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By: Andrew Steel, Ryan Phagan


Target Market: The target market for our new professional football team is just about anybody who is a fan of football.

The state we are planning to target is very hungry for a new football team. They have a college team, but no pro teams at really any sport. We plan to give them their first

pro sport and I think the city will be very happy and attend many games. The income level we plan to target is middle to high class. The age group we plan to target is anywhere from about four to anyone. The gender we plan to target is

mainly males, with a good bit of females also. The secondary target market here would be females. So we will

try our best to appeal to males mainly and then females next.


Psychographic statement: The people from the city we plan to pick really do not have a lot of sports teams. Actually

they only have two and they are both college teams. They’re fan base is the best for their football teams. So we feel like if we can get a pro team to a city that has never had one we

can get a lot of fans because they are definitely good football fans. The values of the city we plan to use are

things like riding horses, hunting and many other things out in the country.


Product benefit: It benefits the customer because they get their first pro football team. This not only has a great

morale impact on the city it can also greatly improve the economy. The team can finally have a team to support and win games for them. We feel like this city has needed a pro football team for awhile and they have a great fan base for

college and it will translate to pro.

Market research-city:

Helena Montana weather climates, September: 55.4 degrees, October: 45.1 degrees, November: 31.6 degrees, December: 21.2 degrees, January: 19.6 degrees. These are

the average weather climates for each year at this time which is freezing.

Population: eighteen and under 23.1%, sixty-five and older 13.8%, nineteen to sixty-four 63.1%. The male to female percentage is 50-50. The actual population is 944,642


Average income: $44,222 is the average income yearly for a Montana resident. This state is quite poor compared to other states. This means we will have to have cheaper

tickets and possibly more deals.

Average age: The average age of a Montana resident is usually twenty-five or forty-two years old. This state is

much younger than most other states.


Primary Professions: Mining, agriculture, livestock, tourism, and oil.

Chamber of commerce info: 225 Cruse Ave. Suite A, Helena, MT 59601

Phone: (406) 442-4120 Fax: (406) 447-1532 email: info@helenachamber.com

Local media: The Helena independent newspaper, and the statewide Montana magazines, lively times statewide magazine, and Yellowstone net newspaper which is

also statewide.

Crime statistics: Helena is safer than 16% of the other cities in the United States. Per 1,000 residents 4.15% of crimes are violent, 34.55% are property crimes, and 38.70% is the total crime rate. There are 1,091 annual crimes in Helena. Compared to other cities

Helena is really not that safe.

Professional and amateur sports: Billings Bulls amateur hockey team, Billings Mustangs amateur baseball team, Bozeman Ice Dogs amateur hockey team, Butte

Copper Kings amateur baseball teams, Great Falls Americans Hockey team, Missoula Osprey amateur baseball team, and the Helena Brewers amateur baseball team.

Professional teams being located here: I think some people have given Montana a shot and it has definitely been successful. None of the organizations here have failed they

are still in business. Most teams are amateur leagues and they have had decent success and we feel like we can really get things going.


Marketing Research-Players and Coach:

Coach: Jim Harbaugh


 Drew Brees


Team-New Orleans Saints

Statistic- 2012 Regular Season- 1,720 yds

Current Salary - $3 million USD (2012)



Matt Forte

Position-Running back

Team-Chicago Bears

Statistic- 2012 Regular Season- 270 yds

Current Salary – $800,000 USD (2012)


Jimmy Graham

Position-Tight end

Team-New Orleans Saints

Statistic- 2012 Regular Season- 252 yds

Current Salary – $540,000 USD (2012)



Stevan Ridley

Position-Running back

Team-New England Patriots

Statistic- 2012 Regular Season- 490 yds

Current Salary – $509,200 USD (2012)


Steven Jackson

Position-Running back

Team-St. Louis Rams

Statistic- 2012 Regular Season- 271 yds

Current Salary – $7 million USD (2012)



Billy Cundiff


Team-No longer playing

Statistic- 2012 Regular Season- 38 pts

Current Salary – $0 USD (2012)


Mike Wallace

Position-Wide reciver

Team-Pittsburgh Steelers

Statistic- 2012 Regular Season- 345 yds

Current Salary – $2.724 million USD (2012


Brandon Lloyd

Position-Wide receiver

Team-New England Patriots

Statistic- 2012 Regular Season- 321 yds

Current Salary – $900,000 USD (2012)


Vincent Jackson

Position-Wide receiver

Team-Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Statistic- 2012 Regular Season- 304 yds.

Current Salary – $11 million USD (2012)



Kyle Rudolph

Position-Tight end

Team-Minnesota Vikings

Statistic- 2012 Regular Season- 169 yds

Current Salary – $585,400 USD (2012)



Ben Roethlisberger


Team-Pittsburgh Steelers

Statistic- 2012 Regular Season- 1,487 yds

Current Salary – $900,000 USD (2012)






Other forms of entertainment: There are many hotels, art museums, and theater. Skiing is also very popular in Helena and there are annual racing events each year here. You can go out on the Missouri river and have a great time with your family. Helena is very well known for its theater, and music so come check it out.

Corporations in Helena: A corporation that will definitely help us start our company is ACU Sport Corporation. It is a well known sports company in Montana that will help us progress. Montana

river guides is one of the most popular rafting companies in Montana they can definitely help us progress. Aces clothing store should be a big help to us they make quality sports clothing that can attract fans. Face book would also be a great sponsor for us

to really get the message to our fans. We could possibly get some big name hotels to sponsor us also.


Summary: Our target market decision panned out to be a good one. The male to female’s ratio is 50-50 so it seems

our target market will be good. The age group is very nice for us because it’s dominantly people that can drive so they

will go to our games and buy tickets. The tickets, merchandise, concessions, will all help bring revenue to the

state. The stadium will also bring the state together and they will all have something in common. Also due to the fact

that there is not any pro football teams there. The state would enjoy the new form of entertainment and has a team

of their own to cheer for.



Franchise Name: The Helena, Wolves

We used the name Helena wolves because Helena is a very mountainous, and cold area and it has a lot of wild life in the area so it felt very appropriate to use the wolf as our team name, logo, and mascot! Also the wolf represents

power, strength, cunning, and courage.


Team Colors: White, and Dark Maroon

We chose the colors white and dark maroon because white represents snow, which in Montana it does a lot and snow is what wolvers are commonly found it. Then maroon represents courage, bravery, heroism, and strength. Here

are some swatches of our colors!



Team Logo: The Wolf

Our logo is of our team mascot, and the team name it shows a picture of the wolf standing high saying they are the best, the wolf is the color of dark maroon because it

shows strength, courage, and heroism we picked this logo because it represents our team the best. Here is our logo!


Team Mascot: The Wolf

We chose the wolf as our mascot because it is the basis of our team. We feel like this mascot will appeal to the audience very well because it is cute and cartoony. Picture

of mascot is drawn.


Team Uniforms:













Business Cards:


Map of City:


Financing The Stadium:

The use of the stadium will be for one team only. It will be for the helena wolves football team.

The stadium will be open air stadium, because we feel like helena natives are used to the very cold weather and our team could have a

unique home field advantage. Due to the fact they are used to the cold.

The stadium will cost around 100-200 million dollars. It is much cheaper compared to other stadiums due to the fact it is open air.

The team owners Ryan and Andrew will pay for the price because they own many other succesful businesses and have billions of dollars.

The stadium will hold at a maximmum of 80,000 people. The state itself is not very populated so we do not need a huge amount of seats.


Name of Stadium:


The Helena Field will be the name of our open air field. This is obviously the city the field is in so we feel like it fits best. Due to it being open air it is very odd to have sponsors for a

open air stadium.



Affect on the Environment:

The stadium will add a lot of traffic especially on game day. It is basically at the heart of the city and it is already

crowded, so now it will be packed.



We will hire 50 security guards for our stadium. Each security guard will average a salary of 50,000 dollars yearly

and 3,125 dollars per game.

An event that will pull in more revenue for us will be to allow little kids that sign up and got selected play football on the field. They will be matched up against another team and they will play a couple of snaps and have a good time.

In order to plan for this we will need to make sure security is on high alert and more guards places on the field to make

sure the kids are secure.

During the game we will have 12 guards stationed at each corner of the stadium, and four of the group will each be on

different levels.


Risk Management:

Risks: People running on to the field, people trying to smuggle illegal items into the stadium, people falling of upper levels, theft, fights,

alcoholic consumption, referee and player protection, and bad publicity.

Frequency starting with most frequent: Alcoholic consumption, fighting, bad publicity, referee and player protection, people running onto the field,

theft, smuggling, and people falling.

Risk Counters: To prevents these things from happening we have our security strategically placed to avoid these consequences. To avoid

alcoholic consumption there is a limit of 2 drinks per person. To counter bad publicity we will try our best to make our organization filled with talent and smart players. To protect the refs and players we will have security on the field also to make sure fans do not breach the field. To prevent falling we will have rails. To prevent smuggling we will have

security at the front to search every person that enters. Lastly to protect from streakers we will have security on field.


Human Relations Risks: To prevent these risks we will have security cameras all over the stadium. Also we will make sure we hire the right people for the job, with very good


Medical emergency plans: If someone is injured during the game we will immediatley get them to the first aid room

and patch them up. If it is serious 911 will be called immediatley.

Emergency Evacuation Plan: If there is a natural disaster people will have to leave through the emergency exits in

orderly fashion ushered by the security. If a riot breaks out we will make sure all important people are evacuated and

everyone is safe.



Food And Beverages: Our main sponser is coke so we will sale mostly coke drinks. For our food we have four resturants in our stadium,

which are McDonalds, papa johns, chick-fil-a, and our grill and bar which is bufallo wild wings grill and bar.

McDonalds: we picked McDonalds because they are quick easy and cheap.

Chick-fil-a: we pick chick-fil-a because they are a very good company and make very good food. We think that they would be very successful.

Buffallo Wild Wings Grill and Bar: we picked Buffallo Wild Wings because we felt that we needed a sports bar for people to be able to escape the croud and go and sit down eat and still watch the game.

Papa Johns: we picked Papa Johns because pizza is a very commonly liked food and is usually served in most stadiums


Unique Conssession:

The Howling Hotdog: Our unique conssession is The Howling Hotdog, this beast of a dog is a foot long wiener roasted between two hot and steamy buns topped off with steamy chilly and melted stringy cheese in between those

two steamy buns only for five dollars per howler.

Legal: We would need a beverage liscence in order to be able to sale alcoholic beverages to the public above the age

of 21. We would pay our taxes


Product Liscencing:

Products: Jerseys, hats, shirts, footballs, jackets, key chains, necklaces, cups/ mugs, lanyards, stuffed willy the


Prototypes: stuffed willy.

Team color necklace.


Gift Shop:

on the left youll see a wall that is highly reflective and used so that you can see what you look like in some of our attire such as our hats, jerseys, shoes, and jackets. Which on the

right you will see are al together and easy to find.



Birds Eye:

This is roughly what our retail store will look like all of our merchandise will be on the wall to the left of the entrance and then small things in the cudic holes in the front and

back of the store. There are tables for our customers to sit down relax for a bit and watch the game and everything

behind the counter is employee space.




Newspaper: We have chosen to advertise our team in the Helena Montana newspaper called the independent record.

It is a very popular magazine in the Montana region. It comes every Sunday, and every ad we place costs around

10,000 dollars and due to low funds we must only place the ad on Sundays before and after game for whoever didn’t

get to go or wants to know information about the game and or tickets.


Outdoor ad: We have chosen to use a billboard for another way to get the word out about our team. These billboards come pretty pricey at around 2,000 dollars per month but

it’s worth it as we get the word out about our teams outstanding achievements


Magazine: we will put an ad in the local ESPN magazines we will have a new ad each time there is a new magazine

out to buy. The magazine ad prices are between 1000-2000 dollars


Radio Advertisement

Mike: hello everybody it’s the mike and John show coming to you with all your sport’s needs.

John: that’s right mike let’s get started on the Helena Wolves.

Mike: yes that’s right they are off to a very hot start and are playing at a very high level. Fans you should buy your tickets as soon as possible this team is very exciting!

John: that’s right Mike they started out with an undefeated preseason with all of their stars seemingly playing at a very high level.

Mike: I think they may have a legitimate chance at going to the super bowl only in its first year as a NFL franchise.

John: Not only that Mike but if you order your tickets three weeks in advance to the game you will get a free chick-fil-a$ 10 coupon and a Helena wolves T-Shirt.

Mike: what a great deal John I know I will be pouncing on that fantastic offer to go see the best team in the NFL.

John: definitely agree with you there mike I plan to attend the season opener against the falcons should be a great game.

Mike: sure will be thanks for listening folks, also the first 10 callers starting at 6:00 A.M. tomorrow will receive free tickets to the game!


Online Advertisement

We plan to use our homepage website called www.helenawolves.com to advertise our team and get more customers. We feel like

technology is advancing and more people are using computers and phones, so this will make it much easier for people to get access to our tickets and merchandise. We will also have exclusive deals that are only available online to draw more customers, and fans to use

this because online is also the easiest for us to set up.

Promotional Plan:

Game 1: on game one we will have a special day for kids where they can come onto the field and meet the players and willy wolf! The location will be on the field the parents of the kids will have to

purchase a special ticket for the kids. We will start the event at 1:00 p.m. and it will end at 2:00 p.m.


Game 2: On game two we will the team will be hosting a meeting with the mentally disabled kids and adults. These

lucky people will be able to meet and have lunch Drew Brees, Stevan Ridley, and Jimmy Graham. This event will

start at 12:00 and end at 1:00 p.m.


Game 3: On game three beer and soda will be 50% off along with box seats will be 10% off. The event will be all day. This offer will be valid to people with a party of three or

more who rented a box room while it was ten percent off.



Game 4: On game four our fans will be able to meet the head coach Jim Harbaugh. He will be giving out autographs and free signed hats. He will be doing this from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. and one lucky fan gets to sit with the coach during the game. The fan is chosen by random with their

ticket number

Game 5: On game five if you wear a wolves jersey you will get 5% off all merchandise this event will last all day.


Press Kit:

Drew Brees:










6 Pro Bowl Appearances 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, and2011.

2004 NFL comeback player of the year

2006 All Pro Team

2006 Fed-Ex Air Player of the Year

2006 NFC Offensive Player of the Year

2006 Alumni Quarterback of the Year

2008 Offensive Player of the Year

2008 Fed-Ex Air Player of the Year

2008 NFC Offensive Player of the Year

2009 Alumni Quarterback of the Year

2009 NFC Offensive Player of the Year

2009 Fed-Ex Air Player of the Year

2009 Maxwell Award Winner

2009 Super Bowl Champion

2009 NFC Championship Winner


Endorsements and Media:

Drew Brees is in many Television commercials the most recent being the Pepsi Commercial.

He is Also in State Farm commercials.

Brees has been the cover athlete of many ESPN magazines also.

Cover of New York Times Magazine on multiple occasions.

Signed endorsement deal with Nike

Brees also signed endorsement deals with Visa, and Sprint.



Refunds: We would offer refunds on certain items such as certain souvenoirs, and tickets. With tickets the refunds will only be availabe if you return the tickets 1

week prior to the event. As for souvenoirs if they are still new and in good shape they can be returned.

Incliment Weather: If there is a game going on during high dangerous weather then the event will be postponed until further notice. Meaning that the game will

eventually be played at some time during that day.

Customer Satisfaction: If the complaint is valid we will consider fulfilling the complaint. If it is very unreasonable we will not help the customer. The

procedure to handle the complaint we will first of all figure out what the problem is and address it. Then we will refund or help the customer come back.


What forms of payment will be accepted: Credit card, Cash, and debit card. These are the most popular and reliable sources of payment. We feel like this will be

very easy to complete.



How We will sell tickets: We will advertise our product using radio,TV, magazines, and billboards. We will use an online shop to purcahse tickets or directly at the game.

When We will put our tickets on sale: We plan to put tickets on sale atleast 2 months prior to the event. Very well known and famous people will have the opportunity to buy tickets first. Also partnerships will have opportunitys to get tickets

first. We will offer discounts if you buy more expensive tickets as soon as they are available. We will do this to make more money and get people to buy tickets faster.



Sales Strategies:

Group Sales: we would do things like offer students cheaper tickets some nights and have the local schools do things like DECA day with

the wolves. We will also get schools or highschools specifically to buy tickets in bulk for any club interested in the sports marketing


Corperate Sales: Show them that we have good players and a very nice stadium and they will really enjoy our stadium and our games.

Season Tickets: There will be a significant saving, there will be a 15% merchandise discount, ticket holders will have their own

reserved seat and priority parking.

Pre-Season: yes we will do pre-season ticket discounts because our pre-season isnt exciting as the actual season and we don’t expect to

get a huge profit off of the pre-season.


Luxury Seating: Our luxury seating will only be available to our season pass holders and no one else due to the fact that

they are the best seating in the statium.


Ticket Pricing:

Strategy: To match our target market price it will be around $80 a ticket for a decent seat. For higher class it is

going to be about double the price. For lower class the price it will be 2x less than a normal price.

Season passes will cost around $700 for a decent seat. This price is for one year round season ticket. Weekly cost will

be around $80 if you choose to pay like this. Preseason tickets will cost around $30 per ticket because the games will not be very crowded and their will be many discounts

at this time.

Outer ring of seats: 40$

Middle ring of seats: 80$

Inner ring of seats: 160$



Ticket Example:


Development of the Idea:

The event we will be planning for is meet the players on September 9 th against the Falcons. The target market for this event will mainly be

kids from age 5-18. We feel like kids are more passionate about sports and our players in our community. We feel like this can have a positive

impact on the community by meeting our very friendly and great football players. Also we feel like this can bring the community closer

together with the team and make our fan base the best!

We chose this event because we want the fans to know we are running a high class organization, with great people on and off the field. We

also feel like if the fans know the players on a personal level they will want to come to more games and see their favorite players. We also chose this because the kids can have a huge impact on who comes to

the game, if a minor likes the team that means someone has to accompany them so that means more fans.


Planning the Event:

Organizational process: first we will set up security guards in many stations for the player protection and for the

spectator’s protection as well, then we will get the players onto the field and get them set up at long tables ready to sign lots of autographs, then we will open the stadium at

1:00 p.m. for the spectators to come onto the field and meet the players till 2:00 p.m., then the spectators will be

treated to a complimentary lunch before the game, then in order for the field to be cleared off for the game we will

have everybody guided out by a few security guards.


Security Guards They protect the players and spectators from harm and keep everything in order.

Concessions Provide everyone with a complimentary lunch pre game.

Players They sign autographs and greet all their fans and take the occasional picture.

Management Make sure that everything goes as planned and nothing goes out of order.


Execution and Evaluation of the event:To implement this plan we will start by getting around fifteen security guards to

supervise the event. The concessions will provide each fan attending this event with a nice lunch before they meet the players. We will make sure the concessions have enough

food and drinks to provide to the attendee’s. We will make sure the players know everything that is going on we will tell them what time they need to be at each place. We

will make sure everything goes smoothly and everyone knows the plan. The security guards will arrive at the stadium to plan for the event at 9:00 A.M. this should give them plenty of time to prepare for the event at 1:00. The Concessions will arrive at the stadium

at 11:00 to prepare the food and make sure everything is where it needs to be. The players will arrive at 12:00 and they will immediately be transported to the place where

the event starts. The duties for the securities guards will be to protect the attendee’s and the players. They will escort them wherever they need to go. The concessions duty will be

simple; all they have to do is provide food to the players and attendee’s. Management’s duty for this event will be too plan it all out and sit back and relax. The affect this event

could have on the community is very positive. Not a whole lot can go wrong with 15 security guards escorting everyone around. There are possible failures because the

planning could be postponed due to weather and crazy people. For the most part this event will have a good impact on the community and increase the teams support. We feel like all the activities of the event should be retained they are very safe and a lot of fun for the fans. We do feel like we can build off of this, we could possibly allow the fans to meet

management, head coaches, or even referees. These activities would continue to build the fan base and help improve our team.



We have chosen Nike as the sponsor of our fantasy team. We feel like this is the best option because they are a well-known and well liked organization. This organization

can definitely help our team become one of the most well-liked and well-known organizations out there. This will more than likely give us a fan increase and an income

increase. Also Nike provides very stylish gear that our team will be able to wear. We want our players to look great and very stylish when they are on the field, so we picked Nike to accomplish this. Don’t forget Nike in Greek means victory and that is what our

team is all about.

Nike can provide shoes, uniforms, undershirts, undershorts, wristbands, and other stylish apparel. We want the best team in the league to represent the best

company out there.

Event: We will be holding an event to help get our team some fans and help Nike. This event will be during the game. This will be a team milestone event if the offense compiles over 300 yards each fan attending the game will receive a free 25 dollar Nike gift card. This will increase attendance, and purchasing of Nike clothing

tremendously. We feel like if the best team is wearing the gear and being transported by the best company, people will feel like they need the product themselves. This is a

win-win for the team itself and Nike as an organization.


Print Advertisement: Come out and see the Helena Wolves play against the Atlanta Falcons on September 9th. We will be holding a special event tonight sponsored by

Nike. If the team compiles over three-hundred yards on offense everyone in the stadium will receive a twenty-five dollar gift card! What’s not to like, you get to see the best team in the NFL, wearing the most stylish merchandise, and you also get a free gift card to access the most stylish merchandise out on the market! Come out

and support your wolves against the Falcons on September 9 th, we will see you there!


Player Endorsements: We have decided that Drew Brees of the Helena Wolves will be endorsing the new Nike drink! We feel like Drew is the best player on this team with the most credentials to gain many fans, and money. Drew has starred in many

other commercials and he was a huge hit causing those certain companies to experience loads of success.


Example: (Drew): Drink the new Nike thirst quenching juice. It contains all of the daily vitamins you need, and not only that it’s delicious! Hey if I drink it every day,

you should too it helps me get prepared for a brutal game. It gives me all the energy I need and more, if you are not drinking this, start now! This is Drew Brees of the

Helena Wolves telling you to drink Nike Juice.


