Butterfly Beauty Music13

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Quiet Walk Photography Quiet Walk Photography

Photos by Carol Carnicom

Butterf ly is a symbol of change, joy, and beauty. As they

light upon

f lowers…

they appear to dance,

Look for the transformation

that is happening

in your life.

Butterf ly teaches that growth and change does

not have to be traumatic,

I t is up to us.

High In the Eucalyptus trees

Monarchs form clusters , waiting

for spring

Many Thanks To:Many Thanks To:

•The Butterfly Pavilion at the Albuquerque Botanical Gardens

•The Heyoka Center for inspiring words

•J. C. Bach and YoYo Ma for the beautiful music - Prelude from Cello Suite #1

•Professor Teaches PowerPoint by Microsoft

•Clifford for his patience in further explaining things and looking at my slide show step by step

•My trusty old Insignia computer for hanging in there

•Friends and family who have offered words of encouragement
