Exergaming project byrne exs111 601

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Alternative Exercising – iDance vs Dance CentralDoes enjoyment correlate with perceived exertion?

Elizabeth Byrne EXS111-601

IntroductionIn this experiment, we wanted to see, if when students exercised using dance video games, that their enjoyment would relate to their perceived exertion. We compared two games, iDance and Dance Central 2 to see if their enjoyment levels would be higher or lower based on the amount of exertion they felt after completing the game.

ResultsThe results showed that on average, iDance, which took less energy, was the game that was most enjoyed


In conclusion, when comparing iDance to Dance Central 2, students on average enjoyed iDance more. iDance did have a lower perceived exertion rate, meaning that the game that took the less energy was the game that the students more enjoyed participating in. This can conclude, that maybe, games that take less energy seem to be the more enjoyable games.

MethodsIn this experiment, we took students from Jackson’s EXS111 class and had them play iDance and Xbox Kinect’s Dance Central 2 in half hour segments. After play iDance, other students took down the participant’s heart rate in beats per minute, rate of enjoyment on a level from 1-5, and rate of perceived exertion on a level from 1-10. After a short rest to get the participant’s heart rate back to normal, they continued on and played Dance Central 2. After they finished that, other students once again took down their HR, rate of enjoyment, and rate of perceived exertion.
