The internet and friendship


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The Internet and Friendship by mpn | on June 18, 2013

On the internet, friendships are a rare occurrence. People say that they are your friend but in all actually, they are just wanting to part you from your money, in the marketing world, so that they can make money themselves. They tend to sell you outdated materials and dont care. It is a rare occurrence to actually find a true friend on the internet. The person helping me write this told me a story about one such friendship. Over a year and a half ago he started marketing on the internet and just a week into it he met a man who had been online for many years. They soon became fast friends and basically brothers as one could start a sentence and the other would finish it. These two have continued to this day working together on different programs and help each other out all of the time. What a different relationship because one is a musician and the other used to be a carpenter till a car accident put him on disability.

One is living in the states and the other is living in the Philippines, but from Texas, and this is just about as far apart as you can get for a friendship. These two are inseparable and continue to this day working online and as friends that you might never find living even close together. They both work hard online and make a little along as in NOT rich but both are happy and content with what they are doing. The Internet and Friendship

Just recently I had the good luck to run into these two men on here in a program I joined online. We all hit it off immediately and started working some together at first. The three of us were as far apart as you could get as people were concerned, Me living in the hills, one living in Ala and the other in the Philippines. I was trying to get into the program and the two of them helped me out and I was consistently asking questions that soon we all became friends online. I work some different programs on here and they work others but we all have one thing in common. If one is having trouble with something, we all pitch in and help each other out till it is fixed and working right. One has troubles building websites and html and one has so much experience at it that he designed a program from the ground up to help musicians. The two of them worked hard last summer to put it together but the money just wasnt there to do it themselves so it was put back on the table till the time was right. Since I have joined with these two men now, it seems as if everyone is doing better. The right time for people to meet seems to be the thing. If it was meant to be it will be no matter what time or season as these two took me in just like I was a sister to them. Like I said earlier TRUE friendships are hard to find even in the real world much less on the internet where everyone is all over the world and a person just never knows what they are truly thinking being as you cant see their faces just hear a forked tongue speaking at times just trying to sell you something.

About a month ago something came about on Facebook that allowed my friends to get on with helping Musicians on here and I was invited to join in to help spread the word. We are working as a team on this and we are all working hard at it to get the word out all over the world that NOW bands and musicians and vocal artists and many more different applications can now use Facebook and Make extra money with live or prerecorded events as Pay Per Views 24/7. This has really rocked the internet now and everyone is talking and planning on how to utilize this new program. The three of us work closely with each other (a rare commodity) and doesnt happen very often on here. We each know what the other is doing and dont intentionally step where the other is stepping and marketing at. It is nice working with people that have integrity on here and will work with you and NOT stab you in the back. The Internet and Friendship

If anyone is interested, the program that we are working is Live Music Stages Dot Com. We have really raised eyebrows all over the world with this and the man that designed it was brilliant the way he designed it. Then the programmers worked with him to redo part of their programming so that it could be used with this and make PPV available with it. Someone besides the man who designed this could see the possibilities in helping people out here. The three of us work closely together and are working at working with the many different styles all over the world and making this available to everyone just as fast as we possibly can. Finally a program, that will help the masses to perform so that many more fans can watch and enjoy . This is a couple of men that I can really say that I like associating with and the men say the same about me. NO Backstabbing to Roughshod ding just positive reinforcements on all fronts. I can see that this is going to be a long and lasting relationship with these two and hope that more people on here could have the same thing that we do as FRIENDS working together online.
