3 principles of emotional intelligence



3 principles of emotional intelligence

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Know Thyself – Socrates

Norms for TRUST

Trust yourself.

Resonate with the conversation.

Understand different perspectives.

Set your mind on the possibilities.

Transform yourself.

Looking Back to Look Ahead Where are we going?

Let’s Think

The capacity to know oneself and to know others is an inalienable part of the human condition,

as is the capacity to know objects or sounds,

and it deserves to be investigated no less than these other "less charged" forms.

Howard Gardner (1983, p. 243) Frames of Mind

3 Concepts

1) Attunement2) Empathic Accuracy3) Looping

- From Daniel Goleman’s Social Intelligence

Attunement: what is it?

- Paying attentionto another’s feelings.-Tuning in to feelings and noticing emotions.

-From Daniel Goleman’s Social Intelligence

Empathic Accuracy: what is it?- The degree of accuracy whennoticing, reflecting restating other’s emotions.-From Daniel Goleman’s Social Intelligence

Looping: what is it?- The creation and maintenance of aloop of emotional feedback through verbal and nonverbal signals

Trust Makes All the Difference!Trusted Coaching, © 2009





Communication Styles Adapted from Marilyn Tabor’sCoaching for Excellence

Trust Makes All the Difference!Trusted Coaching, © 2009

Task-Focused- Listens for closure- Tells, directs, gives answers- Impatient - Desires control

Relationship-Focused - Listens for social interaction- Gives advice, drifts off-focus- Overly sensitive- Desires personal connectedness

Logic-Focused - Listens for intellectual rigor- Lectures, gives solutions - Judgmental - Desires debate, detached from feelings

Creativity-Focused - Listens for creative variety- Talks in multiple directions - Non-traditional - Desires open-endedness

Communication Styles Adapted from Marilyn Tabor’sCoaching for Excellence

Communication Styles Adapted from Marilyn Tabor’sCoaching for Excellence

Trust Makes All the Difference!Trusted Coaching, © 2009

Communication Styles Adapted from Marilyn Tabor’sCoaching for Excellence


Task-Focused- Prefers directness & brevity- speaks clearly and to the point- Interested in results and efficiency- Natural at facts and details

Relationship-Focused - Prefers a friendly, verbal style- Seeks face-to-face interaction- Interested in people and relationships- Natural at discussing feelings

Logic-Focused - Prefers logic and reasoning- Asks, deep, probing questions- Interested in knowledge and theory- Natural at planning

Creativity-Focused - Prefers imaginative possibilities- Shows tolerance for ambiguity- Interested in brainstorming - Natural at problem-solving

Traits – Eye contactSmiling Nodding Other positive nonverbals

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•Sometimes all we need is to be listened to.

•Sometimes all we need is to be listened to.

•I learned from my partner. She’s been through tough things and that made me appreciative.

•If I’m quiet and listen, I can learn.

•I’m a talker.

•Prayer first.

•I had to yield and give up control.

•It’s important to repeat back what people say to check if you have it correct.

•Sometimes we take our life for granted.

•Sharing information we know can help others.

•Go to the source.

•Listening is a skill that must be practiced.

•You have to be physically, emotionally, and mentally involved in the discussion.

•It’s important to focus on the positive.

•It feels good to talk about yourself.

•We share so many similarities.

•Sharing and listening gets easier once you start the conversation.

•Two minutes goes fast when you talk from your heart.

• Hope
