Top ten events timelines




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1488 Sailing Around Africa

Vasco de Gama’s feat of finding a water route to India reduced the dependency on the Silk Road and slowly shifted the economic power in Europe from Italian merchants to the Iberian Peninsula.

1492 Discovery of the New World

Arguably the most important event in history of western civilization, the discovery led to the development of new trades routes (triangular trade) and the European colonization of the Americas.

1501 Developing the Middle Passage

The trade route resulted in the transcontinental migration of nearly 6 million people. It marked the worst example of humanity in the exploitation of people for economic profit in the history of civilization.

1509 Painting of the Sistine Chapel

The quintessential artistic achievement of the Italian Renaissance, this artistic endeavor embodied the style, luxury and ostentation of the Renaissance.

1517 Posting of the 95 Theses

This simple act symbolized the beginning of the Reformation which resulted in the exodus of several million Roman Catholic worshippers to various Protestant denominations which led to an ongoing struggle for freedom to worship in several European nations.

1521 Defeat of the Aztecs

Hernan Cortes and the conquistadors conquering of the third largest city in the world resulted in a growing Spanish influence in modern day Mexico and Central America.

1532 Defeat of the Incans

Pizarro’s military accomplishment enabled Spanish to begin to colonize South America and establish viceroys throughout the New World.

1535 Developing the Anglican Church

Henry VIII’s Act of Supremacy helped bring ideas of the Protestant Reformation to England which was predominately Catholic prior to his divorce from Catharine of Aragon.

1562 Huguenot Wars

These series of wars lasted several years. Focused in France, they focused on French nobles who practiced Calvinism fighting the traditional leadership of the Roman Catholic Church and monarchy.

1588 Defeat of the Spanish Armada

Arguably one of the greatest military events, Elizabeth I’s navy protected protestant England from invasion from Roman Catholic Philip II significantly changing the balance of power in Europe.

1600 Founding of East India Co.

The creation of this monopoly was the quintessential mark of mercantilism and economic exploitation and mastery of trade by western civilization. The company made Great Britain a international giant.

1620 Landing on Plymouth Rock

This act of colonization in North America made the future United States a symbol of religious refuge and a predominately English speaking nation.

1626 Purchasing of Manhattan

The Dutch East India Company’s act led to the creation of the largest city in the United States. The borough serves as a major international trading center today.

1649 English Civil War

The Puritan overthrow of the English monarchy was the first of revolts against European kings by their own people.

1652 Colonizing Cape Colony

During the era of trade and exploration, the Dutch settled the southern tip of Africa helping them control a key strategic location on the trade route between Europe and southeast Asia.

1660 Restoring English Monarchy

Following the reign of Lord Protector, the English congress displeased with the weak leadership decided to bring back Charles II and crown him as leader.

1673 Leewenhoek’s microscope

This technological advancement enabled scientists to observe bacteria. Many medical breakthroughs can be credited to the use of the device.

1687 Newton publishing Principia

1688 Glorious Revolution

1698 Stock Exchange developed

1712 Creation of Steam Engine

1764 Invention of Spinning Jenny

1776 Signing of Declaration of Independence

1789 Bastille Day

1792 New York Stock Exchange

1793 Invention of Cotton Gin

1793 Reign of Terror

1796 Development of Smallpox Vaccine

1807 Creation of Steamboat

1815 Battle of Waterloo
