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A Model for Evaluating Arguments

Stephen E. ToulminPhilosopher – Educator - AuthorMarch 25,1922 – Dec. 4, 2009

Why evaluate an argument?


the better we can identify the parts to an argument…

the better we can understand the strengths and weaknesses of the disagreement.

How does Toulmin’s Model work?

It evaluates arguments by first identifying six parts.

Six Parts of the Toulmin Model:

Grounds Warrant Claim Backing Reservation Qualifier


➤ It’s what you’ve observed, either first hand or second hand.

➤ Grounds are reasons or supporting evidence that bolster the claim.

➤ Grounds can be: facts, statistics, expert opinion, examples, explanations, and logical reasoning


➤ It’s a chain of reasoning, that connects the grounds to the claim.

➤ It’s a general rule, which links the claim to the grounds.


➤ Warrants aren’t normally explicit.

➤ Warrants operate at a higher level of generality than a claim..


➤ It’s the conclusion of the argument.


➤ It’s what the arguer is attempting to convince the audience to do or think.

➤ It’s a statement, not a question.

The claim is based on specific support and



➤ It answers the question, “Why do you believe that?”

➤ It’s the specific support for the grounds, or the warrant.

➤ The backing is the implicit assumptions that show the warrant is reliable and/or it’s evidence to support the grounds.


➤ It’s the reasons why the warrant does not apply.

➤ It’s the exceptions to the rule.


➤ It’s a word or phrase which suggests the degree of validity of the claim.

➤ A claim that is "very highly" correct is more valid than a claim that is "most likely" correct.

Here’s an example of an argument against drunk driving, that shows Toulmin’s method.


According to the CDC, in 2010, 10,228 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States.


Ending drunk driving will help end its negative effects.


People should not drink, then drive a motor vehicle (claim), because studies show almost (qualifier) one third of traffic accidents involve alcohol consumption (grounds).


Life expectancy is lengthened if drinking and driving are stopped.


Although it’s not always the case, that people who drink and drive will be injured or die in a traffic accident, driving drunk does increase the risks.

Arguments are Everywhere

Toulmin’s model works well for analyzing the kind of arguments you read in newspapers, and hear on TV, at work, in classrooms, and in conversation.

Does That Part Add Validity?

“Toulmin’s model helps to show how tightly constructed arguments are, and how each part of an argument relates to the overall validity or reasonableness of that argument.”

Argument Broken Into Pieces

“Toulmin’s model is not meant to judge the success or failure of an attempt to prove an argument, instead it helps break down an argument to its most basic pieces.”

