Adrià. Hobbies and collections

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There are a lot of hobbies in the world. For example collections of toys car, or stamps collection.

Everybody has a different hobby, for example sports or reading or writing...

My hobby is juggling and drawing and playing table tennis, and now I’m taking the opinion of my friends and I ask them about their hobbies:

40% of the people like sports20% of the people like drawing 2% of the people like reading38% of the people like playing with the computer and TV games.

Rich people’s hobbies are collecting valuable and expensive objects. For example gold watches. A page of the 25 most strange

collection in the world is this:

My father and I collect fruit tags. We have more than a thousand and they are all different.

I collect table tennis balls. I have about twenty. Different sizes, colours and different brands.

And my mother collects book marks. She has about a hundred

Everybody has a different hobby. The most frequent is, for example, playing football, tennis or other sports.

My hobby is playing table tennis. It’s a great sport for me.

A lot of people like travelling around the world. One of the best places for visit is Paris. It’s a great city and famous because it has the Eiffel tower.

Another fantastic place to visit is China. It’s the second favourite place for tourists. It’s has the Great China wall. It’s has more of 6.500 kilometres.
