The Psychology of Running

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Great runners understand that their success has as much to do with mental as physical mastery. This slide show examines ten "commandments" for a successful mental

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The Psychology of Running Dr. Daniel

About Daniel Married to Katrina and father to Charlotte (14 mos.). Huntsville native recently returned. Baseball fanatic and mediocre guitar player. Used to run five miles a day, recently re-discovered running. Member of volunteer medical staff for 2012 Olympics.

Reflect on Past Victories-What is the hardest challenge you’ve faced to date? How did you overcome it?- You are unlikely to face any new challenges on race day!

Visualize Success-Run the race in your mind.-- Review the course mentally, imagining yourself performing at your peak and enjoying the experience.

Zone Out-Monks – 300 miles in 30 hours by fixating on distant peak/mantra-- Focus on something outside the pain and discomfort-- First 6 or so miles good for setting pace, begin disassociation as pain and fatigue become an issue

Fake It-Do you smile because you’re happy or are you happy because you smile?-- Do you wince because you’re in pain or are you in pain because you wince?

Be Purpose DrivenWhy are you doing this crazy thing? Purpose and “Flow.”

How can you package this sentiment in a short, repeatable way?

Develop your own marathon “elevator pitch.”

Don’t Watch the Clock-How many of you have specific time goals?-- Loss of time is associated with “flow” – don’t impede getting in the zone!

Mental Taper-How many of you will run 20 miles the day before the race?-- How many of you will overthink and obsess about the race?- Mental Fatigue = 640 vs. 754 seconds to exhaustion

Have Fun!-“Self-rewarding experience” is part of what is necessary to be in the zone

-- Look for fun and funny parts of the race

-- Laugh, smile, enjoy the scenery, revel in being here


