Shodokan Aikido Basics

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Shodokan Aikido basics based on content published by shodokan Aikido UK

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Competitive aikido system

1. The safety of atemi waza (striking techniques) and kansetsu waza (joint techniques).

2. The connection between kata and randori.

Characteristics of atemi waza & kansetsu waza

1. Controlling an opponent by striking, punching or kicking physiological weak points or by spraining or dislocating joints, ie. techniques where the aim is to kill or inflict injury.

2. Exploiting mechanical weakpoints (theory of balance breaking) by applying force at one point or moving joints to their limit, ie. techniques to restrain an opponent with minimum force.

• Until now, kata and randori have been thought of as being separate with only randori being used to develop skill. Thinking of the true nature of budo and taking into account the history of jujitsu, to master the essence of the atemi waza and kansetsu waza, kata and randori are brought together in one practice system rather than being separate.

Competitive aikido practice system

1. Warming up exercises

2. Basic movements

3. Basic techniques

4. Method of breaking away

5. Method of controlling

6. Randori

Warming up exercises

1. Light physical exercise (standing)

2. Stretching exercises (sitting)

3. Breakfalls (backward, side and forward rolling)


- To prepare your body and prevent injury

Basic movements 1. Principle of natural posture (stance)       Free posture and movement in offence and defence        a. neutral posture (standing, kneeling), right stance, left stance         b. footwork and walking on the knees            · practice of movement in 8 directions

   2. Principle of gentleness (defence)       Neutralising an opponent's offensive capability        a. avoiding and meeting an attack         b. flowing with the strength of a grasp           · visual focus and combative distance (practised through tegatana awase)           · avoidance (6 directions)           · meeting an attack (practised through gassho uke)           · flowing (practised through tegatana dousa)

   3. Principle of balance breaking (during an attack)       Breaking the balance of the opponent's body or         a. controlling the elbow - high and low positions        b. controlling the wrist - high and low positions         c. controlling the chin           · avoiding an attack from an opponent outside grappling range           · flowing with the strength of an opponent's grasp

Basic techniques

1. Atemi waza (5 techniques) 

shomen ate      aigamae ate      gyakugamae ate      gedan ate      ushiro ate

2. Kansetsu waza (14 techniques) · hiji waza (6 techniques)    koshi gatame (2)      waki gatame (2)      ude garami (2)

 · tekubi waza (8 techniques)     kote hineri (4)      kote gaeshi (4)

uki waza

Atemi waza (5 techniques)  shomen ate


aigamae ate      

gyakugamae ate      

gedan ate      

ushiro ate

shomen ate

Many people in enbu can use this technique frequently but in one-against-one practice it is not often seen. Some people dislike this technique because it is done in a straight line. However, it is seen when used as a quick response against multiple attackers.

Aikido movements are not just circular but for those people who insist on using circular movements, a straight line must also be thought of as a part of a huge circle.

aigamae ate

Aigamae ate is the simplest example of irimi nage. In irimi nage, the whole arm is used on uke's body pushing his chin upwards to throw him. However, aigamae ate is much faster.

gyakugamae ate

This is when, for example, you are standing with your left foot forward and your left hand is grasped. You step forward with your left foot and throw using your left hand. This is the same as 'koho irimi nage'. If the names of techniques are decided by the presence of irimi (entering) then shomen ate, aigamae ate, etc. would all be called 'irimi nage'. This technique is named objectively from the relative positions of the two people at the time of the attack, the stances, etc.

gedan ate

This is based on the principles of 'uchi kudaki', the 8th technique of Kodokan Judo's 'koshiki no kata'.

ushiro ate

This is based on the principles of 'ryoku hi' and 'shikoro dori', the 3rd and 11th techniques of Kodokan Judo's 'koshiki no kata'.

Kansetsu waza (14 techniques)Hiji waza (5) Tekubi waza (4) Uki waza (3)Elbow techniques Wrist techniques Timing/Position

Tenkai kote gaeshi

Kote hineri

Ude gaeshi

Oshi taoshi

Hiki taoshi

Mae otoshi

Sumi otoshi

Ude hineri

Waki gatame

Kote gaeshi

Tenkai kote hineri

Hiki otoshi

Hiji waza (1)

Oshi taoshi

This is known as ikkyo in Aikikai and ikkajo in Yoshinkan. This is also, of course, a basic technique in Daitoryu.

Hiji waza (2)

Ude gaeshi

This is essentially the same as kote gaeshi and similar techniques. In kata, uke falls backwards but it is possible to turn and throw to the side. This is based on the principles of 'mizu guruma' the 4th technique of Kodokan Judo's 'koshiki no kata'.

Hiji waza (3) Hiki taoshi

This is based on the principles of 'mizu nagare' the 5th technique of Kodokan Judo's 'koshiki no kata'. Both hands and turned as in 'maki otoshi' in kendo. Uke moves his foot forward to regain his posture so it is important to practice moving backwards to succeed.

Hiji waza (4) Waki gatame

In Tenjinshinyoryu jujitsu this technique is done in generally the same way as it is in aikido and judo. The arm is pinned to your side and your body weight is directly over the opponent's elbow. The dangers of applying it in this way have been identified in judo. Of course, it is comparatively safe in kata practice because uke does not resist strongly. However, the risk of causing an injury unintentionally is high.Tomiki Sensei showed how this can be applied safely during intense randori. Practice is required to understand the way that this can be applied without causing pain to uke.

Hiji waza (5) Ude hineri

People who only practise kata may find this technique unfamiliar. However, it is always practised in suwari waza (kneeling techniques) as a finish to a technique. When standing this throw is applied with a body turn.

Tekubi waza (1) Kote hineri

This is a prime example of a wrist technique. If the right hand is twisted and lifted using the left hand this becomes tenkai kote hineri (also known as sankyo or sankajo).

Tekubi waza (2) Kote gaeshi

After throwing with kote gaeshi, pushing uke's elbow to roll him over onto his front is often practised in kata. As such it is referred to as nage katame waza (throwing and restraining technique). However, throwing using kote gaeshi and the way of pinning after the throw are thought of as separate.

Tekubi waza (3) Tenkai kote hineri

Many people think this is a different technique from kote hineri but from uke's point of view it is physiologically the same. In kote hineri, if the left hand is used to grasp uke's wrist then we have this technique. However, to do this technique without a change of grip a body turn (tenkai) is required, hence the name. This technique is also known as sankyo or sankajo.

Tekubi waza (4) Tenkai kote gaeshi

This is also known as shiho nage (four direction throw). It is actually possible to throw in any direction and this is of course not the only technique in which this is possible, eg. in tenkai kote hineri it is possible to throw or pin in any direction. So the name of this technique comes from its essential characteristics.

Uki waza (1)

Mae otoshi

In randori matches, mae otoshi is only allowed for breaking balance before changing to another technique. It is strictly prohibited to take this technique to the extreme because of elbow injuries. It is therefore important to practise this sufficiently in kata.

Uki waza (2)

Sumi otoshi

Sumi otoshi is used at moments when uke is off guard. The left foot is advanced quickly to the rear of uke and at the same time cutting down with both hands.

'Off guard' is the instant that uke is surprised or when his balance is broken a little to his front left. At this point his body will be stiff as he tries to quickly regain balance. Because the throw must be done at these instants, the sharp forward step determines the success or failure of this technique

Uki waza (3)

Hiki otoshi

Aikido techniques such as kote gaeshi were originally applied on one joint. With the use of tai sabaki (body handling), a few of these become nage waza (throwing techniques) and hiki otoshi is one of these. One important thing that Ueshiba taught was tai sabaki which is found in this kata that was created by Tomiki Sensei.

This is based on the principles of 'mizu nagare' and 'hiki otoshi', the 5th and 6th techniques of Kodokan Judo's 'koshiki no kata'.

Method of breaking awayUsing atemi waza to break away after being


When grasped on the wrist, arm, lapel, sleeve or body from the front, sides or behind.

Method of controlling Using kansetsu waza to control an opponent

after being grasped.

When grasped on the wrist, arm, lapel, sleeve or body from the front, sides or behind.


1. Randori no kata (17 techniques)A basic kata to show the ways of avoiding an attack and controlling the attacker who is outside grappling distance and attacks with a punch, strike, kick or with a knife.

Kakari geiko and hikitate geiko are also used to

advance towards randori practice.

Avoiding an attack and controlling an opponent outside grappling distance.

Grading syllabus
