There was never_a_better_time_than_today


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There was never a bettertime than Today!

Cecilia Abadie

"Our youth love luxury and is rude, ignores authorities and

has not the slightest respect for the elderly. "

"Our children today are real tyrants. They do not stand up

when an older person enters the room. They talk back to their parents

and are simply bad. "

"Our world has come to its critical point. The children no longer

listen to their parents. The end of the world can not be far away."

"Our youth love luxury and is rude, ignores authorities and

has not the slightest respect for the elderly."

"Our children today are real tyrants. They do not stand up

when an older person enters. They talk back to their parents

and are simply bad. "

Socrates (470-399 B.C.)

"Our world has come to its critical point. The children no longer

listen to their parents. The end of the world can not be far away."

By a Priest (2000 B. C.)

We're zoomed in!

Looking only at the last 30 to 50 years.

Let's zoom out together ...

and see what we find out!

Health/Medicine27 years ago - MRI

32 years ago - First in vitro baby

43 years ago - First heart transplant

52 years ago - First pacemaker

82 years ago - Penicillin and other anti-biotics

88 years ago - Insulin to treat diabetics

96 years ago - First successful blood transfusion

What do you think would happen if we look into other


●Life Expectancy●Standard of living●Violence/Wars●Education

Human Rights

20 years ago - Americans Disability Act (ADA)

46 years ago - Civil Rights Act (Citizenship, Due Process, Equal Protection Clauses)

90 years ago - Woman's Sufrage Right

142 years ago - Fourteenth Amendment

145 years ago - Slavery Constitutionally Abolished




● Transparency (social networks, living online)

● Values (human rights)

● Accelerated (Moore Law, ingestible microchip)

● Massively Interconnected (google search)●

Globalized (time to global -> 0)● Consumer to Producer Gap tends to Zero C2P -> 0

● Quantified Self (sensors, tracking tools, best you)● Life Hacking (sleep, neurostimulation)● ... (sci-fi web prediction?)


● Globalized (time to global -> 0)

● Consumer to Producer Gap tends to Zero C2P -> 0

● Quantified Self (sensors, tracking tools, best you)

● Life Hacking (sleep, neurostimulation)

● Robotics, nanobots

● ??? (sci-fi web prediction?)

There was never a bettertime than Today!
