


眼睛停落在香港六合彩的吉它上时,香港六合彩猛然间狂怒了,香港六合彩冲了过去抓了吉它就在桌子上象拍苍蝇似的猛拍,在香港六合彩还呆在那里没来得及反应时就已经把香港六合彩的吉它拍了个灰飞烟灭,苍蝇却连一只也没拍到.然后香港六合彩又发狂般地踢起桌子来,象是桌子欠了香港六合彩饭菜票似的.香港六合彩冲了过去把香港六合彩摁倒在床上,香港六合彩又杀猪般乱骂着踹起香港六合彩来,香港六合彩每个都挨了三四脚后终于把香港六合彩制服. 把香港六合彩裤脚捋起来!老大喊. 猪头把香港六合彩的裤脚卷起来,从脚背到小腿到处都是紫斑和血. 我抄!这小子疯了!送医院! 香港六合彩背香港六合彩去校医院时,香港六合彩突然又变老实了,不再发疯,只是发呆. 2.林华又承担起了照顾包菜的责任,香港六合彩很同情包菜,有时候香港六合彩会泪汪汪地对香港六合彩说:海蓝平时挺好的,怎么会这样啊!?香港六合彩怎么会这样!? 有什么不会?我早料到会这样.只是我不敢说,当我看到包菜那幅疯狂的样子时,我有些后悔了,也许应该早点告诉香港六合彩,让香港六合彩早有个心理准备. 赵玉来香港六合彩寝室后也陪着林华一起流了不少眼泪,哭得象两个泪人儿,让人乍一看以为包菜已经英勇就义了. 其实没有,香港六合彩只是发呆而已.香港六合彩这种呆状直到第三天才消失,然后

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Senior Class Meeting

January 29th, 2007

Schedule: Main Match

January 15, 2007 Rank Order List Entry Begins

February 21, 2007 Deadline: ROL Certification 9:00 PM EST

March 12, 2007 Did I Match? Noon EST

March 13, 2007 List of Unfilled Programs Noon EST (Scramble Begins)

March 15, 2007 Match Day 1 PM EST (Where Did I Match?)

UMSM Match Week Schedule

Monday, March 12 Matched and unmatched information on

applicants posted to the Web at 12:00 noon EST.

Tuesday, March 13 Breakfast with unmatched students 12:00 noon EST: Locations of all unfilled positions

are released to applicants and programs. Scramble begins.

Thursday, March 15 Match results for applicants are posted on the

NRMP Web site at 1:00 p.m. EST.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ #1:

Should I contact my #1 program and tell them that I am going to rank them #1?

FAQ #2:

Should I go back to my favorite program for a ____ visit? (fill in the blank with any number)

FAQ #3:

Should I believe all of those flattering comments they made about me when I visited the program?


Dear Applicant:

We have thoroughly enjoyed your visit with us and it is clear that you will excel wherever you choose to go.

You represent the kind of candidate that has traditionally done well in our program and we hope to have the opportunity to work with you in the coming year.*

Yours sincerely,

Program Director* (Note: This letter is sent to all applicants who interview with us,

including those we won’t rank)

FAQ #4:

How should I rank programs?

How should I rank programs?

What are the main qualities I am looking for in a program?How well does each program rank in each quality? Assess competitiveness

Specialty Program Yourself

Make your ROL long enoughGo for the “reach” programInclude a “safety” program

How to Compare Programs


Rank Total Rank Total RankTota


Reputation (5) 2 10 3 15 1 5Research (4) 2 8 3 12 1 4Happy residents (3) 3 9 1 3 2 6Board pass rates (2) 3 6 3 6 2 4Location (1) 3 3 1 1 2 2Total points 36 37 21

Qualities: 5=Most important, 1=Least importantRank: 3=Great, 2=Good, 1=OK, 0=Poor

Submitting the Rank Order List

Review ROL section of User Guide –


Use your AAMC ID and password to login to the NRMP’s Registration, Ranking, and Results (R3) SystemCouples must register both partners’ AAMC IDs in their NRMP files Your NRMP/AAMC ID and your ERAS/AAMC ID must be the same

Submitting the Rank Order List

Remember to designate a supplemental list for each PGY-2 positionInclude preliminary positions at bottom of the ROL if you want a PGY-1 position even if you don’t match into a PGY-2 spot.


Registration fee $40Late registration $50 additional (after Dec. 1)Couples $15 per partner

Primary ROL 1-20 programs: No chargeAdditional programs $30/program ranked

Supplemental ROL(s) 1-20 programs: No chargeAdditional programs $30/program ranked on all

supplemental lists combined

Couples ROL 30 programs before extra fees are charged

Advice about the ROL

Prepare a rank order list worksheet with the correct program codes in order of preference before entering “My Rank Order List”DO NOT INCLUDE ANY PROGRAMS ON YOUR RANK ORDER LIST TO WHICH YOU DO NOT WANT TO MATCH!!!!Be sure to certify your rank order listComplete your list at least a week before the February 21st deadline

NRMP Rules

Programs in the Match can take US allopathic seniors only through the NRMP or other matches. You can express interest in a program but you cannot ask how you will be ranked. A program cannot demand to know how it will be ranked by the applicant. Applicants and programs are bound by the results of the Match.

FAQ #5

What should my back up plan be if I don’t match?


Realistically appraise your situation!ScramblePreliminary / transitional yearFind-a-Resident



Useful Resources

ACGME – provides list of accredited and unaccredited programs

Graduation Checklist

Complete all required courses and senior credits (deadline for scheduling changes – January 31, 2007)

Check to make certain that all grades / evaluations have been submitted

Sit for USMLE Step 2 CS and CK Complete the AAMC Graduation Questionnaire Pay any outstanding balances (i.e. tuition,

library) Register for graduation on MyUM Submit your name, with phonetic spelling (Agnes) Return your ID badge and security access card to

the Office of Student Affairs (to receive diploma)

Register for Graduation on MyUM

The process must be completed online by March 3rd, 2007. Sign up to graduate (Graduation date 5/12/07) Order your diploma Enter your name exactly how it is to appear

on your diploma. (Be careful, the system is case sensitive).

Order your regalia Gowns are fitted by size then height. (e.g. Enter S,

M, L, XL etc. then 5’5’’) Indicate how many guest you expect to attend Provide your permanent address


Program Evaluation Survey (REQUIRED) This survey is anonymous, meaning that no

personally identifiable information will be collected

Supplemental Survey on Career Intentions, Financial Aid, and Indebtedness (ELECTIVE) This survey includes personally identifiable

information that will be used for appropriate matching with other AAMC data sets for analytical purposes
