The PIR Siberian Children’s Feasts 2010 Part III (the final 3 parties)



A picture essay in 4 parts of the 2010 initiative to bless the children of 5 Children's Homes in Irkutsk, Russia with a wonderful, special Christmas and the knowledge of God's love. Join us next Christmas?

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The PIR Children’s Feasts 2010Part III – The Leningradskaya & Urik Village Party

Party at Ulitsa Leningradskaya Home- 29 DecemberThe older boys that had previously been located in the Nekrasova Street Home had been relocated to the Leningradskaya Street Home, situated in a suburb far from the centre of town. When I had last seen these boys they had been angry rebellious young teens, but when they walked into the room they were quiet, maturing teens… and they remembered us.

I cannot tell you how much it means to a child that you come back and do not forget them. For most of them it is a foreign concept. Their parents have not been able to do this and most other people care enough to help once, but few ever come back or help on an ongoing basis. In the first 5 minutes they told every child in the home about what had happened in the previous years, and the parties and presents they had received.

Once again, I realised that the natural reaction by these children to love from anyone, is cynicism. The older girls struggle to believe that anyone can and does love them unconditionally. The boys just go quiet in their cynicism, and don’t express any emotions as to do so would leave them vulnerable to hurt once again.

But it amazes me how children carry on and are prepared to step out even after such huge emotional upheaval in their lives. In this home there was a boy who simply could not stop volunteering to recite another poem. He so loved giving the gift of poetry to others that he would recite a poem and had no sooner finished than wanted to recite another. I think we finally stopped him after 8 poems, but how amazing that he is prepared to give of himself to us so freely.

Another child, who I remember from the previous year was a boy who always has asked for ‘different’presents to everyone else. It seems he has a really avid imagination. Last year he wanted a toy from a particular television series, and could not stop speaking of how the toy worked and what had happened in the series. This year he wanted a transformer robot and again, he kept us all busy for at least 30 minutes telling us what each element of the robot could do, and what had happened with it in the series. He was obviously over the moon about his present…and loved the attention.

Welcome to Leningradskaya Home

Sasha singing a meaningful Christmas song

One of the girls originally from Nekrasova who remembered us

The gang!

Poetry Time

Poem number 5 of 8 from this boy

… but I can’t remember any other poems!?!?!

And all get involved

Finally present time…

…but just time for one more poem…

Masha and I handing out presents

I know what mine is…

I’m not sure what this is…

Ready to open…


All smiles!!!!

We couldn’t be happier… or cuter

The girls

Sooooo happy

Me too!!!

Party at Urik Village Home- 30 DecemberUrik is a home very close to my heart. I think it is so because I know that the people in charge of the home are so dedicated and that they truly love the children who live there. Sveta the child psychologist travels out to the village daily by bus and returns each night, and has such a heart for the children.And this heart shows in the children.

The home prepared a concert for us and we played games with the children, sang songs, recited poetry and just enjoyed time with the kids for around 4 hours. Eventually we had to stop the fun and give out the presents, which again were so wonderfully received. The kids loved every moment of the party and we were sad to go home.

On the way home Masha sat with Sveta and one of the other directors in the one car, and shared more about Christmas and Christianity with them, and they were so open to the ideas. They asked Masha if the church could provide them with some Christian material to go through with the children, and if someone could come regularly to the village and spend time with the kids. Please keep them in prayer and pray that the church can meet this need.

The icy road

Its -35C in the village this morning

Reshuffling presents due to changes in the home

The children all waiting for us

Time for some games

I know the answer…. I think

Drawing Santa blindfolded…

I’m sure his nose is meant to be on his face ?!?!

So when do we get presents then???

Urik Continues in Next Presentation…