A Revolutionary Approach to Success - Adam Grant


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The following slides are highlights from the interviewby @MoeAbdou, founder & host of 33voices.

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The youngest tenured professor and single highest-rated teacher

at The Wharton School.

His consulting and speaking clients include: Google, the NFL, Goldman Sachs, Merck, the

World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force.


Givers are winners,and they win big and often because they lift others with them



Life is rarely a zero-sum game –‘Good givers are great getters;they make everybody better’


Asking relevant questions and actively listening is why Givers make exceptional sales people –

they help you see their conclusion from your own perspective


Want to gain influence? ask those you admire for adviceIt’s a source of learning for you, a shift in perspective for them, a greater commitment from them and a source of flattery for them.


When speaking – be less assertive, more vulnerable, and rely heavily on the advice of others –

you’ll see your persuasion soar


Givers are champions of great talent because they resist the temptation to search for talent first.Instead, they focus their attention on motivation, grit.

33voicesAdam Grant - Givers’ “Grit” (0.59)


“There are two great forces of human nature: self-interest, and caring for others,” -Bill Gates and those most successful care about benefiting others, but are also ambitious in advancing their own interests


Takers are amplifiersto minimize their negative impact, encourage more independence and always make them aware of their behavior.


Want to elevate your happiness, satisfaction and self-esteem?Volunteer 2 hours a week


While a taker views success as being superior to others,Givers see their individual achievements as the result of the positive impact

they’ve had on others

Really reflect...

How do you know when you’ve succeeded?

Really reflect...
