The sufi book of light


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Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


Al Qu’ran - Sūra LIV.

Qamar, or the Moon

In the name of God, Most Gracious,Most Merciful

1. The Hour (of Judgment)Is nigh, and the moon

Is cleft asunder.

2. But if they seeA Sign, they turn away,

And say, "This is(But) transient magic."

3. They reject (the warning)And follow their (own) lusts

But every matter hasIts appointed time.

4. There have already comeTo them Recitals wherein

There is (enough) to check (them),

5. Mature wisdom;—but(The preaching of) Warners

Profits them not.

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016



It is no easy task to cut through the propaganda that has been levied against

religious beliefs. Yet it must be done if Man is to take his rightful place in the

Celestial and Spiritual height and evolution of being. Our perspectives as to the

pathways to Love, Brotherhood, Harmony and Beauty are often colored by

ignorance and implanted mental misconceptions of what is Truth. Such discord

and confusion has not always been the case and will not always be the state of

Man; for the fire of God in the heart of piety can and will pierce the cold

glacier of the manifest self and melt the obstinacy of Man to that which is real.

We are fed a daily diet of the confusion and enmity between the religions of

Judaism, Islam and Christianity; however, we find in history that the Sufi

Moors who followed the Religion of El Islam “delivered Spain from Visigoth

tyranny.” The renowned historian Jamil M.-Nasr on page 86 of his book titled

“A History of the Maghbib” notes the following:

“ The Visigoth rulers were hated by their subjects both Christian and Jewish.

Most of the Christian inhabitants had been reduced by them to the level of

serfs; and the Jews, who constituted about one-third of the population, had been

required since 612 A.D. to baptize their children under the threat of

confiscation of their property. Shortly before Tariq Ibn Ziyad’s (an African

Moor) expedition took place (in 711 A.D.) an abortive Jewish revolt resulted in

the reduction of the whole Jewish community to a state of slavery; amongst

other forms of persecution during this time, Jewish children were taken away

and forced to become Christian and Jews were prohibited from intermarrying

among themselves. It is not surprising that the Jews in Spain viewed the

Muslim invaders as deliverers from Visigoth tyranny, and that the Bishop of

Seville openly sided with the Muslims”.

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


“The Maraboutic type of order or Brotherhood seems to have had its roots in

the medieval religious turmoil of the Near East. It is interesting that their

members are generally known collectively as Sufi, from the Arabic Suf which

means “wooly hair”. Lloyd Briggs, Tribes of the Sahara, page 95,96.

Briggs goes on to say,” A special social category among the sedentary Saharan

population consists of the religious and semi-religious aristocratic classes

commonly known collectively as Marabout, Sheerifs who were lineal

descendants of the Prophet, Muhammad”. These Marabouts were also known

as Mrabteen meaning the ones that had acquired the acquisition of Holiness.

Briggs further writes, “ But one curious fact does stand out; such leading

families are often more or less visibly Negroid, and some of the most powerful

religious chiefs are practically indistinguishable from full blooded Negroes”.

The historian Phillip K. Hitti in his book History of the Arabs, page 100, states

that, “ The Kabah, which became the Palladium of Islam was an unpretentious

cube like bui;ding of primitive simplicity, originally roofless, serving as a

shelter for a black meteorite…..At the birth of Islam, the structure was then

rebuilt in 608 A.D. probably by an Abyssinian….from the wreckage of an

Abyssinian ship destroyed on the shore of the Red Sea………Allah (Allah-al-

ilah) was the principal, though not the only, deity in Makkah. The name is an

ancient one. It occurs in two South Arabic inscriptions, one in Minaean found

at Al-Ula and the other a Sabaean. The name Makkah comes from a Sabaean

word Makuraba meaning sanctuary, which indicates that it owes its foundation

to some religious association and therefore must have been a religious centre

long before Muhammad was born.”

So it is evident that there is a scheme and design underfoot to denigrate the

Religion in the minds of the so called African of the Diaspora.

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


So before going any further into The Book of Light and its questions, let us

take into consideration the doctrine of El Islam according to several of it most

noted scholars:


Rumi’s Spiritual Lessons on Sufism

Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi 1207-1273 AD

Sufism as a discipline is largely Islamic Sufism but Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Jews can

also be Sufis. Sufism is a philosophy, a spiritual discipline, a relationship between master

and disciple, a spiritual path. Sufi teachings are compatible with every religion and are

for everyone. God is like a picture being looked at by different people – depending on

where you’re standing you would describe it a bit differently and focus on different

aspects – this is religion. This does not change the nature of the picture which is the exact

same for all viewers. Rumi says that each religion has a different desire and design:

Christian, Jew, Muslim, Shaman, Zoroastrian, stone, ground, mountain, river, each has a

secret way of being with the mystery, unique and not to be judged. However, while the

ways of different religions may vary, but the goal is one – all roads led to God (Allah in

Islam or Parvardigar in Sufism). Rumi says that while the prayer of every religion is

different, still, faith (knowingness) does not change from religion to religion. The states

that it produces, its place in life, and its effects are the same everywhere.

Ibn Al Arabi ,

Sufi Master

“Look in your own heart,” says the Sûfî, “for the kingdom of God is within you.” He who

truly knows himself knows God, for the heart is a mirror in which every divine quality is


Man is the crown and final cause of the universe. Though last in the order of creation he

is first in the process of divine thought, for the essential part of him is the primal

Intelligence or universal Reason which emanates immediately from the Godhead.

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


It is an axiom of the Sûfîs that what is not in a man he cannot know. The Gnostic—Man

par excellence—could not know God and all the mysteries of the universe, unless he

found them in himself. He is the microcosm, “a copy made in the image of God,” “the

eye of the world whereby God sees His own works.” In knowing himself as he really is,

he knows God, and he knows himself through God, who is nearer to everything than its

knowledge of itself. Knowledge of God precedes, and is the cause of, self-knowledge.

“Do not attach yourself” (Ibn al-‘Arabî continues): “to any particular creed exclusively,

so that you disbelieve in all the rest; otherwise, you will lose much good, nay, you will

fail to recognize the real truth of the matter. God, the omnipresent and omnipotent, is not

limited by any one creed, for He says (Kor. 2. 109), “Wheresoever ye turn, there is the

face of Allah.” Every one praises what he believes; his god is his own creature, and in

praising it he praises himself. Consequently he blames the beliefs of others, which he

would not do if he were just, but his dislike is based on ignorance. If he knew Junayd’s

saying, “The water takes its color from the vessel containing it,” he would not interfere

with other men’s beliefs, but would perceive God in every form of belief.

The Book of Light is a pathway to Union with God. It’s teachings or any part thereof

may be rejected by the reader. So let it Be as the Infinite Creative Cosmic Consciousness

has so ordered. It is a teaching for all religions; for, Sufism respects and acknowledges

ALL of God’s Holy Prophets and Sacred Scriptures. It is Man’s mission to elevate

himself to the highest pinnacle of the Wisdom of God. There are many Names for God,

but there is only One God. There are many sacred scriptures, but only one Divine

Message. For whether we are Christian, Confucianism, Buddhism, Christianity,

Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism or

Zoroastrianism, IT IS WRITTEN:

Isaiah 45:23 |

I have sworn by Myself, the word is gone out of My mouth in righteousness, and

shall not return, That unto Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


To the Initiate:

In the beginning of material creation, Allah (God) created all that is, was, and is to

be. Allah, being One God, His Divine Creation must also have been of one and

that one creation is and was in the image of and the likeness of Allah. This created

one is and was known by the ancients as MHR (Moor) the Sacred Sun of

Consciousness and Wisdom. From MHR, the eternal waters of the Creative Force,

flowed the Universe of visible created things.

MHR is the noblest being and is an expression of Divine Power. He was brought

into being by Allah (God) Himself and is the Heavenly Adam brought forth pure

of Spirit and innocent of mind. The Vice- regent! The Governor! The Ruler over

the planet earth. Planted in the Garden of Material Existence called Eden, MHR

was perfect glory and honor and enjoyed purest happiness; but there lurked within

the garden a serpent, the lower body senses and passions the beasts and dragons

of time. And being in the image and likeness. of MHR, they called out to him and

he answered "Here am I."

Instead of ruling over his lower body manifest, MHR fell under the influence of

his sensual, serpent body and was therefore crucified by the demons and devils

who lurked within. The negative forces gathered together and conspired to take

his life. In his, state of ignorance of himself, his God, and his pure religion, MHR

fell from his high position and the Great Ram of God became entangled in the

briars and thickets of the low desires of his animal self. Yea, the lower spirits

dragged him downward into the deepest caves of hell.

But out of those dismal depths of the nether world a voice was heard

"RESTORE!" He is the One, the Divine Unity of All Life; the Three, Creator,

Preserver and Destroyer, and the Aught, the Divine Potential of all that can ever

be The 1, the 3, and the 0 Allah, the Lord Supreme!

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


1.Q: Who is Allah?

A: Allah (God) is the Creator and Preserver of the Worlds, Master of the Day of


2.Q: What is your Religion?

A: My Religion is El Islam and I am a Muslim.

3.Q: What is the meaning of the word Islam?

A: Islam means Peace.

4.Q: What is a Muslim?

A:. A Muslim is a believer who is obedient to the Divine Will of Allah.

5.Q: What is the Divine Will of Allah?

A: The Divine Will of Allah is that the Divine Principles of Life overcome the carnal

influence of a material existence.

6.Q: What is this called?

A: Spiritual and moral evolution.

7.Q: What do we mean by evolution?

A: Evolution is a mental and physical movement towards perfection.

8.Q: What are the Divine Life Principles?

A: Divine Consciousness, Creative Consciousness and Wisdom.

9.Q: What are Carnal influences?

A: Carnal influences are the animal passions of the material body: Lust, Rage, and Greed.

10. Q: What is the duty of Man?

A: To separate the Divine Life Principles from the carnal influences of his material

(bodily) existence.

11. Q: How is this accomplished?

A: Through the teachings of Al Qu'ran.

12. Q: What is Al Qu'ran?

A: The Holy Qu'ran is the Holy Book of all Muslims sent by Allah, through the Angel

Gabriel, to the Prophet Muhammad, for the Spiritual and moral guidance of all Man

13. Q: What are the five (5) pillars of the Religion of El Islam?

A: (a) There is no God but Allah (in Arabic: la ilaha illa Allah) and Muhammad is the

Messenger of Allah (in Arabic: Muhammad Rasul Allah):

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


(b) The Prayers (in Arabic: as-Salat)

(c) The Fasting (in Arabic: as-Sawm)

(d) The Almsgiving (in Arabic: az-Zakat)

(e) The Pilgrimage (in Arabic: al-Haj)

14. Q: What is the Supreme Truth?

A: There is no God but Allah (God)

15. Q: What is the Supreme Law?

A: Muhammad is His Prophet and Messenger.

16. Q: Who are the best of Muslims?

A: Those who desire for their brothers what they desire for themselves.

17. Q: Name the five (5) required (FARD) Prayers?

A: (a) The Dawn Prayer (Salat al Fajr)

(b) The Noon Prayer (Salat al Zuhr)

(c) The Afternoon Prayer (Salat al Asr)

(d) The Sunset Prayer (Salat a! Maghrib)

(e) The After Sunset Prayer (Salat al Isha).

18. Q: What is meant by Ablution?

A: Ablution means the washing of the physical body before Prayer. It is performed by

(beginning with the right side):

(a) washing the hands to the wrists 3 times:

(b) rinsing the mouth 3 times:

(c) cleansing the nostrils with water 3 times:

(d) washing the face from ear to ear 3 times:

(e) washing the forearms to the elbows 3 times:

(f) washing the feet to the ankles 3 times:

(g) passing a wet hand over the whole head or a part of the head once.

19. Q: What do the right and left sides represent?

A: The right side represents the Life Principle (male)

The left side represents the female Principles of the material.

20. Q: What is the significance of the number 3 in ablution? A: The number 3 represents

Creation, Death, and Rebirth.

21. Q: Name and describe the positions during Prayer?

A: (a) Iqa'mat= standing erect and stating the intention to pray (Niyyat):

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


(b) Takbir-i-tahrimah=standing with the thumbs touching the lobes of both ears:

(c) Qiyam=standing and placing the right hand upon the left just below the navel:

(d) Ruku= bowing down in such away as to grasp the knees with the hands keeping the

back straight:

(e) Qadah=sitting in a posture upon the heels of both feet: (0 Sajdah= prostrating in such

away that both the palms of the hands, the forehead, the knees, and the toes of both feet

touch the floor.

22. Q: What is a Rakat?

A: A Rakat is the end of the first section of the prayer ending with the second prostration.

23. Q: What is Salat-ul-Jumu'a?

A: The Salat-ul-Jumu'a is the Friday Congregational Prayer attended by the Muslims of a

Mosque or Community.

24. Q: Perform the Prayer?

A: Note: The Imam must instruct the initiates in the proper per- formance of the Prayer,

the number of Rakats for each Prayer and demonstrate the Universal Positions of Prayer.

25. Q: Explain the benefits of Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving, and Pilgrimage?

A: Prayer revives the memory of Allah and teaches obedience to Allah while raising the

mind beyond earthly considerations: —Fasting during the whole month of Ramadan (the

9th month) teaches self control and recalls in the memory the sufferings and hunger of

the poor

—Almsgiving develops cooperation among all Muslims —Pilgrimage is to visit the Holy

Mosque at Mecca in Arabia and bring all Muslims together in the highest spirit of


26. Q: How many days make up the Islamic Year?

A: 354 days.

27. Q: Name the 12 months of the Islamic Calendar?

A: 1. Muharram 2. Safar 3. Rabi'u - al-awwal 4. Rabi'u-al thaani 5. Gomada-al-oola 6.

Gomada-al-thaaniya 7. Rajab 8. Sha'ban 9. Ramadan 10. Shawwaal 11. Zul-qi'adah and

12. Zul-hijja.

28. Q: What is the Hijra and its significance?

A: The Hijra is the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina

(Yahtrib) in the year 622 A.D. This migration marks the first year of the Islamic


Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


29. Q: What is the Eid-al-fitr?

A: The Eid-al-Fitr is a feast day following the breaking of the required fast of Ramadan

(the 9th month).

30. Q: What is the Eid-el-Adhaa?

A: The Eid-el-Adhaa is the Feast of Sacrifice held on the 10th day of Zul-hijja

representing the Prophet Abraham's sacrificing of his first son Ishmael.

31. Q: What Divine Act does the sacrifice symbolize?

A: The Creation of the Worlds.

32. Q: What is the Kaba?

A: The Kaba is a sacred cube shaped structure located within the Great Mosque at the

Holy City of Mecca towards which all Muslims face during Prayer. It was erected by the

Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) and his son Ishmael.

33. Q: What were the names of the two creative spirits in all creative legends of ancient

Cush (Africa)?

A: The Ka and the Ba.

34. Q: What was the original name of the Holy City of Mecca?

A: Bakka.

35. Q: What does the Cube symbolize (stand for)?

A: Man, the Perfected Earth.

36. Q: What do the Ba and the Ka represent?

A: The two natures of Man.

37. Q: What is the meaning of the word HUMAN?

A: The word HUMAN comes from the Arabic word huma which means "having two


38. Q: What are the two natures of Man?

A: Spiritual and Material, Rational and Animal, Conscious and Unconscious, Divine and


39. Q: By what other name are they known?

A: The Higher Self and the Lower Self.

40. Q: What are meant by Mujáhidah?

A: Mujahidah are spiritual exercises that bring about a Spiritual and Moral evolution in


41. Q: What is another name for Spiritual and Moral evolution?

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


A: The Resurrection of the dead.

42. Q: What is meant by the DEAD?

A: The DEAD are those who are unconscious of the Reality.

43. Q: What is the Supreme Reality?

A: Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

44. Q: What is a Sufi?

A: A Sufi is a Muslim who seeks to understand Divine Realities.

45. Q: What are they called?

A: Ahl-al-Haqq, Followers of the Real.

46. Q: What is the first virtue of a Sufi?

A: Purity of Heart.

47. Q: What is meant by al-Haqq?

A: Allah, The Reality.

48. Q: What is Fana?

A: Fana means the passing away of the animal passions and desires of the lower self.

49. Q: What is the lower self?

A: The lower self is selfish individuality the breeder of hatred, slander, lewdness, murder,

theft, and everything that harms. It offers pleasure, joy, and satisfying gain, but gives

unrest, misery, and death.

50. Q: What is Baqa?

A: Baqa means Union with Allah in the Higher Self.

51. Q: What is the Higher Self?

A: The Higher Self is Divine Consciousness clothed with Soul. It is the embodiment of

TRUTH and is the Mother of Virtues and Harmonies of Life.

52. Q: What is meant by Istinbat?

A: Istinbat is the Divine SUN (Wisdom) born of the marriage between Love and Purity. It

is the Holy Breath, the Holy Spirit, the Logos of the inward eye.

53.Q: What is Knowledge?

A: Knowledge is recognition of Allah, recognition of His Prophets and Messengers,

recognition of the Holy Qu'ran, recognition of the Religion of El Islam, propagation of

the Religion of El Islam, and standing up for the Truth in the face of adversity.

54. Q: What is TRUTH?

A: TRUTH is that which is.

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


55. Q: What is falsehood?

A: Falsehood is the illusion that seems to be.

56. Q: What is a Salik?

A: A Salik is a Sufi performing the Pilgrimage to Reality.

57. Q: What is meant by Tariqat?

A: Tariqat is the path to the goal of union with Reality.

58.Q: What is a Sheik?

A: A Sheik is a Holy Man of Spiritual Knowledge who leads and guides along the path to

Union with Reality.

59. Q: What is Maqamat?

A: Maqamat is the seven steps along the path to union with Reality.

60. Q: Name the seven steps of Maqamat?

A: Repentance, Abstinence, Renunciation, Poverty of worldly desires, Patience, Trust in

Allah, and Satisfaction.

61. Q: What is Yakin?

A: Yakin is the Divine Light by which the mind sees Reality.

62. Q: What is Firasat?

A: Firasat is the Supernatural Power that issues from the Divine Light Yakin.

63. Q: What are the Forces that govern the Universe?

A: Active and Passive; Cause and Effect, Male and Female, Spiritual and Material.

64. Q: What is the rule governing Cause and Effect?

A: The Cause must be within the effect.

65. Q: What are the three Spiritual Causes of existence?

A: Consciousness, Form, and Energy.

66. Q: What are the four Spiritual Effects.

A: Mental Matter (Fire), Astral Matter (Air), Ethereal Matter (Water), Dense Matter


67.Q: What is meant by the Absolute?

A: Allah, the Causeless Cause and Creator of the 7 planes (energies) below.

68. Q: What is the Septenate?

A:The Septenate are the seven pre-physical planes descending from the Absolute. The

Jews call these Elohim.

69.Q: How many colors are in the rainbow and what do they represent?

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


A: There are seven colors in the rainbow (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and

violet). They represent the seven spirits of earthly existence.

70. Q: What are the seven spirits of earthly existence?

A: Mineral, Plant, Beast, Man, Seraphim, Thrones, and Cherubim.

71, Q: What is a Cherubim?

A: A Cherubim is a Holy Mind of Creative Consciousness clothed in the garments of the

six lower spirits.

72. Q: What is a Throne?

A: A Throne is a Holy Mind of Creative Ideas clothed in the garments of the five lower


73. Q: What is a Seraphim?

A: A Seraphim is a Holy Mind of Creative Energy clothed in the garments of the four

lower spirits.

74. Q: What are the-spirits of Man, Beast, Plant, and Mineral? A: Mental Matter, Astral

Sentient Matter, Ethereal Vegetative Matter, and Dense Physical Matter.

75. Q: How were Adam and Eve created?

A: The Septenate merged with the agent of Material Creation and all the Worlds were


76. Q: Give the six names for the agent of Material Creation? A: Serpent, Lucifer, Satan,

Devil, Dragon, and Beast.

77. Q: Who Created the second Adam?

A: Allah, by the Will of Man through the actions of Istinbat.

78. Q: What is the name of the second Adam?

A: The second Adam is of the body of the first but is not the same in knowledge and

quality. His name is MHR, the Sacred SUN of Wisdom and Consciousness.

79. Q: What happens to the Divine Life Principle when it descends into matter?

A: The Conscious Energies temporarily lose their force and are said to die.

80. Q: What is the ancient symbol for Matter?

A: The Cross.

81. Q: What is the Life Principle of the Earth?


82. Q: Who is the Life Principle of MAN?

A: MHR, the Sacred SUN of Wisdom and Consciousness.

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


83. Q: Who is the Life Principle of MHR?

A: Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

84. Q: What is a Shárif?

A: A Sharif is one who is a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.

85. Q: Who were the Sa'dians?

A: The Sa'dians were Sharifs who resided in Morocco whose forefathers were of the

Southeast Arabian Tribe of Sa'd Hawazin.

86. Q: By what other names were the people of the Tribe of Sa'd Hawazin known?

A: Moabites, Elamites, Africans, and Ethiopians.

87. Q: Who were the Elamites?

A: The Elamites were a Nation from the land of Cush (Africa) who migrated to the banks

of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers over 49,018 years before written history. Their

dominion extended from Parsas (Persia, Iran) to India, Africa, Irak, Turkey, Syria and the

whole of what is now called North America. They explored and settled the continents of

North and South Amexem (America) 38,000 years before the arrival of the European

from the mountains of the Caucasus

88.Q: By what name was their Priests and Ministers called and what did they call their

places of worship?

A: Their Ministers and Rulers were called MHR (Moor) and their Temples were called

Temples of Science.

89. Q: Give two names that refer to the God of the ancient Elamites?

A: Ilah (Allah) and Baal (Bey-El)

90. Q: By whom was the Prophet Muhammad reared?

A: Harith and Halima of the Tribe Sa'd Hawazin.

91 Q What were their Nationalities?

A Moabite

92. Q: What is meant by Moabite?

A: The word Moabite means the Father of MHR (Moor) the Divine Manifestation of the

Living SUN.

93. Q: What is your Nationality?

A: Moorish American. I am a descendant of Moroccans and born in America.

94. Q: What is the meaning of the word Morocco?

A: Morocco means the Land of the Moors

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


95. Q: What is the recent definition of a Moor?

A: A Moor is defined as a Negro or Black who practices the Islamic Religion.

96. Q: What is the ancient definition of a Moor?

A: A Moor is any person descendant from among the dark nations of people who is freed

from the desires of the world and thereby dedicated and consecrated to the divine service

of Allah.

97. Q: What were Moors called in Arabia?

A: Muharrar.

98. Q: What were Moors called in Rome?

A: Maure.

99. Q: What were the Moors called in Cuba and Mexico?

A: Moro.

100. Q: What is the line (genealogy) through which the ancient Moors came?

A: The Great Fathers and Mothers of the Moors are: Abraham; Boaz by Ruth; Jesse;

King David; Solomon; Hezekiah and Joseph by Mary.

101. Q: What is meant by the words Father and Mother?

A: Divine Consciousness and Biologic Inheritance (Form). Spirit and Matter.

102. Q: Where were the seats of Moorish Power?

A: India, Africa and Europe

103. Q: Who was Isa (Jesus)?

A: Isa was the ancient embodiment of TRUTH, the Divine Manifestation of the Living

SUN sent to save his nation from the iron-hand oppression of the pale skinned nations of


104. Q: Where did he teach?

A: India, Africa and Europe.

105. Q: What is the line (genealogy) of Isa?

A: Ibrahim; Boaz and Ruth, father and mother of Obed; Obed father of Jesse;. Jesse

father of King David; Solomon, Hezekiah, Joseph by Mary.

106. Q: What was the Nationality of Ruth?

A: Ruth was a Moabites according to the scriptures.

107. Q: Name the 9 Great Prophets that preceded (were before) the Jesus of the scriptures

according to legend?

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


A: Krishna (India), Sakia (India), Osiris (Egypt), Iva (Nepal), Mithras (Persia), Thammuz

(Asia), Orontes (Egypt), Hesus (France-Celtic), Horus (Egypt).

108. Q: How did they die?

A: They were crucified on the Cross.

109. Q: According to legend, when were they born?

A: December 25.

110. Q: How were they said to have been born?

A: By virgin births.

111. Q: Give some examples of the foreshadowing of the Crucifixion?

A: Ibrahim's sacrifice of his son Ishmael; Moses' descent into Egypt; Saul's eating of the

forbidden fruit; Daniel being thrown into the den of Lions.

112. Q: What does the crucifixion symbolize?

A: Spirit's descent into material forms.

113. Q: Name a few Great Moors of history and their accomplishments?

A: Tank ibn Zyad (711 A.D.), governor of Tunis in Africa, conqueror of Spain after

whom the Rock of Gibraltar is named. —Abdul Mu'min ibn Ali (1152 A.D.), governor

Tunisia in Africa, founder of the Almohad dynasty, layer of the foundations of the Great

Koutobia Mosque at Morocco, first pure Moor to bear the title of Amir al-Mu'minin

(Universal Caliph).—Ali ibn Haidar (1660 A.D.), the last pure Moor to rule at Morocco,

Firuz Shah (1325 A.D.), ruler of India and establisher of the Dehli Sultan Dynasty.

114. Q: When did the Moorish Kingdom in Spain fall?

A: November 25, 1491.

115. Q: What is the image of this day called in America?

A: Thanksgiving

116. Q: Who proclaimed the first Thanksgiving?

A: Pope Alexander VI of Rome

117. Q: What caused the fall of the Moorish Empires?

A: They failed to remain united against a common enemy and adopted the spiritual and

moral beliefs of the pale skin nations of Europe.

118. Q: Who were the Arma?

A: Arma is a word used in Africa to signify a mulatto brought about by the sexual union

between a pure Moor and a European. They became an aristocratic clan who denounced

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


the Islamic Religion and were used by the European powers of the north to bring about

the downfall of Africa and its Peoples.

119. Q: By what other names were they known?

A: Indians, Mexicans, Mestizos, Creoles and Coloreds.

120. Q: What is the Theme of all Religions?

A: The Spirit's descent into matter; the death of the Creative Spirit in matter; and the

Spirit's overcoming of its imprisonment by matter.

121. Q: What are these three Divine Acts called?

A: Genesis (The Creation); Deuteronomy (two natures) and Exodus (The Deliverance).

122. Q: Who was Noble Drew All?

A: The Honorable Noble Drew Ali was a Prophet to the Moors in North America. He was

born on January 8, 1886 in Salem, North Carolina and died in Chicago, Illinois on July

20, 1929. In 1913, he founded the uniting of the Moorish Science Temple of America in

Newark, New Jersey.

123. Q: What were the five Principles of his teachings?

A: Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice.

124. Q: What did he teach concerning Nationality?

A: He taught that the Nationality of the Moors was taken away from them in 1774 and

the words Negro, Black, and Colored were given to the Asiatic of America because they

honored not the principles of their forefathers, and strayed away after the gods of Europe

which they knew nothing of.

125. Q: What was his Religion?

A: El Islam. He was the first to bring the teachings of the Holy Qu'ran to the lost Moors

in America.

126. Q: Who was Elijah Muhammad?

A: The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was a Prophet to the Moors in North America. He

was born on October 7, 1898 in Atlanta, Georgia and died in Chicago, Illinois on

February 25, 1975. He was founder of the Nation of Islam.

127. Q: What were the Principles of his teachings?

A: The Principles of the Nation of Islam were Freedom, Justice, and Equality. The goals

were unity, the founding of a separate State and the rise of the Moors to their fullest

Spiritual and economic potentials.

128. Q: What is the Masjid UI Salaam?

Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016


A: Masjid Ul Salaam means Mosque of Peace. It is the Earth in Divine Balance and

Harmony with Nature. It is the final disposition of the Will of God

129. Q: What are its goals?

A: To unite the inhabitants of the Earth in a Divine relationship and bring ALL Peoples to

the heights of Spiritual, Mental, and Moral Consciousness.

130. Q: What is the TRUTH?


Authored by Ibrahim Khalil-Ullah April 27, 1972Posted by Abraham Bolden, Sr. May 5, 2016