The quest of life: the unsolved riddle



a beautiful and intriguing poem on the mystery of life.. i heard about this contest from:

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When I probed life….

Whenever my mind

begins to ponder over this

deep, dark


however hard tried, I wonder,my wisdom fails to get it correct.

O! you wise people of the world

can you lend me your wits?

to crack the puzzle which

bothers,though I

strive hard to solve it.

What is life? The

meaning? The

definition?Go on, give yourself a


For it still remains a stubborn question

which never

fades nor gets dry.

some say, it’s about celebrating each

daysome smile and face it as it comes their


some stagger and stammer at the sight of perils,others vile away the moments in nags, jibes and quarrels.

there are warriors, who fight their battle

till their last beat and breathe.

but this world is not devoid

of those who sacrifice their life and

embrace death.

Still, life is the same to all of us

whether we wish or not,

with boulders and pits all along the

pathwhere we leap, sprint and trot.

careful, watch every single step,for we never know what lies next

you miss a beat,

alas! you go,leaving

unaccomplished your lone


so what, if you fell,c'mon you can still

stand up,

for failure

is not in falling,but it’s failing to get


life to me is just living and wearing an everlasting


for it makes

you tough as a wall,and never lets you

be glassy fragile.

Still, you can define it with a difference

if not heartily satisfied.

for it still remains a stubborn question,

no matter how many times tried.