The uniqueness of man and woman




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The Uniqueness of Man and Woman

In Biblical Perspective Gen. 1:27

“So God created humanity in His own image,

in the mage of God, He created male and female.”

Gen. 2:8“And God saw everything that He had

made,And behold,

It was very good.”

Why study the difference between a man and a woman? To understand, accept, and appreciate

the opposite sex. To learn to complement each other

rather than compete. To develop wholesome relationship

among friends, family circles, acquaintances and special friendships.

To accomplish God;s unique role for each other thus glorifying God.

Understanding the DifferenceA. NATURE

MAN A man is hard

then soft He is strong,

brave, darling, firm and decisive.

He can be gentle and sensitive.

WOMAN A woman is soft then

hard. She is weak, helpless,

fearful, but caring, compassionate and sensitive.

She is hard too because she has her convictions and principles.

The positive hard characteristic attitude of

a man and the soft qualities of a woman is a combination of a good reflection of being in

God’s image.

SuggestionsMAN Appreciate her soft

qualities Treat her gently Do not allow her

unique feminine assets to minister you.

WOMAN Appreciate his

positive hardness knowing that it gives you sense of security.

Do not be resentful or proud if they do not possess soft qualities you have.

Do not insult or challenge their lack of softness.


A man is born a

Protector Provider

A woman is born

Helpmate Homemaker

As a Protector

Always protect a woman from danger

Make her feel secured when she is with you

As a Helpmate (HELP MEET)

Delight in serving a man (start from your family)

Encourage and express confidence

Be a good listener

As a Provider You should be

responsible in providing for the basic needs of your family

Do not be dependent on the woman for the financial needs

Be efficient in your work.

As a Homemaker Learn to make

people at home and comfortable.

Set an atmosphere of LOVE, warmth, acceptance and open communication in your home.

Interest and Source of FulfillmentA man’s INTEREST is

on the outside such as:

World events Economic

Condition Friends Sports job

A woman’s INTEREST is her home which includes the following:

Husband Children Domestic work Home-making


MAN(to understand a woman)

Learn to listen with interest as she shares her life and concerns.

Appreciate her domestic accomplishments.

WOMAN(to understand a man) Enjoy listening to him

as he shares his world.

Do not get easily offended if he fails to notice or appreciate your achievements.

Do not be jealous about his job, because he is doing it for you.

Needs A man’s greatest

need is to be adored and respected.

He seeks to be admired especially for his masculine qualities such as leadership, physical strength, and their own ideals, principles and convictions.

A woman’s greatest need is to be loved and appreciated.

A woman by nature is insecure and needs unceasing assurance of being loved and secured. They thrive in love.

A man’s fulfillment comes from his successful job.

A woman’s fulfillment comes from a happy home.

SuggestionsFor a Man Assure her always

of your love. Words count a lot to her. Thoughtful acts are cherished by her.

Do not use her. It is very easy to ask favor from her if she is assure of your love.

For a Woman Admire him

especially in his masculine qualities.

Never doubt, challenge or insult his masculinity.

Express high regards for him in attitude, words and actions.

Other Needs A man needs a woman’s

loyalty, support, encouragement, listening ear and service.

A woman needs a man’s attention. Protection, company and understanding.

SuggestionsFor a Man Learn to greet her

first and notice even small new or pretty things in her.

Make here feel that you are aware of her presence.

For a Woman Express support

in his work, visions and concerns.

Express attitude of acceptance and full trust in victory and failure.

SuggestionsFor a Man Volunteer to

do hard work for her.

Develop your physical strength.

For a Woman When they

are sick, serve them well

Let them do hard work for you.

PHYSICAL A man is stronger in terms of

physical strength. He can exert greater energy for work.

A woman has greater endurance for inner pain, stresses, illness, and shocks of her life.


A man is easily aroused by sight and smell.

For a man, sex can just be a satisfaction of a surface physical strength.

He can be easily tempted without deeper emotional attachment.

He has a natural desire to express his love through physical manifestation like holding hands, embracing and etc.

Woman A woman is

aroused by touch and soften by gentle words.

For a woman, sex is deeper. It involves soul and spirit.

She is usually affected by the man she desires.

SuggestionsFor a Man Realize that sex is not

love and love is not sex. Study God’s view of sex. Avoid unnecessary

physical contact with her.

Avoid going to to places that will tempt you beyond your control.

Know your limits as a man and you may discuss it with your special girl.(esp. if you are engaged)

For a Woman Avoid using

seductive clothes. Be holy and descent

in your ways. Do not yield to all of

guy’s wishes. In his way, you are helping him control himself.

Avoid discussing “suggestive” topics with him.

Avoid going out in tempting places with him.

EMOTION A man is emotional

too but sometimes suppresses the expression of it.

His thinking is less affected by emotional state.

Moods can be determined by environmental factors. Generally, he is more emotionally secure.

A woman is emotional and shows it.

Her thinking is affected by emotional state.

Her moods are unpredictable because it is normally affected by physiological changes in her body.

SuggestionsFor a Man Do not suppress your

emotions. Express it. Learn to be expressive

about your emotions but with discretion.

Accept her even if you can’t understand her.

Just listen and avoid arguments when she is at the peak of her emotion. She can’t think logically.

Understand that she needs a regular assurance of love not only in action but in sweet words.

For a Woman Do not condemn a man

who shows it. Do not expect him to

express love the way you do. They are different.

Let God be your emotional security and not man.

Do not hate yourself for feeling unassured of his love. A woman needs repeated assurance.

Never make any major decision when you’re at the peak of your emotions.

SPIRITUAL A man is less religious

than a woman. He generally matures

slower in his faith. But once committed, his convictions are deeper and stronger.

He knows his goal in terms of his relationship with God but he is not so concerned about “how”.

He is less expressive about his relationship with God.

A woman is more religious than man.

She matures faster. She is concerned

about “how” in reaching her spiritual goal.

She is expressive of her spiritual experience.

She is faithful to her religious obligations.

SuggestionsFor a Man Do not feel proud

if you have deeper convictions than her.

Be serious in your walk with God.

For a Woman Do not judge him

as being less spiritual just because he is not expressive

Refrain from preaching to him. They would rather see you live what you preach.

General Attitudes and Characteristics

Man Logical thinker Optimist Can set aside

problems Consistent Direct, truthful Democratic Decisive Brave, daring,

adventurous Less compassionate

Woman Emotional feeler Pessimist Problem carrier Changeable Indirect Sometimes biased Indecisive Fearful


General Attitudes and Characteristics Practical Stubborn Easily keeps secrets Believes by proof Resentment prone Competitive Goal-oriented Evaluates then acts Faithful in friendship Sees the whole Less sensitive

Idealistic and romantic

Traditional Shares a lot Believes by promise Guilt-prone Less competitive Person-oriented Impulsive Many friends but less

deep Sees the detail Sensitive

General Attitudes and Characteristics

Can keep problem by himself

Treat world impersonally


Needs outlet for problems

Treat world personal



Accept and understand individual difference and complement each other.

Conclusion If men and women accept and

understand their unique differences, appreciate their individual strengths and complement in their weakness…

Then, this world will be wholesome to live in. men and women will enjoy life to the fullest and will be able to live harmoniously.

We can live with peace, and love.