The Final Catholic Pope



One of the best reports to tackle whether Pope Ratzinger will be the final Roman Catholic Pope before the final pope, Peter the Roman according to the St Malachy prophecy.

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A Weekly Global Watch Media Publication ( March 2nd, 2012

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Welcome to the Global Watch Weekly Report This week we focus on the prophecy concerning the last day arrival of “Peter the Roman” commonly known as “The Last Pope” and also the third secret of Fatima. The Last Pope is a term which is associated with the prophecies of St Malachy. These prophecies are in no way considered to be an inspired biblical text yet today it seems to have drawn even the most conservative of bible and secular prophecy scholars into the debate that their could be some relevance behind these predictions. For those of you who may not be familiar with this subject, the prophecy of St Malachy is based on medieval text which seems to have correctly predicted the succession of popes from medieval times up until the present pope. There is some controversy in regards to a possible forgery which took place which accounted for the early prediction of popes. But with the twentieth century witnessing on going fulfilment of its predictions for the later popes it’s a subject which demands further insight. The interest is also borne by the fact that the last segment of the prophecy seems to somehow mirror and affirm Revelation 17 which details the nature of the relationship between the final world government and a last days religious system. The focus on the third secret of Fatima is also of interest due to the attempts by the Roman Catholic Church to conceal the true content of the vision that was given to the three Portuguese children who received the vision in 1917. However, as we will see in an interview with one of the most renowned scholars on Catholic Eschatology, insight is provided on the reason for concealment and what the actual third secret really is about.

The Global Watch Weekly Report is a publication of Rema Marketing ( and is published every Friday. For any queries regarding this service please contact us at ©Rema Marketing 2011. All Rights Reserved.






From Christians to New A g e r s , s k e p t i c s t o historians, the world is presently enthralled with what will happen during and following the year 2012. In general, the excitement (or dread, as the case may be) surrounds a variety of predictions made by ancient and modern sources concerning a portentous moment in time.

Mankind has entered a period of unprecedented global upheaval, according to these experts, when the earth and all life on it will undergo apocalyptica marked by the end of the “thirteenth baktun” of the Mesoamerican Mayan Long Count. The exact end date of this calendar is December 21, 2012, when during the winter solstice at 11:11, GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), the New Age crowd says the sun will align with the galactic center of the Milky Way galaxy, an event that occurs only every thirteen thousand years. The precession of the equinoxes will conclude a twenty-six-thousand-year cycle, bringing the astrological Age of Pisces to an end and introducing the beginning of Aquarius, when the next cycle begins and the sun rises out of the mouth of the Ouroboros (great serpent of the Milky Way). This is the sun rising in Sagittarius, the centaur with a bow—the symbol for Nimrod coming out from the mouth of Leviathan and the sun “god” rising again—Apollo/Osiris. The Mayans predicted this conjunction, interpreting it as a harbinger of the end of the world as we know it and the beginning of a new “enlightened” pagan age. People from the world’s greatest religions including Christianity and Islam also see current global developments as potential omens of an end-times scenario leading to the Apocalypse. This includes catholic mystics who believe in the Prophecy of the Popes.

The Catholic seer, Ronald L. Conte Jr who in 2002 correctly predicted that the pope succeeding John Paul II would be named Benedict XVI, believes the next pope will be Cardinal Francis Arinze and that he will take the name Pius XIII.

This name (Pius) is associated historically with popes who emphasized authoritative doctrine during their pontificates. Cardinal Arinze fits this description, and Conte interprets this qualification as best fulfilling “Peter the Roman” as a pope who “will reaffirm the authority of the Roman Pontiff over the Church; this authority is based on his place as a Successor of Peter” and “will emphasize the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Faith and the Roman Catholic Church above all other religions and denominations, and its authority over all Christians and all peoples of the world.” To this, Conte adds, “During the reign of Pope Peter the Roman, the great apostasy begins” and this pope will mark “the first part of the tribulation, during our generation.” Conte envisions this apocalypse beginning in 2012 when, as he sees it, Benedict is assassinated and is replaced by Petrus Romanus. This is followed by a series of cascading events resulting in World War III, which is triggered when Iranian-backed terrorists explode a nuclear bomb in New York City. The Great Tribulation begins, and by July 2013, Rome is destroyed when it is struck by a nuclear missile. Conte’s view is also supported by a French codex entitled, La Mystérieuse Prophétie des Papes (“The Mysterious Prophecy of the Popes”), issued in 1951 by a Jesuit priest and mathematician named René Thibaut (1883–1952). Among his astonishing findings—hidden to the modern world until the publishing of our work—Thibaut found concealed in the Prophecy of the Popes a clever number of word plays that form many acrostics and anagrams. An example of one of the linguistic codes may hold cryptic agreement with Ronald L. Conte’s conclusion that Petrus Romanus will take the name Pius. The code is discovered in the Latin text “Peregrinus apostolicus” which was the prophecy for the ninety-sixth pope on the list, Pius VI. The anagram not only reveals the papal name, it does so twice: PeregIinUS aPostolIcUS. This appearance of the name “Pius” is rather astounding considering we have a published copy dated almost two hundred years before Pius VI was elected. But Thibaut suggests the repetition serves as an even farther-reaching poetic refrain.

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In other words, “Pius! Pius!” is similar to the excited binary “Mayday, Mayday!” that sailors cry out in dire circumstances and which may have prophetic implications concerning the name of the final pope on the list. In addition to being associated with Roman authoritarianism and cryptogramed in the Prophecy of the Popes, Conte bolsters his prognostication concerning the name “Pius” by pointing to the electrifying visions of another pope named Pius—

Pope Pius X who served as pope from 1903 to 1914 and who saw a papal successor carrying the same name Pius fleeing Rome over the bodies of dead priests at the onset of the end times. Pius X is widely reported to have said:

What I have seen is terrifying! Will I be the one, or will it be a successor? What is certain is that the Pope will leave Rome and, in leaving the Vatican, he will have to pass over the dead bodies of his priests! Do not tell anyone this while I am alive In a second vision during an audience with the Franciscan order in 1909, Pope Pius X appeared to fall into a trance. After a few moments, he opened his eyes and rose to his feet, announcing: I have seen one of my successors, of the same name [a future pope named Pius], who was fleeing over the dead bodies of his brethren. He will take refuge in some hiding place; but after a brief respite, he will die a cruel death. Respect for God has disappeared from human hearts. They wish to efface even God’s memory. This perversity is nothing less than the beginning of the last days of the world. The third part of the Secret of Fatima revealed to the three children, which was supposedly released in total by the Vatican June 26, 2000, seems to echo the visions of Pius X. A section of the material reads: …before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting step, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he

prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions. The conceptual framework of these visions and their validity is volatile among many Catholics who believe Rome is complicit in an intentional cover-up involving the true Third Secret of Fatima as well as other suppressed Catholic foresights that are rife with wildly different predictions concerning the future prophetic role of the Roman Catholic Church. Marian apparitions, visions by popes, interpretations by cardinals of the apocalypse, and approved mystical prophecies often stand at odds with recent Vatican publications. Even the “Catechism of the Catholic Church” approved by the Church and promulgated by Pope John Paul II (released in English in 1994, the first catechism in more than four hundred years), which draws on the Bible, the Mass, the sacraments, traditions, teachings, and the lives of the saints, states under the section The Church’s Ultimate Trial: 675 Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the mystery of iniquity in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the Truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in the place of God and his Messiah who has come in the flesh.

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Possibly at the center of this prophecy and a “Vatican cover-up” of the complete vision of Fatima (and related prophecies) is a second and potentially more powerful papal contender for the role of Petrus Romanus or “Peter the Roman”— Cardinal Tarcisio Pietro (Peter) Bertone, who was born in Romano (the Roman) Canavese. Among other things, Cardinal Bertone is, at the time second in command at the Vatican. As the Secretary of State and the Pope’s Camerlengo (Italian for “Chamberlain”), he is responsible during a papal vacancy to serve as acting Head of State of the Vatican City until “the time of agreement” and the election of a new pope.

Our interest in Bertone is b a s e d o n h i s 2 0 0 7 publication, “The Last Secret of Fatima” that appears to have accomplished exactly the opposite of its primary objective, mainly, to refute another work by famous Italian media journalist, and author Antonio Socci, whose manuscript “The Fourth Secret of Fatima” claims the

Vatican has repressed information concerning the true secrets delivered in Marian apparitions to the three shepherd children in the rural Portuguese village of Fatima in 1917. The following are excerpts from the book The Fourth Secret of Fatima, authored by Socci. On February 13, 2005 in the Carmelite convent of Coimbra, at the age of 98, Sister Lucia dos Santos, the last visionary of Fatima, custodian of the greatest and most terrible among the secrets of the 20th century, passed away. She died on the 13th day of the month, the same date the Madonna had chosen for the apparitions of Fatima. Two days later, on my way to Perugia, I stopped for a break at a café on Lake Trasimeno. I took a copy of Corriere della Sera, just purchased at the newsstand, and sat by the placid waters, opened it, read and was struck by it. The Catholic writer, Vittorio Messori, had published on the first page an article entitled: "Secret of Fatima, Sealed in Sister Lucia's Cell."

He made some enigmatic nods toward a lot of writings and "letters to Popes" that the visionary had left, and then he spoke of the famous Third Secret revealed by the Vatican in 2000 "that, however, far from dissipating the mystery," according to the Catholic writer, "has given rise to others: on the interpretation, on the contents, on the completeness of this revealed text." The editorial did not say anything else, and that was a pity; because this "news," tossed off with nonchalance, seemed to me a bomb that would have merited a lot more discussion. Also because of the authority of the one who signed it: Messori is a great journalist, exceptionally scrupulous; he is the most translated Catholic essayist in the world and would never have ventured lightly to hint at such "suspicions" concerning the Vatican. In that article it is not said if, when, and how one such as he, very near to the offices of the Vatican, had been persuaded that the official version was not convincing. I do not know his current opinion. Five years before, at the moment of the revelation of the Secret, Messori had not manifested any doubts. I still have his editorial in Corriere della Sera, of June 25, 2000, entitled "No Longer Any Fatima Secrets." Everything seemed to line up. Therefore I reacted to the new article by Messori with a journalistic polemic in which I defended with a sword the rightness of the Vatican (ungenerously above all toward the traditionalists), attacked the writer and liquidated all of his "dietrologies" concerning unpublished documents. Certainly, I knew that after the fateful revelation of the Third Secret in 2000, doubts, suspicions, rumors, and critical observations had begun to circulate within the curial environment, and that they had found public expression in traditionalist circles. But I had never paid attention to the traditionalist publications because I believed that they originated from a burning disappointment over a Secret that negates all of their "apocalyptic" forecasts. However, I was struck by an article by a young Catholic scholar, Solideo Paolini, in a traditionalist review in which I myself was mentioned. He entered into my debate with Messori on Fatima and — with a deft polemic — developed a series of arguments that substantially demolished the official Vatican version (which had been mine). In substance — according to Paolini, who immediately after

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published his thesis in the book Fatima: Do Not Despise Prophecies — the Vatican continues to hide the principal part of the Third Secret, even denying its existence because of its explosive contents. Paolini's arguments were serious and his attitude impartial. Other books appeared less well founded and less respectful. The traditionalists' disputes with the Vatican on the revelation of the Third Secret (of June 26, 2000) have never been analyzed, confronted, and confuted by the ecclesiastical party and are unknown in the lay world — perhaps because their publications circulate almost exclusively in their own environment. To me the choice by the Curia and the Catholic media to ignore and say nothing about them did not seem right, especially after having read the extremely harsh tone of their accusations against the Vatican. For example, in a volume assembled by Father Paul Kramer, which combines the works of different authors, the Vatican is denounced for failing to heed the requests of the Madonna of Fatima, and it is affirmed that "the price of the Vatican's indecision could not be greater, and could be paid by the entire human race." I held that if these suspicions were not dispelled and the accusations confronted, sooner or later the Church would be battered by a tempest analogous to, and perhaps even more forceful, than the one let loose over the "silences of Pius XII" or the theories of Dan Brown. It seemed to me that the "polemical arms" were ready (even if, for the moment, unknown by the media and the public at large): deposited in traditionalist "arsenals" but at the disposition of whoever would want to launch a heavy attack against the Vatican. For example, the vehement "I accuse" of Laurent Morlier under the peremptory title: "The Third Secret of Fatima published by the Vatican is a falsehood." Analyzing this literature — besides that circulating on the Internet — it occurred to me that throughout the Fatima affair there are so many questions without answers as to color it a "detective story." Perhaps the most fascinating and dramatic detective story of our times because it involves not only the Vatican, great powers and their secret services, as well as certain obscure apparatuses of power, but also each one of us, and

the proximate destiny for all humanity and for the Church. To explain the Vatican's position and to confute that journalism I sought out representatives of the Curia such as Cardinal Bertone, today the Vatican Secretary of State, who was at the center of the Secret's revelation in 2000 (certainly a delicate and weighty task that merits understanding). While he had gratified me with his personal attention, having invited me to hold a press conference in his former Diocese of Genoa, the prelate did not think it necessary to respond to my request for an interview — a choice he obviously had every right to make, but which nevertheless feeds the fear that there are embarrassing questions and, above all, something serious to hide. I tried, however, to understand the Vatican's position in order to counter the accusations of the "Fatimists." I investigated the concrete and reliable elements of criticism in the traditionalist literature, unfortunately buried in a mass of theorems, invective, absurdity, and unconfirmed hearsay. I caught certain of their contradictions, dismantled some theses, but in the end I had to surrender — thanks also to the revelations of an authoritative witness who furnished invaluable information. I had not expected the discovery of a colossal enigma, of a mystery that spans the history of the Church of the 20th century, something unutterable, something "chilling" that has literally terrorized different Popes who succeeded each other in mid-century, something that certainly regards the Church, but also the proximate future of us and of our brothers. Here I recount my voyage into the greatest mystery of the 20th century, and I present the result I honestly reached — a result that seriously contradicted my initial convictions, and that surprised and impressed me. (The reader will note this evolution and change of judgment from the first pages to the conclusion.) I trace finally a hypothesis on the "why" of these events that opens, however, to hope, and allows the Church's divine greatness to shine through alongside the misery of Churchmen (with the limits that all of us have), touching us, as if by hand, with the real and living presence of Jesus Christ and of His Mother — here, today, among us. In our aid. No one, obviously, is obliged to believe in supernatural events like those that happened at Fatima, but no one will be able to

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say one day that he did not know. — Antonio Socci October 7, 2006 Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary

No sooner had this work been published by Socci then Cardinal Bertone released one year later his work, “The Last Secret of Fatima” inspired by his conversations with Sr. Lucia, the last seer of Fatima who died on 13 February 2005. As part of a ceremony to m a r k t h e

publication of the book in the Pontifical Urban University, the cardinal delivered a presentation. His closing remarks were as follows At the end of this round of interventions, I warmly thank the speakers who with their different but complementary reports have outlined a magnificent, I would say "Marian", fresco, which from various viewpoints has been edifying in its spirit, incisive in its history, profound in its culture and informative. For my part, I would like to reflect on just two apparently contradictory points: the value for Catholic spirituality of Mariology, which also includes supernatural phenomena, and the Church's justifiable prudence in officially recognizing them. Down through the centuries the Church has come face to face with various apparitions — for the most part involving the Mother of the Lord and the Saints —, the subject of a mysterious divine plan. Some people have recognized and accepted them as extraordinary manifestations for the providential guidance of disciples of Christ or as a prophetic sign. Yet, the Church has never wished to oblige believers to believe in them (this was already attested to by Pope Benedict XIV in De Servorum Dei Beatificatione). Faith is always and only rooted and founded in Jesus Christ, who :is the Father's true prophesy until the end of history. Conciliar teaching recognizes manifestations that do

not belong to biblical revelation but are addressed to private individuals (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 66). These revelations. which cannot contradict the content of faith, must converge toward the central subject of Jesus Christ's proclamation: the Father's love, which engenders conversion in human beings and imparts the grace they need to entrust themselves to him with filial devotion. This is also the message of Fatima which, with its heartfelt appeal to conversion and repentance, actually urges us on into the heart of the Gospel. In this regard the apparition of Fatima acquires, as it were, the form of a great ecclesial fresco, as Cardinal Ratzinger demonstrated in his Theological Commentary for the publication of the third part of the so-called "secrets". The Virgin Mary's mission in the plan of universal salvation and in every Christian's life is brought increasingly into the limelight by contemporary Catholicism. Several people are concerned about this, fearing that it may increase the gap that separates us from our Protestant brothers and sisters.

But we view the development of Mariology as an attestation of fidelity to the Holy Spirit, who in the course of the centuries has led people to be ever more explicitly aware of the truth contained in Scripture. Mary's task, recognized by Catholicism — I do not speak of one form or another of devotion —, is not a doctrine superimposed on Scripture but rather proceeds from the actual knowledge of the Word of God, better understood down the ages by the faith of the Christian community and the tradition of the Magisterium under the constant action of the Holy Spirit.

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This is the marvellous fact, that a woman was chosen to be the Mother of God. Everything in the Virgin's soul that prepares for and prefigures Christ still remains an immediate reality for us today, since the mystery of Christ's gradual coming to all souls and in all nations is taking place before our very eyes. "We are always in an advent", Cardinal Jean Danielou wrote, "He has come but his manifestation is not yet complete". The criterion for the discernment of the truth of a private revelation is therefore its orientation to Christ and to the Gospel. Starting with this fundamental criterion, certain keys of interpretation can intervene, such as popular piety or religiosity. In his Theological Intervention, Cardinal Ratzinger referred to popular piety in very meaningful terms, affirming: "This does not mean that a private revelation will not offer new emphases or give rise to new devotional forms, or deepen and spread older forms" (Theological Commentary, L'Osservatore Romano English edition [ORE], 28 June 2000, p. VII, n. 2). Yet, underlying all this is the question of nourishing faith, hope and charity, which for everyone constitute the permanent path to salvation. Popular religiosity means that faith puts down roots in the heart of individual persons in such a way that it may be introduced into the world of daily life. Popular religiosity is the first and fundamental mode of "inculturation" of the faith. But what are the reasons for the Church's prudence in recognizing apparitions as genuine manifestations of the supernatural? With reference to our day rather than to the past, one of the reasons has to do with the increase in these phenomena, which in all likelihood is due to various causes: the collapse of rationalism, the spasmodic search for mystery, a superficial, insufficiently formed faith, increasing apprehension or anxiety about not knowing what the future will bring.... Such phenomena are more quickly affirmed than in previous times. Their influence is being felt in

various parts of the world mainly because of the emphasis given to them by the media. Indeed, a conspicuous, programmed dissemination of presumed "supernatural messages" associated with these phenomena can be observed. There is likewise a tendency to connect the "messages" received during specific "apparitions" with the messages of other apparitions, so much the better if they are recognized as authentic by the legitimate ecclesiastical Authority, but also with those that have not been recognized; and thus to link the various movements dependent on the different phenomena. With regard to the content of the "messages": there is a risk of judging such phenomena as authentic for the sole reason that the messages contain no doctrinal errors against the faith since they are exhortations and invitations to prayer and conversion. These presumed apparitions are often a vehicle for "apocalyptic" messages and this trend is increasing. Publications (books, periodicals) that specialize in supernatural phenomena are attracting considerable interest. These publications make a special impact, particularly when they are written by an ecclesiastic or a theologian. Furthermore, the fact that "seers" are attracting considerable attention can be seen as characteristic of our time. New "Movements" or Associations of the faithful frequently form round a specific phenomenon, which requires discernment so as to forestall problems arising with communion or with ecclesial life in the country or local Church. Even if at times the behaviour of diocesan Bishops and their collaborators may be wanting, it is essential to steer clear of the risk of a "Church of apparitions", diffident of the Hierarchy of the Church, as a variant of the well-known opposition of "charismatic Church — institutional Church". In this case, of course, we find that rather than facing a definite ideological position we are up against an attitude lived out and influenced by a somewhat superficial religiosity, a weakened ecclesial communion and a rather shallow faith in need of miraculous signs.

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The above-mentioned characteristics mean that prudence and caution are required on the part of Bishops examining these cases, especially when it is a question of granting them public worship, and even more, of possibly pronouncing on their supernatural character. This worship, however, is increasingly assuming a theological status with important pastoral implications. The International Congress at Lourdes in 2008 will focus precisely on the "theological significance" of Marian apparitions. But let us return to the Fatima message. The fruitful encounter between charism and institution, Trinitarian mystery and Christological mystery, is fulfilled in it. Mary, a sign of God's mercy, does not leave Christians on their own. She gives us hints as signs to combat the titanic battle between good and evil. Mary is the image of God's tenderness for us. There are certain characteristics at Fatima: from the consignment of pious practices to the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; from spirituality to a historical and political vision (Russia, peace and war, atheism...); from a geographically limited influence to one that is universal to the point that it affects the Pontiffs, and in a special way, Pope Wojtyla. In a recent interview with Avvenire [Italian Catholic daily] newspaper, I have already had the opportunity to say that the mystery of Fatima is an event. that has affected and permeated contemporary history more than any other Marian apparition. And the fullness of its message — not only of the third part of the "secrets" — touches the hearts of human beings, inviting them to conversion and to co-responsibility for the world's salvation. Here we find an interpretative key to the 19th century, and in a certain sense its message obliges today's men and women to reckon with a supernatural dimension that they are not always prepared to consider. Even for believers, the idea of a supernatural "intrusion" into earthly events can be difficult to accept, compared with that which refers every confrontation between man and God to eschatology, which is in some ways soothing. A remote and distant God is more comfortable, as Pope Benedict XVI has said several times, than a God who is close and accessible. Many do not know that Mother Teresa of Calcutta's

last gaze before she died met that of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima placed in her bedroom. In September 1959, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina felt that he had been "miraculously cured" by Our Lady of Fatima at the very moment when her little statue was leaving San Giovanni Rotondo. In that period, the Saint with the stigmata was weakened by a dangerous "bronchial-pneumonia complicated by the effusion of serous fluid". The diagnosis was made by Dr. Sala, his regular physician. Padre Pio prayed to Our Lady of Fatima and the following day he was once again able to celebrate Mass. The book being presented today was written above all with the intention of speaking of Sr. Lucia, of her attractive and forthright humanity, typical of an ordinary woman who had had a quite extraordinary experience; and through Sr. Lucia, of Mary. It should be noted that Sr. Lucia, the illiterate child who learned to read and write in the convent, then wrote throughout her life. In the 1980s alone an average of 5,000 letters a year arrived in Coimbra, and this figure became tens of thousands after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Doubt was cast on the veracity of the integral publication of the third "secret" which she had written down in obedience to the Bishop's orders; well, had the truth been different it could have been detected in the thousands of answers which Lucia wrote to the faithful in every part of the world who asked her questions, spending many hours a day in her very personal office. Lastly, I cannot omit a reference to Pope Benedict XVI. Some of his journeys have been profoundly marked by the figure of the "Pilgrim Pope in the footsteps of Mary": Czestochowa, Poland; Altötting, Bavaria; Ephesus, Turkey; Our Lady of the Forlorn, Valencia, Spain; Aparecida, Brazil; Loreto, Italy, with the young people; and Mariazell, Austria. The Pope's Marian devotion is also being given a practical expression this year, which is the 90th anniversary of the Fatima apparitions. Two. Papal Envoys will have been sent to Fatima: Cardinal Angelo Sodano on 13 May, the anniversary of the first apparition; and the Cardinal Secretary of State is to be there for the anniversary of the last apparition and the conclusion of the festivities.

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Catholics today have plenty to worry about; their Church is in sorry shape. Despite continuing growth on a global basis, the ranks of the practicing faithful have shrunk dramatically throughout the former heartlands of Catholicism. Religious vocations have dwindled to the point where many monasteries, convents and seminaries have closed, and there is such a shortage of priests that many now struggle to serve several parishes at once. To make a bad situation worse, thousands of parishes already in fragile condition have been morally and financially devastated by cases of sexual abuse among their clergy. The faithful have been scandalized again and again by the spectacle of priests being publicly convicted of crimes, while bishops and Archbishops have been forced to resign in disgrace.

Under these conditions, perhaps it is not surprising that the Church also has serious problems with illicit misinterpretations of its doctrines and dogmas. Ever since Vatican II (with its dangerous ambiguities that led to these misinterpretations) the faithful have been divided into increasingly incompatible groups supporting or opposing various opinions of reforms and changes. The once globally uniform Catholic Church now comes in a variety of forms, with different vernacular versions of the liturgy, as well as different approaches to basic matters of faith and morals. Many of the faithful and some of the clergy openly espouse positions contrary to official Church teaching on such matters as contraception, divorce, and the ordination of women and the dangers of changing the Liturgy.

What has now emerged as a new crisis in the Vatican is the inescapable conclusion that the Third Secret is being withheld because of what it says. Of course, all the evidence of this (as explained fully in The Secret Still Hidden) was already known to Fatima scholars. The Vatican's attempt to bury Fatima brought their story to the attention of millions of mainstream Catholics who knew little or nothing about it up to that point. Among them was Antonio Socci, an Italian Catholic writer and broadcaster, well-known for his knowledgeable and respectful coverage of Vatican affairs over many years. Socci had accepted the Sodano-Bertone-Ratzinger revelation of June 2000 as the whole story at first, and actually sympathized with the Cardinals' evident desire to lay this matter to rest. But as a responsible journalist, he then did a little research into the background. What he found was the type of evidence found in The Secret Still Hidden and it changed his mind. CONTRADICTORY COMMENTS Since it first arrived in the hands of Pope Pius XII in 1957, the key Third Secret document has been read by five Popes and numerous other high-ranking Cardinals in the Vatican. Many of them have made comments about its content, which Socci researched. More information came from interviews with the sole surviving seer, Sister Lucia, conducted by various priests and Cardinals over the years. 11



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Undeterred by the failure of his book and television appearance, Cardinal Bertone returned to the airwaves in September of 2007 at a privately sponsored broadcast staged at a university near the Vatican. This program reiterated claims originally made in the Cardinal's book, but provided no new information, nor any other evidence explicitly contradicting or refuting the evidence and the assertions of Socci and others.

At this point, the Vatican's official position is in tatters. Socci's allegations have withstood everything Cardinal Bertone has had to say, and his burning questions remain unanswered. The unraveling cover-up has moved into a new phase, as more of what has gone on behind the scenes is emerging into the light of day. STRANGE DECISIONS EXPLAINED No one knows whether Pius XII would have revealed the Secret had he lived to the due date, because his death intervened in 1958. The fateful decision in 1960 was taken by John XXIII, and given what is now known about the Third Secret's potentially explosive content, his motive for withholding it is obvious.

The Second Vatican Council commenced in 1962, and planning for it was well under way several years earlier. If released as promised in 1960, the Secret would certainly have seemed to many to be a warning against proceeding with the Council. It might well have delayed, altered or even ended the Council project altogether. Rather than risk this, John XXIII chose to hide the Secret and to silence Sister Lucia. When John XXIII died in 1963, his successor, Paul VI, chose to continue with the Council then in progress, and revealing the Secret at such a time would certainly have had a dampening effect on enthusiasm for Vatican II. He chose to keep it hidden not only until the end of Vatican II, but through the rest of his reign, which lasted until 1978. He also kept and continued the policy of enforcing silence on Sister Lucia during his whole pontificate. His successor, John Paul I, had only 33 days in office to consider this and other matters. What he might have done about Fatima had he lived longer remains anyone's guess. When John Paul II became the next Pontiff, many thought Fatima might at long last come to the fore again, and the Secret would finally" be revealed. It was not to be. Despite the fact that he was unquestionably a Fatima devotee, John Paul II seems to have been persuaded by others to still keep Sister Lucia herself silent and her secret letter locked up in the papal apartment. However, he did come closer to heeding part of the message of Fatima than any other Pope, both in some of his important sermons, and in the partial revelations of the 2000 press conference, which he must have authorized. Still, his absence from the conference itself leaves open the question of whether or not he agreed with or approved of everything that was said there. 12



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Through quotes from all these sources, Socci learned that the Third Secret foretells a "crisis of faith" and a "great apostasy" in the Church which "begins at the top." It's easy to understand why Vatican officials, including the present Pope, might regard such a document as "not destined for public consumption." Yet nothing of this controversial nature appears in the notebook description of a vision the Vatican has claimed since 2000 is the whole Third Secret. Deeply disturbed by apparent Vatican deception, he decided to pursue the truth by writing a book. Published in November of 2006, II Quarto Segreto di Fatima (The Fourth Secret of Fatima) caused an immediate sensation. Backed by conclusive evidence, Socci asserted that the existence of a still-hidden Third Secret document is a certainty. Under pressure in the Italian press, the Vatican had to respond. The task of defending the Vatican position fell to Cardinal Bertone, the newly-appointed Vatican Secretary of State. Ironically, it was then-Archbishop Bertone's claims back in 2001 about his interview with Sr. Lucia that first kindled Socci's doubts about the Vatican's position. Bertone intended to remove doubts about the June 26, 2000 press conference at that time, but achieved the opposite effect. This time, in May 2007, Bertone chose to respond with a book of his own, L'Ultima Veggente di Fatima published in English as The Last Secret of Fatima. Cardinal Bertone's book was supposed to be a refutation of Socci's book, but readers searched its pages in vain for any serious response to any of Socci's arguments. In fact, most of Socci's points were completely ignored. Instead, the book contained rambling claims about several long interviews with Sr. Lucia, now deceased, including a number of self-contradictory statements attributed to her. According to his various renditions, Sr. Lucia seemed capable of revising and changing her own views whenever necessary to accommodate the Cardinal's claims. To make matters worse, the Cardinal also severely criticized Socci, as if he were an avowed enemy of the Church. In fact, Socci is a devout, practicing Catholic, and has expressed personal dismay and embarrassment at being obliged to disagree with Vatican claims he has found to be false. Having been publicly called a promoter of falsehoods against the Church by Cardinal Bertone, Socci responded in his widely-read newspaper column by asking: "Dear Cardinal Bertone: Who---between you and me---is deliberately lying?" This unprecedented confrontation drew more public attention to the controversy than ever. Another attempt by the Vatican to bury Fatima had ended in achieving the opposite result. Surprisingly, Cardinal Bertone chose to meet this challenge by appearing on Porta a Porta (Door to Door), one of Italy's most popular television shows, shortly after his book was published. Although the program was prompted by the Socci-Bertone controversy, Mr. Socci was not invited to participate. The Cardinal was thus free to attack Socci's book without rebuttal. He also chose to again evade all the essential questions that Socci raised. No refutation of Socci emerged, and during the program, the Cardinal inadvertently provided additional evidence for the existence of two separate, distinct and different documents, which, together, constitute the Third Secret. Yet, Cardinal Bertone has only released one of these documents and claims that he and the Vatican have released the whole Third Secret. This claim of his is obviously false. Yet another attempt to settle the matter of Fatima had backfired. POPE BENEDICT REVEALS A DIFFERENT SECRET Benedict XVI, the present Pope, carries the burden of having been a major player in the 2000 press conference as then-Cardinal Ratzinger. This makes him seem unlikely to change the official position he helped to construct in the first place. Nevertheless, a close examination of his statements shows that he has never explicitly denied the existence of the still-hidden document in question, nor has he said anything to retract or alter statements about its content he made back on November 11,1984. 13



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On that day, Cardinal Ratzinger's interview was published in Jesus magazine with his explicit permission: "Because, according to the judgment of the Popes, it, (the Third Secret), adds nothing (literally: 'nothing different') to what a Christian must know concerning what derives from Revelation: i.e., a radical call for conversion; the absolute importance of history; the dangers threatening the faith and the life of the Christian, and therefore (the life) of the world. And then the importance of the 'novissimi' (the last events at the end of time)." "If it is not made public---at least for the time being---it is in order to prevent religious prophecy from being mistaken for a quest for the sensational." "But the things contained in this 'Third Secret' correspond to what has been announced in Scripture and has been said again and again in many other Marian apparitions, first of all that of Fatima in what is already known of what its message contains. Conversion and penitence are the essential conditions for 'salvation'." Ambiguous Position The ambiguity of Pope Benedict XVI's position was heightened when Antonio Socci revealed a letter he had received from the Pope in 2007 thanking him for his 'Fourth Secret' book. Anyone seeking to understand where Benedict XVI stands on this matter must reconcile this letter with an introductory letter he also provided for Cardinal Bertone's book, seeming to put himself on both sides of the controversy. Close examination of the wording of both letters, however, shows that the Pope avoids explicitly endorsing the Cardinal's claims, just as his letter to Socci endorses the author's motives, but not necessarily his conclusions. Pope Benedict now faces a very awkward situation. He has played a role himself in the failed attempt to lay Fatima to rest, and now his Secretary of State has failed to reverse the original failure. What those with knowledge of the Third Secret have told us is that it foretells a "crisis of faith" and a "great apostasy" which "begins at the top." As such, it serves as a kind of indictment of those who have led the Church in recent times. It's easy to understand why these officials, including the present Pope, might regard such a document as "not destined for public consumption." THE ONLY EXPLANATION Hiding the Secret as the Vatican has done might be defensible if the Church had been thriving as never before over the past half-century. An indictment of the pastors would then be inappropriate and meaningless. But quite the opposite is true. Since 1960, when this prophecy was due to be revealed, the Catholic Church has been both drastically reformed by Vatican II and devastated by mass defections of the faithful, clerical scandals and doctrinal disputes. The Church now seems to be suffering the dire consequences of altering the faith in her liturgy and her theology, just as the Secret predicted it would. Of course, there is no way to prove that this is what guided Vatican decision-making, but there is no other explanation that makes sense of the Vatican's treatment of Fatima from 1960 onwards. The Third Secret was inconvenient then, and it is even more inconvenient today, now that much of its dire predictions seem to have been fulfilled in the wake of Vatican II. Where does this leave worried Catholics looking for leadership and guidance from their pastors, and ultimately, from the Holy See? Can they disregard the whole Fatima controversy even if they think the apparitions were merely private revelations? Or does the Vatican's handling of Fatima indicate something seriously wrong at high levels that every Catholic should be concerned about? 14



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A CORPORATE ANALOGY To answer this question, put yourself in the shoes of a shareholder in a corporation that has fallen on hard times. After making a series of changes in products and services, there has been a massive loss of market share among the corporation's core customers, along with a steep drop in revenues, a major deterioration of quality control, and a sharp increase in costs to settle law suits arising from criminal behavior by employees. Then it's discovered that, back in 1960, a report was delivered to the then-CEO warning against making the changes then being planned, and predicting dire consequences if they were made. Rather than releasing the report, the CEO buried it, and proceeded with his planned changes. The next CEO took over in mid-stream, and chose to continue implementing changes, though negative results were already appearing. Three more CEOs followed, each of whom read the 1960 report and buried it again. None wanted to face the embarrassment of admitting that the corporation had the right advice in hand when it was needed, but it was ignored, and disaster ensued. And each CEO since that fateful day has compounded the problems, keeping the report carefully hidden while watching matters go from bad to worse. What would the shareholders do in this situation? First, they would take immediate court action to force the release of the long-hidden report. Then they would fire the CEO, and perhaps take legal action against him and some of his predecessors, either for ignoring the report in the first place, or for hiding it and lying about it afterwards. A MATTER OF TRUST Unfortunately, this is what shareholders can do when the managers they trust fail them, but it's not what Catholics can do when the Church leader they trust does something very similar. Most Catholics know they can't choose to not believe that their Pope is the Vicar of Christ. With regard to Fatima and the issues it raises, the present Pope has behaved, and is still behaving, in a manner inconsistent with that status. 15



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The handling of Fatima reveals a Vatican bureaucracy with characteristics disturbingly similar to those of some of the Third World's most autocratic and repressive governments: secretive, opaque decision-making processes that lead to cryptic, anonymous announcements, illicit official actions against which there appears to be no legal remedies, and adamant refusals to explain actions, answer reasonable questions or address criticisms in open forums. Far from communicating openly, the Vatican has mastered the techniques of manipulating the media pioneered by the world's dictators. This Fatima cover-up shows that obfuscation, spin-doctoring and issuing disinformation have all become part of the Vatican arsenal of public relations tactics. Cardinal Bertone has provided the latest examples with his orchestrated attempts to give the appearance of open communication about Fatima, while in fact offering carefully-crafted evasions and statements which appear to mean one thing while technically or legalistically saying another. These are the techniques of devious politicians and propagandists, and it is alarming to find them being practiced within the ranks of the senior hierarchy of the Catholic Church. A CALL FOR HEALING WITHIN THE CHURCH At the heart of the structure of the Church is the matter of trust. When members of the clergy and various religious orders take their vows of obedience, they do not first of all rely on laws and courts to preserve their human rights. They entrust their well-being to the benevolence and moral rectitude of their hierarchical superiors. The Catholic clergy is bound together by this trust, and the faithful are bound to their clergy by similar bonds of trust. Sometimes, as we all know only too well, people who are trusted this way turn out to be unworthy. When this happens, appropriate action is necessary to restore the trust that has been breached. The Church has healed many such wounds in the past, and is healing more today. But at the top, the wound of Fatima continues to fester. Even if, for the sake of this discussion, we could consider the apparitions at Fatima to be entirely private, the Vatican's handling of them reveals standards of behavior that fall far short of what all Catholics have a right to expect from the Holy See. The faithful should not have to analyze and parse Vatican announcements as if they were issued by the Cold War Kremlin. Nor should they find Vatican officials affirming things with words while denying them with actions. Least of all should they find themselves facing active attempts at deception. If the Vatican cannot be trusted to tell the truth about something as central to the Catholic Faith as a Marian apparition, then who on earth can be trusted? This isn't a question about Fatima, it's a question about today's Vatican itself, and it's one every Catholic should be asking today. After half a century of contradictory vacillations, contrived misrepresentations and deliberate deceptions, the Catholic faithful need some straight answers, and the sooner the better. Only Benedict XVI can now address the questions hanging over the whole Church about the still-hidden Third Secret of Fatima. All Catholics can agree that the time for this healing, this trust-building, this fullness of the truth-telling is NOW more than ever. Let us pray that Pope Benedict XVI leads the way by revealing the whole Third Secret---NOW! 16



The most famous and best known prophecies about the popes are those attributed to St. Malachy, a medieval Irish priest and Kabbalist. In 1139 he went to Rome to give an account of the affairs of his diocese to the pope, Innocent II, who promised him two palliums for the metropolitan Sees of Armagh and Cashel. While at Rome, he received (according to the Abbot Cucherat) the strange vision of the future wherein was unfolded before his mind the long list of illustrious pontiffs who were to rule the Church until the end of time. The same author tells us that St. Malachy gave his manuscript to Innocent II to console him in the midst of his tribulations, and that the document remained unknown in the Roman Archives until its discovery in 1590 (Cucherat, "Proph. de la succession des papes", ch. xv). They were first published by Arnold de Wyon,

However the prophecies of St Malachy have not come without controversy. Part of the prophecy may be a forgery which was fabricated around 1590. We say forgery meaning that over half of the prophecies, the first seventy or so predictions, are vaticinia ex eventu (prophecy from the event). It seems someone irrevocably altered the original medieval document and the original is either hidden away or lost to history. The first known publication of the “Malachy Prophecy of the Popes” was in Arnold de Wion’s massive eighteen-hundred-page volume entitled Lignum Vitae (Tree of Life), which was published in 1595. That text will be presented and examined below. Even though we have good reason to believe a much older document is still visible, we must accept that the earliest instance of the prophecy surfaced nearly four hundred years after its alleged origin in 1139. Despite the legend which pleads it was locked away in a musty Vatican vault those four hundred years, the skeptics still have valid points. Even so, it very well could be the work of Saint Malachy coarsely corrupted by a forger. Of course, this would fall neatly in line with the Roman Catholic practice demonstrated by the Donation of Constantine and Pseudo–Isidorian Decretals. Alternatively, some have suggested it was partially the work of Nostradamus cleverly disguised to protect his identity. While the identity of the actual prophet remains unclear, the author was a prophet whether he knew or not.

The prophecy follows the descriptions and details found in a work on the history of the popes by Onuphrius Panvinius: Epitome Romanorum Pontijicum usque ad Paulum IV, printed in Venice in 1557. The prophecy transparently follows this reference work. O’Brien argued, “Any person who opens this work and compares the account of the popes in it from Celestine II to Paul IV, with the corresponding part of the ‘Prophecy of St. Malachy’ will come to the conclusion that the writer of the latter, if not Panvinius himself, must have been someone who followed Panvinius’ account rather too closely.” However the exciting news is that the prophecy of the popes, although tainted, is still a genuine prophecy. Despite the superficial insincerity detectable in the first section of “prophecies,” the post publication predictions show astonishing fulfilments. We have no critical analysis to explain away the sometimes jaw-dropping, post-1595 fulfilments. Indeed, we are currently at 111 out of 112 and believers argue they seem to have increased in precision over time




This is a powerful argument that the post-1595 prophecies are indeed an accurate representation of the original document. We will likely never know for sure who wrote the original but it very could have been Malachy. The reason the post publication prophecies have a different character and a stranger, ironic, even sarcastic realization is that they are very likely the genuine article. It was suggested prior that an Englishman, Nicholas Sanders, may have referenced the original document in Rome after he journeyed from the British Isles. Sanders (1530–1581) was an Oxford professor from a staunch Roman Catholic background and a link in a long chain of missionaries sent to Ireland to combat the spread of Protestantism. His writings are credited as the basis of most Roman Catholic histories of the English Reformation. Not surprising, given the dubious nature of that work, the large quantity of inflammatory spurious statements within earned Sanders the nickname of “Dr. Slanders” in England. It was during the heady days in Rome, around 1571, that Sanders’ authored De Visibili Monarchia Ecclesiae (“From the Monarchy of the Visible Church”) which provided the first account of the travails of the English Roman Catholics as a consequence of the reformation. While the book’s purpose was to generate sympathy for English Catholics, it leads scholars to suspect he could have had access to the original prophecy of the popes document. The clue which suggests that he must have been aware of the prophecy of the popes is that, in his book, he argues, “…to measure time, nothing is more advisable that the series of the Roman pontiffs!” This discussion derives from an extremely rare book written in French entitled, La Mystérieuse Prophétie des Papes (“The Mysterious Prophecy of the Popes”), published in 1951. Written by René Thibaut (1883–1952), a Belgian Jesuit, the book is a meticulous reading of the prophecy which comes to completely different conclusions than his sceptical predecessors. Adopting the methodology of a mystic as well as a mathematician and scholar, he makes a compelling case that the prophecy of the popes is a real supernatural prophecy. Nevertheless, he argues the author of the prophecy is probably not Saint Malachy but someone who prophesied pseudonymously in his honor, in the same way a nameless second temple period Jew may have composed 1 Enoch, perhaps also redacting ancient source material. What Thibaut took into account that his more severe Jesuit brothers neglected are the layers of historical context discussed prior. He appropriately recognizes an authentic, more aged layer of text which was massaged by a sixteenth-century interloper. Thibaut somewhat agrees with the former analysis that the earlier prophecies were subjected to tampering, but he argues that the last forty-one suggest a much older document of Celtic origin. While he is reluctant to authenticate the legend, he refers to the author as Pseudo-Malachy, believing him to be Irish. The remarkable accuracy of the prophecies of the popes before the popes had even come to power received increasing publicity during the twentieth century. Pope John Paul II is De labore Solis, meaning "of the eclipse of the sun." Karol Wojtyla, who would become Pope John Paul II, was born on May 18, 1920 during a solar eclipse. Peregrinus apostolicus (pilgrim pope), which designates Pius VI, appears to be verified by his many journeys to new lands. As for the prophecy concerning the 111th pope, the present Pope Benedict, the prophecy says of him, "Gloria Olivae," which means "the glory of the olive." The order of Saint Benedict is also known as the Olivetans, which many claim makes Malachy's prophecies correct. According to St Malachy, the next and final pope then would be "Peter Romanus" the defender of the church. The last of these prophecies concerns the end of the world and is as follows:




"In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations, after which the seven- hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End."

What has gripped bible scholars is that this prophecy shares a very similar feel to Revelation 17 which is a whole chapter that John dedicates to describing the last days religious harlot system which is sitting on seven hills. For a season she (Rome the City on seven hills) is integrated with the world government system until the world government turns against the harlot and destroys her in what many believe is some form of battle for world power which turns ugly. “And here is the mind that hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth…...And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire…...And the woman which thou sawest is that great City, which reigneth over the kings of the earth” Revelation 17:9,16,18

Malachi Martin, Jesuit priest (now deceased) and author of “The Keys to this Blood” also wrote extensively of a struggle for world dominion between the Vatican, Russia and the Capitalist West and how this would also coincide at a time of great apostasy within the Catholic in which there would be a split between those holding onto the orthodox classical faith and the rise of liberals seeking to destroy the heritage of its faith. Catholic experts say the title “Peter the Roman” is potent in that it indicates the last pope may satisfy the desires of Rome and its dominionist pals in America by reviving an authoritarian Babylonian State Religion. On this order, the man who in 2002 correctly predicted that the pope succeeding John Paul II would be named Benedict XVI, Ronald L. Conte Jr., believes the next pope will take the name Pius XIII, and that “Peter the Roman” implies this pope “will reaffirm the authority of the Roman Pontiff over the Church” and “will emphasize the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Faith and the Roman Catholic Church above all other religions and denominations, and its authority over all Christians and all peoples of the world.” To this, Conte adds, “During the reign of Pope Peter the Roman, the great apostasy begins” and this pope will mark “the first part of the tribulation, during our





Throughout history including recent times, numerous Catholic priests have built on the foundation laid by Cardinal Manning and have often been surprisingly outspoken on their agreement regarding the inevitable danger not only of apostate Rome but of the False Prophet rising from within the ranks of Catholicism itself as a result of secret satanic “Illuminati-Masonic” influences. (The term “Illuminati” as used here is not strictly a reference to the Bavarian movement founded May 1, 1776, by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt, but as indicative of a modern multinational power elite, an occult hierarchy operating behind current supernatural and global political machinations.) Father Herman Bernard Kramer, whose work The Book of Destiny painted a terrifying scenario in which Satan enters the church and assassinates the true pope (possibly during conclave) in order that his false pope can rise to rule the world; as well as similar beliefs by priests like Father John F. O’Connor, Father Alfred Kunz, and Father Malachi Martin, this will happen because secret-society and sinister false Catholic infiltrators understand the geopolitical influence of Rome in the world is indispensable for controlling future global elements in matters of church and state. The Roman Catholic Church represents one-sixth of the world’s population and over half of all professing Christians, has its own diplomatic corps of ambassadors posted in industrialized nations globally, and over one hundred eighty nations of the world send their ambassadors to the capital city, the Vatican.

In a two-hour presentation Father O’Connor gave a homily titled “The Reign of the Antichrist,” in which he described how changes within society and in the institution were already at work before his death to provide for the coming of Antichrist. In this sermon and elsewhere, O’Connor outlined the catalyst for this scheme unfolding as a result of “Masonic Conspirators” within the organization whose plan, called “Alta Vendita,” would essentially take control of the papacy and help the False Prophet deceive the world’s faithful (including Catholics) into worshipping the Antichrist.

The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita (or simply the Alta Vendita) is a nineteenth-century Italian document, allegedly written by the highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari—a secret revolutionary society associated with Freemasonry—both of which had been publically condemned by Rome. The document clearly maps out a blueprint for infiltrating the Catholic Church in order to slowly turn it into an instrument of propaganda for the society’s principles and goals, ultimately seeking to produce Catholic laity, clergy, and finally a pope who would be warm to the ideas of the Enlightenment—the eighteenth-century philosophical view of man as held by naturalists, atheists, deists, and Freemasons, who sought to reform society by elevating science and intellect over religion. In the nineteenth century, Pope Pius IX and Pope Leo XIII both asked for the Alta Vendita to be published. In 1859, Jacques Crétineau-Joly did so in his book, L’Église romaine en face de la Révolution, and in 1885 it was published in English by Monsignor George F. Dillon in The War of Anti-Christ with the Church and Christian Civilization. In the wake of Vatican II, traditionalist Roman Catholic groups see evidence that the Alta Vendita has indeed succeeded “above even the most improbable calculations.” As a result, some have developed a critical attitude toward church hierarchy in the belief that post-Vatican II teachings contradict and infect solemn Catholic dogmas with modernism, ecumenism, collegiality, and religious liberty, which are clearly reminiscent of the secret society’s objectives. Some believe this has even paved the way for a showdown during the next period of vacancy in the papal office that could witness frustrated traditionalists among the College of Cardinals desperate to elect a sitting Bishop of Rome as apostolic successor of Saint Peter (Petrus Romanus) who will institute a vigilant revival and reinstitution of pre-Vatican II authoritarianism. This conflict seems to be boiling under the surface.



The following pages is a special report based on an unedited transcript of an interview with Father Paul Kramer. Paul Kramer is a lecturer and author of numerous articles and books on the Catholic Faith and on the subject of Fatima. The Devil's Final Battle and The Suicide of Altering the Faith in the Liturgy are two books that should be read by every catholic to understand how the Catholic Church has been infiltrated by its enemies at Vatican II. He has, for over 30 years, studied Catholic prophecies and has researched and lectured on the “Mystery of Iniquity” that St. Paul wrote about in Sacred Scripture. See below for the transcript of this interview which took place with the Fatima Crusader.

Many Catholics remember the startlingly candid remarks of Mother Angelica on the Eternal Word Television Network concerning the vision of the Third Secret disclosed by the Vatican on June 26, 2000. Mother Angelica said to her national television audience on May 16, 2001: “As for the Secret, I happen to be one of those individuals who thinks we didn’t get the whole thing … Because I think it’s scary …” Mother Angelica, like millions of Catholics the world over, found it hard to believe that an obscure vision of a “bishop dressed in white” hobbling past the dead bodies of bishops, priests and laity outside a half-ruined city, and then being executed by a band of soldiers, is all there is to a Secret that had been kept under lock and key by the Vatican for more than forty years. For one thing, where are the “words of the Virgin” — mentioned by the Vatican itself in its 1960 announcement suppressing the Secret — which would explain this vision? How did the Pope and his bishops end up in a situation where they were slaughtered? Is the half-ruined city none other than the devastated city of Rome from which the Pope flees over the dead bodies of his subjects, as Pius X is said to have foreseen in his own prophetic vision? Father Paul Kramer, who has studied the facts and circumstances of the Third Secret for some thirty-five years, agrees with Mother Angelica that the Third Secret is indeed scary — and far scarier than Catholics have generally understood. Father Kramer has concluded from his research that the Third Secret foretells much more than the apostasy in the Church that begins “at the top,” as revealed by Cardinal Ciappi, the papal theologian to five consecutive Popes, (from Pius XII to John Paul II) who read the Secret. That much was indicated clearly by what Fatima scholars unanimously agree is the beginning of the Third Secret starting with the “words of the Virgin”: “In Portugal, the dogma of the faith will always be preserved” to which Sister Lucy added “etc.” to indicate that more words of Our Lady would follow in the Third Secret. Beyond this, says Father Kramer, the “words of the Virgin” suppressed by the Vatican in 1960 do indeed explain how the Pope comes to be executed outside the half-ruined city. That event is the culmination of a series of catastrophic events, including not only the calling of Vatican II and its being hijacked by modernist liberals within the Church structures. The Third Secret also foretold what we are now living through, namely the aftermath of Vatican II. It also foretells that World War III will possibly leave Rome in ruins. In this interview for The Fatima Crusader, Father Kramer shows how the missing words of the Virgin must complete a puzzle whose pieces are already available to us from reliable sources, including the late Pope John Paul II himself. Let the reader prayerfully consider in his heart, Father Kramer’s research into the voices of Catholic prophecy that foretell our immediate future.




Interview with Father Kramer The Fatima Crusader (FC): Why do you think the Third Secret of Fatima reveals even more than the apostasy in the Church “beginning at the top,” as Cardinal Ciappi revealed? Father Kramer: First of all, the Third Secret “vision” published by the Vatican in June of 2000 reveals a material as well as a spiritual catastrophe: slain bishops, priests, religious and laity, a half-ruined city, and the Pope being executed by soldiers at the foot of a large wooden cross outside that half-ruined city. Let us recall Cardinal Ratzinger’s (now Pope Benedict XVI) revealing 1984 interview in Jesus magazine in which he discussed the Third Secret, which he acknowledged he had read. In that interview the Cardinal revealed more than perhaps he intended. He connected three elements together: the Third Secret, Sacred Scripture and other Marian apparitions approved by the Church as authentic. As he said in 1984 — and I quote him exactly — “the things contained in this ‘Third Secret’ correspond to what has been announced in Scripture, and has been said again and again in many other Marian apparitions ...” So, there can be no doubt, we have it from the currently reigning Pope’s own mouth, that what is in the Third Secret corresponds to what is in Scripture and also to what has been revealed again and again in other Marian apparitions. That is our key. Now, it is obvious that the vision of “the bishop dressed in white” is far from explicit enough to contain all by itself — without any explanatory words of the Virgin Mary — the elements of Sacred Scripture and the “many other Marian apparitions” the current Pope alluded to when he was still Cardinal Ratzinger. Indeed, none of the recognized Marian apparitions involves a vision of the Pope being executed outside a half-ruined city. So, already we know that something major is missing from the Vatican’s June 2000 disclosure. FC: But where do we go to find what is missing? Father Kramer: We begin our search by studying what others who have read the Third Secret have said about it, and they have given us some very telling clues. For example, the late Malachi Martin read the Secret. I heard the story told by one of his close personal friends. One day in 1960 Martin, who was then personal secretary to Cardinal Bea in Rome, found himself riding in a car with Pope John XXIII and Cardinal Bea. So there were four men present in the car: the driver, Pope John, Cardinal Bea and Malachi Martin. Now, since Malachi Martin was personal secretary to Cardinal Bea and was also a close collaborator with John XXIII, it was hardly surprising that Malachi found himself in this position. And during this car ride Pope John himself, on that day in 1960, handed the Secret to Malachi. It was written on one sheet of paper — not the four sheets of paper produced by the Vatican in 2000. Malachi read the Secret immediately, and on many occasions thereafter he spoke of the Third Secret even though he was under oath not to divulge explicitly its contents. But when other people touched upon matters in the Secret he would say yes or no, whether that was in the Secret or not. FC: Can you provide an example of this? Father Kramer: For example, in his last live interview in the late 1990’s on the Art Bell show, before millions of listeners, Malachi said that there is something terribly horrifying in the Third Secret, and he admitted that yes, there will be a world war and a great disaster in which many people will die. But, he added, there is something even more horrifying than this in the Secret, although he did not state explicitly what that was. [Editor’s Note: Father Kramer speaks more about this “horrifying thing” later in this interview.]




FC: We have long heard of statements by John Paul II in Fulda, Germany, in 1980 concerning the true contents of the Third Secret. What do you know of this? Father Kramer: Yes, Pope John Paul II did give us a clue as to what the contents are. In November 1980 he visited Germany at the Cathedral of Fulda, and there he spoke of the Third Secret to a small group. He was asked why the Secret had not yet been revealed, and he gave some answers. First, the Pope said it has not been revealed because with this knowledge comes responsibility and so many people just want to know for reasons of curiosity. So, in order to avoid sensationalism, he did not want to reveal the contents of the Third Secret. But then — and here we begin to see that the Secret involves even more than apostasy in the Church — he also said it is enough for you to know that entire regions of the earth will be inundated, with water overflowing large regions of the earth, and millions will die from one moment to the next. FC: Did the Pope say anything else at Fulda? Father Kramer: Yes, he said that another reason he did not want to reveal the Third Secret — and this was a key clue in my investigation of the question — is that he did not want to encourage the communists to take certain steps. Now what steps could he be referring to? Well, we can surmise very clearly that one thing that would encourage the communists is a revelation that they would win the World War that Malachi Martin referred to in the Art Bell interview. FC: But how do we know that the accounts of what the Pope said at Fulda are accurate? Father Kramer: Some people have questioned whether Pope John Paul II actually made those statements about the Third Secret at Fulda. But that objection cannot be sustained. First of all, there was a lady journalist who took down all the Holy Father’s words and published a transcript in a magazine called Stimme des Glaubens [Voice of Faith]. The Vatican has never questioned the accuracy of the quotations in that article. Then there was a second witness, a German priest, who also wrote down word for word what the Pope had said on that occasion. And afterwards he told the Pope he had done this and the Pope thanked him for it. Now, I speak and read German myself, and I read the German text prepared by the German priest when I was traveling near Fulda back in 1983. The Mother Superior of a German community of nuns showed me the text and it was identical to the text that had been published by the lady journalist. So, the German priest and the lady journalist gave identical testimony concerning what the Pope said at Fulda. So, either they took it down in shorthand or else had tape recorded the Pope’s address. But word-for-word the texts were identical. So, I don’t think there can be any serious challenge to the authenticity of the Pope’s remarks at Fulda. FC: But how do the Pope’s revelations at Fulda relate to Scripture and the other Marian apparitions referred to by Cardinal Ratzinger in 1984? Father Kramer: This is where the pieces of the Third Secret puzzle begin to fit together. First, as to the “other Marian apparitions” Cardinal Ratzinger spoke of, we have the approved Marian apparition of Our Lady of Good Success at Quito, Ecuador in 1634. In this apparition Our Lady warned of precisely what the Third Secret predicts: a great apostasy in the Church. Our Lady told Venerable Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres that in the late 19th Century and throughout most of the 20th Century the Church would yield to a




great heresy. The Sacrament of Matrimony “will be attacked and profaned,” and “Masonry, which will then be in power, will enact iniquitous laws with the objective of doing away with this Sacrament, making it easy for everyone to live in sin, encouraging the procreation of illegitimate children born without the blessing of the Church.” Then, Our Lady warned, “The Christian spirit will rapidly decay, extinguishing the precious light of Faith until it reaches the point that there will be an almost total and general corruption of customs (morals), and this will result in the lack of priestly and religious vocations ...” Our Lady of Good Success further warned that during this time “Innocence will almost no longer be found in children, nor modesty in women” and that “the secular [diocesan] Clergy will leave much to be desired because priests will become careless in their sacred duties … Lacking a Prelate and Father to guide them with paternal love, gentleness, strength, wisdom and prudence, many priests will lose their spirit, placing their souls in great danger.” But then, in a direct parallel to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, Our Lady of Good Success declared that this darkest time in Church history “will mark the arrival of My hour” and that God will eventually “bring to an end those ominous times, sending to this Church the Prelate who will restore the spirit of its priests.” So we see here a close parallel with what is undoubtedly revealed in the Third Secret concerning the apostasy of the Church, to be followed at some point by the Consecration of Russia, Russia’s conversion and, “in the end” the triumph of the Immaculate Heart. This much Fatima scholars have already surmised concerning the Third Secret. FC: Agreed, but what of the other elements of the Third Secret alluded to by John Paul II and Malachi Martin, those going beyond the spiritual chastisement and involving a material chastisement, including a world war? Father Kramer: This is precisely where the Marian apparitions complete the puzzle by adding the element of a material chastisement to that of the spiritual chastisement. In 1973 and for several years thereafter, at Akita, Japan, Our Lady appeared in a series of apparitions approved as authentic by the local bishop after eight years of investigations. Most tellingly, Cardinal Ratzinger, as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, himself adjudged the apparitions worthy of belief in 1988, and he was clearly aware of these apparitions when he gave the Jesus magazine interview. In fact, Catholic World News reported on October 11, 2001 that Howard Dee, former Philippine ambassador to the Vatican, said in a 1998 interview with Inside the Vatican magazine that “Bishop Ito [the local bishop of Akita, now deceased] was certain Akita was an extension of Fatima, and Cardinal Ratzinger personally confirmed to me that these two messages, of Fatima and Akita, are essentially the same.” The same Catholic World News story further noted that “both Bishop Ito and Cardinal Ratzinger declared the messages and events in Akita to be of supernatural origin and labeled them ‘worthy of belief’.” With these startling affirmations of Cardinal Ratzinger in mind we can consider what Our Lady of Akita said to Sister Agnes Katsuko Sasagawa on October 13, 1973, the very anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun, and let me quote this verbatim: “As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests.




“The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate Me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres … churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.” So, here we see the combination, in an approved Marian apparition, of two elements: material catastrophe and spiritual catastrophe. We see apostasy in the Church — also predicted by Our Lady of Good Success — accompanied by a cataclysmic event that chastises the whole world. Now, as I just noted, Cardinal Ratzinger admitted to the former Philippine ambassador to the Vatican that the Message of Fatima and the Message of Akita are essentially the same. Yet neither of the first two parts of the Fatima Secret nor the vision of the Third Secret published in 2000 say what Our Lady said at Akita. In fact, we have no words of Our Lady at all attached to the Third Secret vision. We do see, however, flames descending toward earth from the hands of an avenging angel, and Our Lady turning back the flames as the angel cries “penance, penance, penance.” I note the parallel that the uppermost angel in the apparition of Our Lady of Knock brandished a sword. But will there come a time when Our Lady will no longer be able to turn back the consuming fire [and the sword] of Heaven’s vengeance? This, apparently, is what Our Lady of Akita warns in 1973, 56 years to the day after the Miracle of the Sun. Clearly, then, what makes the two apparitions — Fatima and Akita — “essentially the same” must be found in missing words of Our Lady of Fatima that correspond to those of Our Lady of Akita. These would have to be the same “words of the Virgin” that the Vatican suppressed in 1960, when it told the world that the Third Secret would not be revealed as everyone expected it would be. FC: That is pretty stunning. But what of the precise question of whether the chastisement will include a world war, among other calamities to befall the Church and the world? Father Kramer: Here we find some more pieces of the puzzle in Marian apparitions. I am referring to the messages of Our Lady to Sister Elena Aiello, who died in 1961. She was very renowned for the revelations that she received from Our Lady and was greatly esteemed by Pope Pius XII, even though perhaps many North Americans won’t have heard of her. Our Lady revealed to her that Russia would wage a sudden war, would overrun all of Europe. This, it would seem, is clearly what Pope John Paul II wanted to avoid by not divulging the Third Secret, as he said at Fulda, because it would encourage the communists to make certain moves — in other words, to wage war against the West. FC: But what of the objection that Russia no longer poses such a threat, now that “communism has fallen.” Father Kramer: If you read the Russian publications, as I do, you see that in Russia itself there’s no mystery as to what is taking place. We have a neo-Stalinist dictatorship taking shape, we have Russian journalists complaining about the dictatorship, openly asking the questions about why, if there is supposedly a democracy in Russia, Mr. Putin is blatantly and publicly planning for war against the Western democracies? And, clearly, all the evidence points to the conclusion that Russia is preparing for war against the West. Putin openly boasts of Russia’s new ICBMs that can change course mid-flight and avoid all anti-missile defenses. Russia is now very much in league with communist China, with which it has forged a massive military alliance, and with other still-communist nations of the world.




Even on the cabinet level in the United States government it has been recognized that Russia and China are the ones who are aiding terrorist states, because terrorism is simply a tactic that is being used to distract, weaken and lull the West to sleep concerning the real threat to its security. On this point there is another amazing prophecy in the 19th Century that seems to sum up what’s in the Third Secret. I do not suggest it is authoritative, but it fits in with the rest of the picture. There was a book written in French, compiled by a priest in France by the name of Father Fatteccelli or Fatticioli. I have not actually read the text, but have heard it being read on audiotape. The name of the book is Day of Wrath: The Hand of God Upon An Empire. The revelations were made to an Armenian Jew, one Zachary, who was later baptized a Catholic. This book, published in the early 1850s, contains revelations (made to Zachary in the 1840s) concerning the precise dimensions of the communist empire, Russia and China and their satellites. It says that there would be the détente; that an agreement would be reached between the capitalist West and the Marxist East. Then, says the prophecy, the communists would overcome the West, by firing their missiles — they would fire their missiles — and the word “missiles” was used in the 1840s! They would fire their missiles on the coasts of North America — from the direction of Russia and China — and the Western world would be brought into bondage, after which “the firstborn of hell will rule the world.” Again, I do not say the prophecy is authoritative, but only that it is consistent with the other evidence we have of the great catastrophes foretold in the Third Secret. And this prophecy of Zachary would explain what Malachi Martin said on the Art Bell Show, as I mentioned before (see "Can you provide an example of this?"). Malachi said then that there was something terribly horrifying in the Third Secret — more horrifying than World War III. And the horrifying thing Malachi Martin referred to was this: after Russia wins the war, there would be the appearance that the devil had defeated Christ. FC: Perhaps this world war, this firing of nuclear missiles, is what Our Lady of Akita means by fire falling down from the sky and wiping out a great part of humanity. After all, Japan is the place where fire rained down from the sky at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Father Kramer: That seems logical, but it is not actually correct. The fire raining down from heaven will be a supernatural event, as foretold by both Sr. Elena Aiello and Blessed Anna Maria Taigi. But now a further detail to complete our puzzle: the revelations to Anne Catherine Emmerich, who lived in the early 19th Century. She was beatified in October of 2004 by Pope John Paul II. In the revelations made to Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, Our Lady reveals that there will be a false church of darkness, while the true Church continues to exist. This false church will be an ecumenical church. It will unite all the ecclesial communities and sects together. And there will be a false pope and a true pope reigning at the same time, just as there was during the Great Western Schism in the 14th Century. Even the non-Christian religions will have some affiliation to this great worldwide, universal, so-called church. Amazingly enough, in his apostolic letter on the Sillon Movement in France, Pope St. Pius X predicted exactly the emergence of this false religion when he spoke of “the great movement of apostasy being organized in every country for the establishment of a One-World Church which shall have neither dogmas, nor hierarchy, neither discipline for the mind, nor curb for the passions, and which, under the pretext of freedom and human dignity, would bring back to the world (if such a church could overcome) the reign of legalized cunning and force, and the oppression of the weak, and of all those who toil and suffer.”




So, the coming global conflagration will be related to this false One-World Church arising to oppose the true Church. FC: Would you be willing to prognosticate when all of this, including the world war, is going to come to pass? Father Kramer: Well, here we go beyond the firm evidence of approved apparitions and into the realm of speculation. Based on the reported prophecies of a German priest, a mystic, whose veracity is attested to by another German priest I regard as utterly trustworthy, we can surmise that the year 2008 will see the outbreak of war and 2011 the Consecration of Russia and the beginning of the period of peace spoken of by Our Lady of Fatima. The period of chastisement may continue past 2011, but by 2013 the chastisement will have ended and this may be the actual year of the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart. Now, obviously, we cannot mark our calendars and base our life and decisions on any of these dates, but it would be well to remember what Malachi Martin himself said back in 1997: everything will be finished in less than twenty years. The way things are going in the Church and the world, one does not have to be a prophet, or consult any other revelations beyond the approved ones already given to us, to see that that prediction is very probable. FC: But when, if ever, will the Third Secret be revealed? Father Kramer: Of course, it will be revealed, for man cannot hide forever a secret confided by God Himself to His Blessed Mother for the benefit of the whole world. The question is not whether, but when it will be revealed at last. Without claiming any kind of prophetic accuracy I can say that when I was in Fatima in 1991, I was informed that the Carmelites of Fatima had received the news from Sister Lucy and her fellow sisters at the convent in Coimbra that Our Lady had appeared to Sister Lucy not long before May of 1991 and told her that the Third Secret is going to be revealed during the course of a major war. So, the war will break out, it will be a sudden war, it will be a blitzkrieg, and the true Church will be driven underground. But, at the beginning of this war, when the Pope realizes that keeping the Third Secret hidden no longer makes any sense, because the Russians have now made their move, he will reveal the missing text of the Third Secret. If Pope Benedict is reigning at the time of this war, he will probably want to consecrate Russia after revealing the full Third Secret, but like King Louis XVI, he will not be able to do the Consecration in time because the calamities will strike too quickly. There won’t be enough forewarning, so the Pope will not be able to organize it in time. He will have to go into hiding. Perhaps Benedict will be the very Pope who flees a devastated Rome, as St. Pius X foresaw, and is finally hunted down as the Third Secret vision depicts — which God forbid that should happen. But if it happens, that Pope will be hunted and killed by the enemy’s armed forces, just as we see in the vision. FC: So, whoever this hunted Pope is, Benedict or some other Pope, it will not be he who consecrates Russia, in your view? Father Kramer: On this point I would refer to the testimony of the Roman stigmatist, Antonio Ruffini. Pope Pius XII authorized the blessing of a chapel on the spot where Ruffini received the stigmata on the Via Appia, and Father Tomaselli, the miracle worker, wrote a booklet about him — a short account of the life of Ruffini. I myself knew Ruffini for many years. In the early 1990s Ruffini was asked point blank in his home: “Is John Paul II the Pope who is going to do the Consecration of Russia?” He answered: “No, it’s not John Paul. It will not be his immediate successor either, but the one after that. He is the one who will consecrate




Russia.” That is, Benedict’s successor, during this time of world war and persecution of the Church, will be the one to do the Consecration at long last, and then the restoration and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart will begin. FC: How would you sum all of this up? Father Kramer: From the evidence we have discussed, this much at least seems clear: The Church will undergo a great apostasy among many of Her members, which is plainly already underway. Then there will be a world war in which much of the world’s population will die, the Church will be persecuted as never before and driven underground, and Rome itself may possibly be devastated. This is the scenario that fits perfectly the Third Secret vision, where the Pope is executed and prominent churchmen and lay people have been slaughtered in a half-ruined city. And that is why Cardinal Ratzinger, when he spoke of the Third Secret in 1984, mentioned the dangers “to the faith and the life of the Christian, and therefore [the life of] the world.” Both the Church and the world will suffer catastrophe. Given Cardinal Ratzinger’s admission that Fatima and Akita are essentially the same message, no other conclusion seems reasonable. So, when one considers the apparitions of Our Lady of Good Success, Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of Akita, the statements of John Paul II at Fulda, the admissions of Cardinal Ratzinger, of Cardinal Ciappi and the revelations of Malachi Martin, they all add up to the same thing: apostasy in the Church leading to a horrible global chastisement, with much of the world’s population being extinguished almost instantaneously. FC: Is there no hope, then? Father Kramer: On the contrary, as Our Lady of Good Success said, there is great cause for hope, even if we do not avoid the worst happening. Indeed, Our Lady of Fatima Herself said that Her Immaculate Heart will triumph, no matter how late the Consecration of Russia is finally done. Even if the worst happens, the formerly Catholic nations will rediscover their faith under persecution and in the midst of the world’s desolation by war. Then the Pope will consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart and Russia will be converted. The Asiatic and Islamic invaders will be driven out of Europe [Editor’s Note: With the help of the converted Russian invaders. Cfr. Prophecy of St. John Bosco, as explained in Fatima: Tragedy and Triumph, pp. 319-355]. God will intervene and we will see then the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. But the question remains: Since Our Lady’s prophecies are still conditional, will we avoid the worst of those prophecies before Her Triumph occurs? Or will we have to suffer the full consequences first? The outcome depends entirely on the Pope and the bishops doing what Our Lady of Fatima requested, and that in turn depends upon the bishops, priests, religious, and lay people doing enough prayer and penance and reformation of their own lives. End of Interview



