Zen gum



Zen Gum is a process of achieving personal enlightenment and growth through the experience of chewing gum.

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Zen Gum

Gum and Your Connection to the


Can Chewing Gum Add Value to Your Life?

Most assuredly, YES!

Expand your mind and awareness

Synchronize with the flow of energy in the universe

Enhance your personal awareness of the world

Activate your creative genius

Variety and the Spice of Life

There are many, many types of gum.

Variety provides for a broad spectrum of experiences

You become one with the universe through zen gum

There are hundreds of types of gum

Gum comes in different shapes, colors, and textures

The process - sumarized

Zen Gum







How Zen Gum Works

Chewing gum is an experience that transcends the actual “chewing” process

Texture, touch, and feel before and during chewing



Visual appearance: color, shape, packaging

Physical and mental state before, during, and after chewing

The process: Getting Started1. Select any brand of chewing gum

2. Sit in a quiet place without any distractions: turn off your phone!

3. Breath deeply and slowly, but don’t stress yourself. Be comfortable.

4. Focus your attention on the unopened gum wrapper, or if a gum ball, on the outer shell.

The process: Observe

Observe all the nuances of the surface of what you are looking at: wrapper or gum ball.

Notice the colors, fonts, and how each element of the surface interacts with one another.

If a gum ball, observe the degree of spherical perfection, surface texture, color variation, reflectivity, and so forth.

The process: Envision

Now, close your eyes(keep them closed) and develop a vividly color picture in your mind of the wrapper or gum ball surface.

Arrive at the surface of the package or gum gall in person, shrunken to the scale of the gum, and see yourself on the surface.

Walk about the surface and observe all that you see in your mind.

The process: Envision

Now, visualize what is beneath the surface.

Transcend beneath the surface and envision the gum below: texture, color, smell. (Your eyes are still closed, right?)

Unwrap the gum and place the wrapper aside.

Feel the surface of the gum: is it what you envisioned? Does not apply to the gum ball!

How does it smell? It is consistent with what you have experienced in your mind up to that point?

The process: Experience

Now, place the gum in your mouth but don’t chew.

Feel the texture with your tongue. Taste the surface and note the sweetness, tartness, or whatever sensation you experience.

How does this fit with your vision of what was below the wrapper or surface of the gumball?

If gumball, let it roll around on your tongue until the surface coating dissolves. How does the subsurface texture match your mind’s vision?

The process: Experience

Now, chew the gum slowly. Breath slowly in and out. Synchronize your breathing with your chewing.

Observe the taste, texture, and muscle and jaw movement. Notice how your teeth come together.

Envision the elements of the gum that give rise to the taste and texture. What are they?

Does the gum taste like it was advertised? Is it what you expected?

The process: Experience

Continue to chew and observe the transition of the flavor and texture over time.

Observe any sounds that arise from chewing.

Change your breathing and chewing frequency to find the most comfortable state. Adjust your breathing frequency hat number of breaths per chewing cycle are equal.

The process: Experience

Remember the chewing frequency at which you achieved comfort – this will be import in correlating your mental state for future sessions.

Now, think about your emotional and mental state at this very moment. Are you calm, stressed, distracted, at peace, etc. Remember this for the future.

Continue to chew and experience the process (eyes still closed), while at the same time envisioning a flow of energy through your teeth into the Earth and beyond.

When the texture or flavor has reached a point where you lose interest in the gum, open your eyes and carefully observe all that is around you.

The process: Extend

Look all around you and select an object on which to focus your attention.

In your mind, envision texture and feel. Now, envision how it would taste if it were gum.

What object in the room would taste closest to the gum you are chewing?

When you have complete the above step, discard the gum.

Close your eyes and review the experience start to finish.

The process: Repeat

Repeat this process once per day for as many days as you wish, year in and year out.

Modify the process by selecting different gum each day.

Mix gum: take a piece of this, and a piece of that, and go through the entire process: you can place the gum in your mouth simultaneously or sequentially – all the same steps apply.

The process: Reflect

Note your chewing frequency and your mental and emotional state. How do they correlate? Is there a relationship between them?

To what kind of gum do you gravitate? Why?

Look deep within yourself to ask why you enjoy a certain type of gum. How does this relate to your world?

Envision those things in the world that most closely ally with the gum experience you enjoy.

In summary. Zen gum:

:can add value to your life, giving you meditative experiences that encompass taste, touch, smell, sound, and environment.

:can give you new perspective of your preferences in life, and put you in balance with the universe.

:is a personal program of renewal, adaptable to your progression through life.

Stay tuned …

Stay tuned for Zen gum “the product” at a store near you!

Disclaimer: Respect the environment and always discard your gum in an appropriate refuse container. Discarded gum may be considered biologically toxic in some states and countries. Chewing gum may induce physical distress in some people: if such a thing is experiences, discontinue chewing contact your dentist immediately. Always chew with your mouth closed; do not utter objectionable sounds such a popping, smacking, and sloshing, as this cold result in bodily harm and social rejection. Do not drive or operate machinery when practicing Zen Gum. Do not drink alcohol or use any mood altering substances while practicing Zen Gum, as this will negate the effectiveness of the process. Enjoy Zen Gum, but realize that results may vary according to the individual, the type of gum, and day of the week, phase of the moon, or other terrestrial or extraterrestrial event over which you have little or no control.
