The pursuit of happiness 5


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The pursuit to happiness is paved with spiritual disciplines.

Jesus spoke more on the topic of stewardship than any other topic in the Bible.

Stewardship is a major part of discipleship.

1. A steward is one who has been entrusted with someone else’s stuff to make the most of it for the one who owns it. .

2. We are stewards of our time, resources, and opportunities.

3. If we are faithful with what we have been chosen to steward, we will be blessed and rewarded.

Mt 25:21 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

4. Being a steward of your time means:

a. You firmly establish the priority of your life of practicing the spiritual disciplines b. You set goals reviewing them daily and being accountable to achieving them. c. You daily ask God to direct your steps.

Pr 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths.

5.About being a steward of your resources (money):a. Our use of money is a

basic TEST of stewardship.

b. Our use of money is a basic TEST of our TRUST in God.

5.About being a steward of your resources (money):c. The place to begin in our

stewardship of money is with the tithe.

d.God will provide for us if we are faithful to give

e.Giving earns eternal rewards in heaven

6.Being a steward of your opportunities means investing your time in what will matter most.

Some Examples:a.Good Deedsb.Serving the Poorc.Ministering to others

Helpful ideas on being a good steward:

1. Realize everything you have is given to us from God.

2.Realize that the way you are living your life is preparing you for the afterlife.

3. Be faithful to what God has given. 4. Commit to joining the 40 Day Spiritual Journey to a more generous life.