27.1.2014 Tampere. Perinteinen mobiilimaailma murroksessa. Tommi Teräsvirta: Windows Phone



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Windows Phone

Mobiilimaailma murroksessa, Tampere, 26.1.2014

Tommi Teräsvirta




• Application publishing

• Perf & Polish: Making your app work properly as well as look pretty

• Monetization: Money making possibilities


Perf & polish

• Final touches to the app: make it perfect with good performance, and polish the outlook and behavior

• Can take surprisingly long time - developer possibly not the best for this task

• The application itself is often done ok prior to this phase, provided proper development procedures are followed• Testing, e.g. TDD and CI• Development guidelines followed



• Perceived efficiency is often what matters the most• If it is usable - performance is ok

• Points of interest:• Startup time• Memory cap - 150MB on WP8• UI thread vs. background tasks• Platform interactions: e.g. tombstoning

• Tools:• Debugger• Code Analysis, Code Metrics• Performance Analysis• Simulation Dashboard


Polish phase

• Making the app look pretty and meet store requirements• Can not typically be strictly separated from the perf phase

• Create artwork for Tiles

• Support for multiple resolutions• Make supported sure orientations, themes etc. can be used• Globalization… more

Tile Size Flip and Cycle Images Iconic Images

Small 159 x 159 pixels 159 x 159 pixels 110 x 110 pixels

Medium 336 x 336 pixels 336 x 336 pixels 202 x 202 pixels

Wide 691 x 336 pixels 691 x 336 pixels N/A



• Globalization = Internationalization & Localization

• Language, currency, symbols..• There are some caveats in the language

selection• Obviously should be done from the beginning -

even if initially only a single language will be supported

• Language does not only apply to the app!

• Not a bad idea to use a native translator - Google/Bing translations work only so far..


10 Tips to Make More Money (1/2) - Microsoft

1. Use Trial API 70x More Downloads, 7x More Revenue

2. Use Live Tile Top 50 apps are 3.7x more likely to have

3. Use Push Notifications Top 50 apps are 3.2x more likely to have

4. Use Ad Control w/ Loc More local relevance drives higher eCPM

5. Adopt WP Style Faithfully Conformant apps are featured more frequently


10 Tips to Make More Money Today (2/2)

6. Publish Globally Fastest growth occurring in new markets

7. Localize Smartly Language, currency, symbols

8. Right Size your App Apps <90 MB work well on all devices

9. Act on Feedback Prompt for reviews and feedback . . and fix

10. Update Frequently Top 50 apps are updated every 2-3 mo.

11. Deliver Excellence No bugs, use FAS, engaging experience



• Want to make money? Now or later? DOWNLOADS

• Best way to make money is to have money and use it• Next best is to make the store page appealing downloads• Third best is to make a great app

• Free apps can be made commercial, not the other way around• Try-and-buy can be used to entice users• Ads are a possibility, PPC not great, forget if not a killer app• In-App-Purchase has most potential


Ads & IAP


Get people to download

• Good screenshots, description, etc.

• Stand out from the crowd

• Market the app!

• Get reviews


User experience

• Do you know what people want? How about a UE expert? For all local market place audiences?

• Test with real users• Beta testing, invite your 10,000 best friends to test for 90 days• Application Analysis, also during beta testing


End user experiences


Analytics overview

• Information about your app's usage• Identify problems

• Make intelligent decisions about updates, fixes, additions

• Not merely how many apps downloaded and if they've crashed

• How about knowing that 30% of users don't play beyond level 4, of those who do 20% purchase the app between levels 9 and 10? Or that IAP starts slowly, peeks after 2 weeks in Europe, 3 weeks in Australia, and 1½ weeks in USA – and there is no significant difference between registered and unregistered users?



Tools exist

• DevCenter reports (https://dev.windowsphone.com/en-us/dashboard)• Downloads, IAP, crashes

• Little Watson • Faster crash reports

• Buddy Analytics (http://buddy.com/products/)• Analytics is one part of the Buddy platform• Cross platform, so works on all major platforms• Three main parts: Crash records, Device Analytics, Sessions – customizable

analytics data

• Flurry (http://www.flurry.com/)• Free cross platform analytics tool• Basic usage data automatically, Demographics, Location optional

• Customizable Events allow logging whatever you desire

• Localytics (http://www.localytics.com/)• real-time app analytics and marketing services• Similar to Flurry, even more versatile than Flurry - free for small use

• And then there are several others



Summary - Rules for a great app

• Is found and downloaded• Reviews, pricing, stands out

• Solves a problem in an intuitive way• Update if needed!

• Is localized on All levels

• Technologically advanced

Don't do things right, do the right things!

Questions? Answers?
