduction by Johan Schoofs6/12 October 2013P.

Trapezium Architecture


Web Server 1



Web Server 2


WebRTC – An Introduction by Johan Schoofs7/12 October 2013P.

Peer Architecture

WebRTC – An Introduction by Johan Schoofs8/12 October 2013P.

Typical Use Cases

Collaboration with voice/video, screen and data sharing

Real-time sales assistance on e-commerce websites

Remote support

Real-Time Communications embedded in social media such as FaceBook, Google+ or your organisation’s portal site

Distance learning

WebRTC – An Introduction by Johan Schoofs9/12 October 2013P.

WebRTC Stumbleblocks?

Microsoft’s CU-RTC-Web technology (Internet Explorer)

Co-existence is the norm today (gateways)

Apple’s silence (Safari)

Alternative browsers are available

Mobile browser support (anti-Google?)

WebRTC can be bundled with apps

Traditional Telco's and their often old-style business models

WebRTC should be seen as an opportunity

Potential WebRTC island formation

Federation and island-hopping is already in

No signalling!

Use what you know/prefer.

WebRTC – An Introduction by Johan Schoofs10/12 October 2013P.

Additional Info

Google’s WebRTC site: http://www.webrtc.org

A simple WebRTC demo: http://youtu.be/S6-rAv6bU8Q

The WebRTC World site: http://www.webrtcworld.com

A more detailed WebRTC intro: https://vimeo.com/47682405

A simple WebRTC demo server: https://apprtc.appspot.com/

The WebRTC book: http://www.webrtcbook.com

WebRTC – An Introduction by Johan Schoofs11/12 October 2013P.

An example: http://www.bistri.com

WebRTC – An Introduction by Johan Schoofs12/12 October 2013P.

WebRTC – An Introduction by Johan SchoofsOctober 2013
