12-Step Program for Scaling Web Applications on PostgreSQL



Are you addicted to slow application performance? Are you ready to make a change? :) In this presentation, Konstantin Gredeskoul tells the story of how Wanelo grew their application to serve 3K requests/seconds in just a few months, while keeping latency low, and tackling each new growth challenge that came their way. He breaks down their story into a 12-step program for scaling applications atop PostgreSQL. The talk will cover topics ranging from traditional slow query optimization, vertical and horizontal sharding with PostgreSQL, serializing and buffering frequent writes, as well as using services to abstract scalability concerns. With PostgreSQL 9.2 and 9.3 as the primary data store and Joyent Public Cloud as their hosting environment, the team at Wanelo keeps optimizing the application stack over and over again using an iterative approach, to keep the latency low, uptime high, and users happy :)

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Proprietary and Confidential

Konstantin GredeskoulCTO, Wanelo.com




12-Step Program for Scaling Web Applications on PostgreSQL



Proprietary and Confidential

What does it mean, to scale on top of PostgreSQL?

Proprietary and Confidential

And why should you care?

Proprietary and Confidential

Scaling means supporting more work load concurrently, where work is often interchanged with users

But why on PostgreSQL?

Because NoNoSQL is hawt! (again)

Proprietary and Confidential

Relational databases are great at supporting constant change in software

They are not as great in “auto scaling”, like RIAK or Cassandra

So the choice critically depends on what you are trying to build

Proprietary and Confidential

Huge majority of applications are represented well by the relational model

So if I need to build a new product or a service, my default choice would be PostgreSQL for critical data, + whatever else as needed

Proprietary and Confidential

This presentation is a walk-through filled with practical solutions

It’s based on a story of scaling wanelo.com to sustain 10s of thousand

concurrent users, 3k req/sec

But let’s explore the application to learn a bit about wanelo

for our scalability journey

Proprietary and Confidential

Founded in 2010, Wanelo (“wah-nee-loh,” from Want, Need, Love) is a community and a social

network for all of the world's shopping.

Wanelo is a home to 12M products, millions of users, 200K+ stores, and products on Wanelo

have been saved into collections over 2B times


• move fast with product development • scale as needed, stay ahead of the curve • keep overall costs low • but spend where it matters • automate everything • avoid reinventing the wheel • learn as we go • remain in control of our infrastructure

Early on we wanted to:

Heroku or Not?

Proprietary and Confidential

Assuming we want full control of our application layer, places like Heroku aren’t a great fit

But Heroku can be a great place to start. It all depends on the size and complexity of the app we are building.


Ours would have been cost prohibitive.

Foundations of web apps

Proprietary and Confidential

• app server (we use unicorn) • scalable web server in front (we use nginx) • database (we use postgresql) • hosting environment (we use Joyent Cloud) • deployment tools (capistrano) • server configuration tools (we use chef)

• programming language + framework (RoR)

• many others, such as monitoring, alerting

Let’s review… Basic Web App

Proprietary and Confidential


incoming http



nginx Unicorn / PassengerRuby VM

N x UnicornsRuby VM

• no redundancy, no caching (yet)• can only process N concurrent requests • nginx will serve static assets, deal with slow clients • web sessions probably in the DB or cookie

First optimizations: cheap early on, well worth it

Proprietary and Confidential

• Personalization via AJAX, so controller actions can be cached entirely using caches_action

• Page returned unpersonalized, additional AJAX request loads personalization

A few more basic performance tweaks that go a long way

Proprietary and Confidential

• Install 2+ memcached servers for caching and use Dalli gem to connect to it for redundancy

• Switch to memcached-based web sessions. Use sessions sparingly, assume transient nature

• Setup CDN for asset_host and any user generated content. We use fastly.com

• Redis is also an option, but I prefer memcached for redundancy

Proprietary and Confidential

browser PostgreSQLServer


nginx Unicorn / PassengerRuby VM

N x UnicornsRuby VM

memcachedCDNcache images, JS

Caching goes a long way…

• geo distribute and cache your UGC and CSS/JS assets• cache html and serialize objects in memcached• can increase TTL to alleviate load, if traffic spikes

Proprietary and Confidential

Adding basic redundancy

• Multiple app servers require haproxy between nginx and unicorn

• Multiple long-running tasks (such as posting to Facebook or Twitter) require background job processing framework

• Multiple load balancers require DNS round robin and short TTL (dyn.com)

Proprietary and Confidential


Unicorn / PassengerRuby VM (times N)


incoming httpDNS round robin

or failover / HA solutionnginx



CDNcache images, JS

Load Balancers

App Servers

single DBObject Store

User GeneratedContent

Sidekiq / Resque

Background WorkersData storesTransient to Permanent

this architecture can horizontally scale up as far the database at it’s center

every other component can be scaled by adding more of it, to handle more traffic

Proprietary and Confidential

As long as we can scale the data store on the backend, we can scale the app!

Mostly :) !

At some point we may hit a limit on TCP/IP network throughput, # of connections, but this is at a whole another scale level

The traffic keeps climbing…

Performance limits are near

Proprietary and Confidential

• First signs of performance problems start creeping up

• Symptoms of read scalability problems

• Pages load slowly or timeout

• Users are getting 503 Service Unavailable • Database is slammed (very high CPU or read IO)

• Symptoms of write scalability problems • Database write IO is maxed out, CPU is not • Update operations are waiting on each other, piling up • Application “locks up”, timeouts• Replicas are not catching up

• Some pages load (cached?), some don’t

Proprietary and Confidential

Both situations may easily result in downtime

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Even though we achieved 99.99% uptime in 2013, in 2014 we had a couple short downtimes caused by overloaded replica that lasted around 5 minutes.

But users quickly notice…

Proprietary and Confidential

Proprietary and Confidential

Perhaps not :)

Proprietary and Confidential

Common patterns for scaling high traffic web applications, based on wanelo.com

12-Step Program for curing your dependency on slow application latency

Proprietary and Confidential

• For small / fast HTTP services, 10-12ms or lower

• If your app is high traffic (100K+ RPM) I recommend 80ms or lower

What’s a good latency?

Proprietary and Confidential

• RubyVM (30ms) + Garbage collection (6ms) is CPU burn, easy to scale by adding more app servers

• Web services + Solr (25ms), memcached (15ms), database (6ms) are all waiting on IO

CPU burn vs Waiting on IO?

Proprietary and Confidential

Step 1: Add More Cache!

Moar Cache!!!

Proprietary and Confidential

•Anything that can be cached, should be

•Cache hit = many database hits avoided

•Hit rate of 17% still saves DB hits

•We can cache many types of things…

•Cache is cheap and fast (memcached)

Cache many types of things

Proprietary and Confidential

• caches_action in controllers is very effective

• fragment caches of reusable widgets

• we use gem Compositor for JSON API. We cache serialized object fragments, grab them from memcached using multi_get and merge them

• Shopify open sourced IdentityCache, which caches AR models, so you can Product.fetch(id)


But Caching has it’s issues

Proprietary and Confidential

• Expiring cache is not easy

• CacheSweepers in Rails help

• We found ourselves doing 4000 memcached deletes in a single request!

• Could defer expiring caches to background jobs, or use TTL if possible

• But we can cache even outside of our app: we cache JSON API responses using CDN (fastly.com)

Proprietary and Confidential

Step 2: Optimize SQL

SQL Optimization• Find slow SQL (>100ms) and either remove it, cache

the hell out of it, or fix/rewrite the query

• Enable slow query log in postgresql.conf:log_min_duration_statement  =  80log_temp_files  =  0                  

• pg_stat_statements is an invaluable contrib module:

Fixing Slow Query

Proprietary and Confidential

★ Run explain plan to understand how DB runs the query

★ Are there adequate indexes for the query? Is the database using appropriate index? Has the table been recently analyzed?

★ Can a complex join be simplified into a subselect?

★ Can this query use an index-only scan?

★ Can “order by” column be added to the index?

★ pg_stat_user_indexes and pg_stat_user_tables for seq scans, unused indexes, cache info

SQL Optimization, ctd

Proprietary and Confidential

• Instrumentation software such as NewRelic shows slow queries, with explain plans, and time consuming transactions

SQL Optimization: Example

Proprietary and Confidential

Proprietary and Confidential

One day, I noticed lots of temp files created in the postgres.log

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Let’s run this query…

This join takes a whole second to return :(

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• Follows table…

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• Stories table…

Proprietary and Confidential

So our index is partial, only on state = ‘active’

So this query is a full table scan…

But there state isn’t used in the query, a bug?

Let’s add state = ‘active’

It was meant to be there anyway

Proprietary and Confidential

Proprietary and Confidential

Step 3: Upgrade Hardware and RAM

Hardware + RAM

Proprietary and Confidential

• Sounds obvious, but better or faster hardware is an obvious choice when scaling out

• Large RAM will be used as file system cache

• On Joyent’s SmartOS ARC FS cache is very effective  

• shared_buffers  should be set to 25% of RAM or 12GB, whichever is smaller

• Using fast SSD disk array can make a huge difference

• Joyent’s native 16-disk RAID managed by ZFS instead of controller provides excellent performance

Hardware in the cloud

Proprietary and Confidential

• SSD offerings from Joyent and AWS

• Joyents “max” SSD node $12.9/hr

• AWS “max” SSD node $6.8/hr

So who’s better?

Proprietary and Confidential


• 16 SSD drives: RAID10 + 2

• SSD Make: DCS3700

• CPU: E5-26902.9GHz


• 8 SSD drives

• SSD Make: ?

• CPU: E5-26702.6Ghz

Perhaps you get what you pay for after all….

Proprietary and Confidential

Step 4: Scale Reads by Replication

Scale Reads by Replication

Proprietary and Confidential

• postgresql.conf (both master & replica)

• These settings have been tuned for SmartOS and our application requirements (thanks PGExperts!)

How to distribute reads?

Proprietary and Confidential

• Some people have success using this setup for reads:app haproxy pgBouncer replica pgBouncer replica

• I’d like to try this method eventually, but we choose to deal with distributing read traffic at the application level

• We tried many ruby-based solutions that claimed to do this well, but many weren’t production ready

Proprietary and Confidential

• Makara is a ruby gem from TaskRabbit that we ported from MySQL to PostgreSQL for sending reads to replicas

• Was the simplest library to understand, and port to PG

• Worked in the multi-threaded environment of Sidekiq Background Workers

• automatically retries if replica goes down

• load balances with weights

• Was running in production

Special considerations

Proprietary and Confidential

• Application must be tuned to support eventual consistency. Data may not yet be on replica!

• Must explicitly force fetch from the master DB when it’s critical (i.e. after a user account’s creation)

• We often use below pattern of first trying the fetch, if nothing found retry on master db

Replicas can specialize

Proprietary and Confidential

• Background Workers can use dedicated replica not shared with the app servers, to optimize hit rate for file system cache (ARC) on both replicas


Unicorn / PassengerRuby VM (times N)

App Servers Sidekiq / Resque

Background Workers

PostgreSQLReplica 1

PostgreSQLReplica 2

PostgreSQLReplica 3

ARC cache warm with queries from web traffic

ARC cache warm with background job queries

Big heavy reads go there

Proprietary and Confidential

• Long heavy queries should run by the background jobs against a dedicated replica, to isolate their effect on web traffic


Sidekiq / Resque

Background Workers

PostgreSQLReplica 1

PostgreSQLReplica 2

PostgreSQLReplica 3

• Each type of load will produce a unique set of data cached by the file system

Proprietary and Confidential

Step 5: Use more appropriate tools

Leveraging other tools

Proprietary and Confidential

Not every type of data is well suited for storing in a relational DB, even though initially it may be convenient

• Redis is a great data store for transient or semi-persistent data with list, hash or set semantics

• We use it for ActivityFeed by precomputing each feed at write time. But we can regenerate it if the data is lost from Redis

• We use twemproxy in front of Redis which provides automatic horizontal sharding and connection pooling.

• We run clusters of 256 redis shards across many virtual zones; sharded redis instances use many cores, instead of one

• Solr is great for full text search, and deep paginated sorted lists, such as trending, or related products

Proprietary and Confidential

True story: applying WAL logs on replicas creates significant disk write load

But we still have single master DB taking all the writes…

Replicas are unable to both serve live traffic and catch up on replication. They fall behind.

Back to PostgreSQL

Proprietary and Confidential

When replicas fall behind, application generates errors, unable to find data it expects

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Step 6: Move write-heavy tables out: Replace with non-DB solutions

Move event log out

Proprietary and Confidential

• We were appending all user events into this table

• We were generating millions of rows per day!

• We solved it by replacing user event recording system to use rsyslog, appending to ASCII files

• We discovered from pg_stat_user_tables top table by write volume was user_events

It’s cheap, reliable and scalable

We now use Joyent’s Manta to analyze this data in parallel. Manta is an object store + native compute on

Proprietary and Confidential

For more information about how we migrated user events to a file-based append-only log, and

analyze it with Manta, please read


Proprietary and Confidential

Step 7: Tune PostgreSQL and your Filesystem

Tuning ZFS

Proprietary and Confidential

• Problem: zones (virtual hosts) with “write problems” appeared to be writing 16 times more data to disk, compared to what virtual file system reports

• vfsstat says 8Mb/sec write volume

• So what’s going on?

• iostat says 128Mb/sec is actually written to disk

Proprietary and Confidential

• Turns out default ZFS block size is 128Kb, and PostgreSQL page size is 8Kb.

• Every small write that touched a page, had to write 128Kb of a ZFS block to the disk

Tuning Filesystem

• This may be good for huge sequential writes, but not for random access, lots of tiny writes

Proprietary and Confidential

• Solution: Joyent changed ZFS block size for our zone, iostat write volume dropped to 8Mb/sec

• We also added commit_delay

Tuning ZFS & PgSQL

Proprietary and Confidential

• Many such settings are pre-defined in our open-source Chef cookbook for installing PostgreSQL from sources

Installing and Configuring PG

• https://github.com/wanelo-chef/postgres

• It installs PG in eg /opt/local/postgresql-9.3.2

• It configures it’s data in /var/pgsql/data93

• It allows seamless and safe upgrades of minor or major versions of PostgreSQL, never overwriting binaries

Additional resources online

Proprietary and Confidential

• Josh Berkus’s “5 steps to PostgreSQL Performance” on SlideShare is fantastic

• PostgreSQL wiki pages on performance tuning is excellent

• Run pgBench to determine and compare performance of systems



Proprietary and Confidential

Step 8: Buffer and serialize frequent updates

Counters, counters…

Proprietary and Confidential

• Problem: products.saves_count is incremented every time someone saves a product (by 1)

• At 200 inserts/sec, that’s a lot of updates

How can we reduce number of writes and lock contention?

•Worse: 100s of concurrent requests trying to obtain a row level lock on the same popular product

Buffering and serializing

Proprietary and Confidential

• Sidekiq background job framework has two inter-related features:

• scheduling in the future (say 10 minutes ahead)

• UniqueJob extension

• Once every 10 minutes popular products are updated by adding a value stored in Redis to the database value, and resetting Redis value to 0

• We increment a counter in redis, and enqueue a job that says “update product in 10 minutes”

Buffering explained

Proprietary and Confidential

Save Product

Save Product

Save Product

1. enqueue update request for product

with a delay

PostgreSQL Update Request already

on the queue

3. Process Job

Redis Cache

2. incrementcounter

4. Read & Reset to 0

5. Update Product

Buffering conclusions

Proprietary and Confidential

• If not, to achieve read consistency, we can display the count as database value + redis value at read time

• If we show objects from the database, they might be sometimes behind on the counter. It might be ok…

Proprietary and Confidential

Step 9: Optimize DB schema

MVCC does copy on write

Proprietary and Confidential

• Problem: PostgreSQL rewrites the row for most updates (some exceptions exist, ie non-indexed column, a counter, timestamp)

• But we often index these so we can sort by them

• Rails and Hibernate’s partial updates are not helping

• Are we updating User on each request?

• So updates can become expensive on wide tables

Schema tricks

Proprietary and Confidential

• Solution: split wide tables into several 1-1 tables to reduce update impact

• Much less vacuuming required when smaller tables are frequently updated

Proprietary and Confidential

Don’t update anything on each request :)

id email encrypted_password reset_password_token reset_password_sent_at remember_created_at sign_in_count current_sign_in_at last_sign_in_at current_sign_in_ip last_sign_in_ip confirmation_token confirmed_at confirmation_sent_at unconfirmed_email failed_attempts unlock_token locked_at authentication_token created_at updated_at username avatar state followers_count saves_count collections_count stores_count following_count stories_count

Users id email created_at username avatar state


user_id encrypted_password reset_password_token reset_password_sent_at remember_created_at sign_in_count current_sign_in_at last_sign_in_at current_sign_in_ip last_sign_in_ip confirmation_token confirmed_at confirmation_sent_at unconfirmed_email failed_attempts unlock_token locked_at authentication_token updated_at

UserLogins user_id followers_count saves_count collections_count stores_count following_count stories_count



Proprietary and Confidential

Step 10: Shard Busy Tables Vertically

Vertical sharding

Proprietary and Confidential

• Heavy tables with too many writes, can be moved into their own separate database

• For us it was saves: now @ 2B+ rows

• At hundreds of inserts per second, and 4 indexes, we were feeling the pain

• It turns out moving a single table (in Rails) out is a not a huge effort: it took our team 3 days

Vertical sharding - how to

Proprietary and Confidential

• Update code to point to the new database

• Implement any dynamic Rails association methods as real methods with 2 fetches

• ie. save.products becomes a method on Save model, lookup up Products by IDs

• Update development and test setup with two primary databases and fix all the tests

Proprietary and Confidential

Web App

PostgreSQLMaster (Main Schema)

PostgreSQLReplica (Main Schema)

Vertically Sharded Database

PostgreSQLMaster (Split Table)

Here the application connects to main master DB + replicas, and a single dedicated DB for the busy table we moved

Vertical sharding, deploying

Proprietary and Confidential

Drop in write IO on the main DB after splitting off the high IO table into a dedicated compute node

Proprietary and Confidential

For a complete and more detailed account of our vertical sharding effort, please read our

blog post:


Proprietary and Confidential

Step 11: Wrap busy tables with services

Splitting off services

Proprietary and Confidential

• Vertical Sharding is a great precursor to a micro-services architecture

• New service: Sinatra, client and server libs, updated tests & development, CI, deployment without changing db schema

• 2-3 weeks a pair of engineers level of effort

• We already have Saves in another database, let’s migrate it to a light-weight HTTP service

Adapter pattern to the rescue

Proprietary and Confidential

Main AppUnicorn w/ Rails

PostgreSQL HTTPClient Adapter

Service AppUnicorn w/Sinatra

NativeClient Adaptor

• We used Adapter pattern to write two client adapters: native and HTTP, so we can use the lib, but not yet switch to HTTP

Services conclusions

Proprietary and Confidential

• Now we can independently scale service backend, in particular reads by using replicas

• This prepares us for the next inevitable step: horizontal sharding

• At a cost of added request latency, lots of extra code, extra runtime infrastructure, and 2 weeks of work

• Do this only if you absolutely have to

Proprietary and Confidential

Step 12: Shard Services Backend Horizontally

Horizontal sharding in ruby

Proprietary and Confidential

• We wanted to stick with PostgreSQL for critical data such as saves

• Really liked Instagram’s approach with schemas

• Built our own schema-based sharding in ruby, on top of Sequel gem, and open sourced it

• It supports mapping of physical to logical shards, and connection pooling


Schema design for sharding

Proprietary and Confidential


user_idproduct_id collection_idcreated_at


UserSaves Sharded by user_id



ProductSaves Sharded by product_idWe needed two lookups, by user_id and by product_id hence we needed two tables, independently sharded

Since saves is a join table between user, product, collection, we did not need unique ID generated

Composite base62 encoded ID: fpua-1BrV-1kKEt

Spreading your shards

Proprietary and Confidential

• We split saves into 8192 logical shards, distributed across 8 PostgreSQL databases

• Running on 8 virtual zones spanning 2 physical SSD servers, 4 per compute node

• Each database has 1024 schemas (twice, because we sharded saves into two tables)


2 x 32-core 256GB RAM16-drive SSD RAID10+2

PostgreSQL 9.3


3 4


Proprietary and Confidential

Sample configuration of shard mapping to physical nodes with read replicas, supported by the library

Proprietary and Confidential

How can we migrate the data from old non-sharded backend to the new sharded backend

without a long downtime?

New records go to bothProprietary and Confidential

HTTP Service

Old Non-Sharded Backend

New Sharded Backend


3 4



Background Worker


Sidekiq Queue

Create Save

Proprietary and Confidential

HTTP Service

Old Non-Sharded Backend

New Sharded Backend


3 4



Background Worker


Sidekiq Queue

Create Save

Migration Script

Migrate old rows

We migrated several times before we got this right…

Proprietary and Confidential

Swap old and new backends

HTTP Service

Old Non-Sharded Backend

New Sharded Backend


3 4


Background Worker


Sidekiq Queue

Create Save

Horizontal sharding conclusions

Proprietary and Confidential

• This is the final destination of any scalable architecture: just add more boxes

• Pretty sure we can now scale to 1,000, or 10,000 inserts/second by scaling out

• Took 2 months of 2 engineers, including migration, but zero downtime. It’s an advanced level effort and our engineers really nailed this.


Putting it all together

Proprietary and Confidential

• This infrastructure complexity is not free

• It requires new automation, monitoring, graphing, maintenance and upgrades, and brings with it a new source of bugs

• In addition, micro-services can be “owned” by small teams in the future, achieving organizational autonomy

• But the advantages are clear when scaling is one of the requirements

Proprietary and Confidential

Systems Diagram

incoming httprequests

8-core 8GB zones



Fastly CDNcache images, JS

Load Balancers

Amazon S3Product Images

User Profile Pictures

32-core 256GB 16-drive SSD RAID10+2Supermicro "Richmond"

SSD Make: Intel DCS3700, CPU: Intel E5-2690, 2.9GHz

PostgreSQL 9.2Master

Primary Database Schema

4-core 16GB zones


User and Product Saves, Horizontally Sharded, Replicated

32-core 256GB RAM16-drive SSD RAID10+2

PostgreSQL 9.3


3 4


Read Replicas (non SSD)


4 2


Read Replica (SSD)

PostgreSQLAsync Replicas

32-core 32GB high-CPU instances

UnicornMain Web/API App,

Ruby 2.0

UnicornSaves Service



iPhone, Android, Desktop clients Makara distributes DB load across 3 replicas

and 1 master

MemCached Cluster

Redis Clusters for various custom user feeds, such as product feed

1-core 1GB zones


Redis Proxy Cluster

16GB high-mem 4-core zones32 redis instances per server



8GB High CPU zones

Solr Replica

8GB High CPU zone

Solr Master

App Servers + Admin Servers

Cluster of MemCached Serversis accessed via Dali fault tolerant library

one or more can go down

Apache Solr Clusters

32-core 32GB high-CPU instances

Sidekiq BackgroundWorker

UnicornSaves Service



to DBs

Solr Reads

Solr Updates

Background Worker Nodes


Redis SidekiqJobs Queue / Bus

Systems Status: Dashboard Monitoring & Graphing with Circonus, NewRelic, statsd, nagios

Backend Stack & Key Vendors

Proprietary and Confidential

■ MRI Ruby, jRuby, Sinatra, Ruby on Rails

■ PostgreSQL, Solr, redis, twemproxy memcached, nginx, haproxy, pgbouncer

■ Joyent Cloud, SmartOS, Manta Object StoreZFS, ARC Cache, superb IO, SMF, Zones, dTrace, humans

■ DynDNS, SendGrid, Chef, SiftScience

■ LeanPlum, MixPanel, Graphite analytics, A/B Testing

■ AWS S3 + Fastly CDN for user / product images

■ Circonus, NewRelic, statsd, Boundary, PagerDuty, nagios: trending / monitoring / alerting

Proprietary and Confidential

We are hiring! DevOps, FullStack, Scaling Experts, iOS & Android


Talk to me after the presentation if you are interested in working on real scalability problems, and on a product used and loved by millions :)


http://wanelo.com/about/play !

Or email play@wanelo.com


github.com/wanelo github.com/wanelo-chef wanelo technical blog (srsly awsm)

building.wanelo.com !

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