The Practical Application of Gita


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The Practical Application Of

Gita In our Lives

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

Jnana(Theoretical knowledge) becomes

Vijnana(Realized knowledge) when put into


Or else it is useless.

Eg.Not sitting on train after purchasing a ticket

Not taking medicine after receiving from doctor

In B.G. Krishna says,

“Jnana vijnanam sahitam

sa jnytva mokshyase subhat”

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-Gita to Arjuna

• In order to show the world that this timeless

message is meant not only for renunciates

• But also for householders with family and

social responsibilities

• Who have an occupation and are

bewildered about proper execution of their


• While pursuing the ultimate goal of life

– self-realization

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

• Spiritual life is retirement program


• Spiritual life means to give up everything

• Gita tells us how to live dynamically. This

knowledge should be given at the age of

five so one can live his life perfectly

“Kaumaro acaret prajno…..”

• Spiritual life does not mean that we give up

everything but add Krishna to our life

We don’t have to change anything but our



• Krishna wanted to show us the importance

of Gita. This knowledge has to utilized

during the most critical time of our life

Why Gita was spoken on the Battlefield?

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

• Would have Arjuna taken out time if it were

not important

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

We don’t have Krishna To Guide us?

In B.G.4.2 Krishna says, “Evam parampara..”

• If we approach this knowledge as Arjuna

did we can have the same effect

• Srila Prabhupada

brought that same

message to all of us in

the unbroken chain

of disciplic succession.

How do we know if we are hearing from

the right source??

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

Qualifications of a bonafide spiritual master

• Well versed with the science of Krishna

• Is connected with the parampara

“By the mercy of guru one gets Krishna and

by the mercy of Krishna one gets a guru”


Samyat pradayate iti sampradaya

completely Handing over

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

• Kumar - Nimbarkacharya • Brahma - Madhvacharya

• Rudra - Vishnuswami • Sri - Ramanujacharya

Eg. - Getting degree from a recognized inst.

- Electricity connection.

How do we know if one is speaking

according to a sampradaya?

A bonafide spiritual master presents the

message without addition, subtraction and


The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

What is the proof that we are hearing in

parampara?There is a change in our heart and our lives

Otherwise it is simply a pious entertainment

• Has realized the conclusion of scriptures

by deliberation

• Fixed in devotional service to the supreme

• Has controlled his senses

• Is an acharya, following guru, sadhu & Sastra

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

Qualifications of a disciple

• Inquisitive to know the truth

• humbly inquires with the service attitude

DISCIPLE – Ready to be disciplined

In B.G.4.34 “tad-viddhi pranipatena………..”

In B.G.2.7 “Karpanya doshapahata……..”

Example of farmer sowing a seed

• complete surrender

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

Contributions of such as Acharya is

establishment of True temples which are

colleges of higher education, where one is

education and trained to perfect ones lives

Contributions of a bonafide Acharya

What is a real temple?

A real temple is like a hospital

•Diagnosis of the disease – we have material body

•Cause of the disease – our envy & desire to become

controllers and enjoyers separate from Krishna

•Line of treatment – “sarva dharman..” Surrender

•Medicine – “harer nama harer nama….”

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

A real temple teaches the importance of

• Association of devotees

Who is a sadhu ?“Titiksava karunika…”

• titiksava - tolerant • karunika -merciful

• suhrdam sarva dehinam – friend of all living entities

• ajata satrava – no enemies

• santah – like an ocean

• sadhava – He is a walking scripture

• sadhu bhushanah – All good qualities

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

• Dangers of materialitistic association

Shakespeare says,

“You tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who

you are”.

What does association mean??

Don’t reveal your heart to such people.

Television – The one eyed guru!!

• Importance of acceptance of guidance

from a spiritual preceptorTransparent via media of the lord.

He is not lord but a rep of the lord and repeats

the message of the lord and makes it


The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

The Practical Application Of

Gita In our Lives – PART II

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

What does a Guru Teach ?

1. How one can be Krishna

conscious in family life?

Lord Rshabhdev says,Gurur na sasyat sva jano na sa syat

Pita na sa syaj janani na sa syat

Daivam na tat syan na patis ca sa syan

na mocayed samupetya mrtyum

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

2. Strictly follow the four regulative


What does a Guru Teach …..contd

•No meat eating •No intoxication

•No gambling •No illicit sex

If you are not following these things

don’t worry !!!

Just take up the positives and negatives

will go automatically

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

3. Moral and Spiritual Honesty

What does a Guru Teach …..contd

Q. What is moral and spiritual honesty?

A. Being moral and honest to Krishna

real morality and honesty

• Real morality is “yatra yogeshwara Krishna..”

• Highest principle is living as per Krishna’s


• Krishna says,

“aham tvam sarva papebhyo………...”

Eg of 4 theives…

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

Q. What is Definition of morality?

A. Morality is a standard of activity by

which the supreme authority (Krishna) is


For a higher principle lower principle can be given up

Example of Kaushik muni

Gita speaks of standard morality which is


i.e. living a pure and simple life

to satisfy Krishna

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

What does a Guru Teach …..contd

4. Charity

Q. What is Charity?

Krishna says in BG that there are three kinds

of charity

Krishna says in BG 8.5,

“Yajna daan tapascaiva….”

• Charity in Mode of Ignorance

Giving the wrong thing to wrong person in wrong

place at wrong time

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

• Charity in Mode of Goodness

Giving the right thing to right person in right

place at right time with right motive

• Charity in Mode of Passion

Giving the right thing to right person in right

place at right time with wrong motive

All these three charities are binding

Therefore the best charity is

Transcendental Charity

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

Q. What is Transcendental Charity?

A charity by which we give Krishna to others

Example of Mr. Malhotra and Srila Prabhupada

Transcendental charity means to give in such a

way that somehow or other the person gets


Caitanya Mahaprabhu says,

“Praner arther diya vaca..”

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

What does a Guru Teach …..contd

5. How to dovetail your occupation

in devotional service

“Big problem of 21st Century…we have no time”

Guru give us the secret of……

How to make our home into a temple?

A temple has a chakra or flag at the top!

Example of Vidhan sabha

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

How to transform our home into a temple?

• Invite the lord in our home

If we have a place for the lord in the heart then we

will have a place for him in our home

• Give him the best possible place in the home

Example of Krishna in the closet of a big office

The Lord should be

established and worshipped

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

How do we worship?

1. Establish an altar

2. Offer him food

Example of offering water to ganga

3. Offering aarti

4. Inviting family to participate

“A family that prays together stays together”.

Example of throwing stones in a lake

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

In Vedic culture joint families were staying


80% marriages in america end into a

divorce in first 3 years

Impact on Children• First 3 years of life of Kids are crucial like

wet cement

• These spiritual activities leave lasting

impression upon the kids.

Example of old lady bringing her grandson to

the temple

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

Therefore, it is very imp that we establish

a temple in our home. But,

There is a tendency that everything done

repeatedly for sometime becomes mechanical

How to protect ourselves from all our activities

become ordinary mechanical material activity?

By performing Sadhana..

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

What is Sadhana?

Those activities that re-spiritualize our lives

From nowonwards everything is most important

1. Japa – chanting the holy names of the lord

Q. Why should we chant on beads?

1. Concentration

2. Regulation

Q. When should we chant?

Brahma-muhurt is the best time

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

2. Reading of Scriptures

3. Hearing from advanced devotees

The 4 Do’s - ABCDA – Association of Devotees

B – Books – reading books

C – Chanting the names of lord

D – Diet (Krishna Prasad)

The Practical Application of Gita in our Lives

Who is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ?