WH Chapter 2 Section 5 Notes




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Chapter 2Section 5 Notes

Early in their history, the Israelites, or Hebrews, came to believe that God was taking a hand in their lives. As a result, they recorded events and laws in the Torah, their most sacred text.

According to the Torah, a man named Abraham lived near Ur in Mesopotamia. About 2000BC, he and his family migrated into a region called Canaan. Abraham is considered the founder of the Israelite nation.

Early History of the Israelites

The Book of Genesis tells that a famine forced many Israelites to migrate to Egypt

In Egypt, the Israelites were enslaved until Moses led their exodus out of Egypt

After Moses died, they entered Canaan, the land they believed God had promised them

Early History of the Israelites




By 1000BC, the Israelites had set up a kingdom called Israel. David, a strong and shrewd king, united the feuding Israelite tribes into a single nation.

David’s son Solomon turned Jerusalem into an impressive capital, with a splendid temple dedicated to God. Solomon won fame for his wisdom and understanding. He also tried to increase Israel’s influence by negotiating with powerful empires in Egypt and Mesopotamia.

Early History of the Israelites

King David

King Solomon

Israel paid a heavy price for Solomon’s ambitions. His building projects required such high taxes and so much forced labor that revolts erupted soon after his death about 922BC. The kingdom then split into Israel in the north and Judah in the south.

Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Solomon’s great temple and forced many Israelites into exile in Babylon. During this period, called the Babylonian Captivity, the Israelites became known as the Jews.

Early History of the Israelites

Israel and Judah

King Nebuchadnezzar

To the Israelites, history and faith were interconnected. Each event reflected God’s plan for them. In time, their beliefs evolved into the religion we know today as Judaism.

The beliefs of the Israelites differed in basic ways from those of nearby peoples. The Israelites were monotheistic, believing in one true God. At the time, most other people were polytheistic.

A Covenant with God

The ancient Israelites prayed to God to save them from their enemies. Many other ancient people had also turned to particular gods as special protectors. But they thought of such gods as tied to certain places or people. The Israelites believed in an all-knowing, all-powerful God who was present everywhere.

A Covenant with God

The Israelites believed that God had made a covenant with Abraham

Moses later renewed this covenant. In return for faithful obedience, he said God would lead the Israelites out of bondage and into the “promised land” of Canaan. Thus, the Israelites and, later, the Jews saw themselves as God’s “chosen people.”

A Covenant with God

From early times, the concept of law was central to the Israelites. The Torah set out many laws. Some dealt with everyday matters such as cleanliness and food preparation.

Israelite society was patriarchal---fathers and husbands held great legal and moral authority

The father or oldest male relative was head of the household and arranged marriages for his daughters

Teachings on Law and Morality

Women had few legal rights At the heart of Judaism are the Ten

Commandments---set of laws that Jews believe God gave them through Moses

At the heart of Judaism are the Ten Commandments---set of laws that Jews believe God gave Moses

The first four Commandments stress religious duties toward God

The other six set out rules of conduct toward other people

Teachings on Law and Morality

The Ten Commandments

Spiritual leaders emerged to interpret God’s will

Prophets (such as Isaiah and Jeremiah) warned that failure to obey God’s law would lead their people to disaster

The prophets also preached a strong code of ethics---moral standards of behavior

They urged both personal morality and social justice, calling on the rich and powerful to protect the weak and poor

Teachings on Law and Morality