The 12 Points of Light - The Birth Of The Messiah


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12 Points of Light

The City of BethlehemI am grateful for all the gifts from God, which provide a

wonderful life for me.

The StarI acknowledge the Christ presence within me and I live from it.

The AngelsI am open to the divine direction I receive and I act upon it.

King HerodI let go and let God manifest the good prepared for me.

Father JosephI establish and maintain a place in my life for prayer and

meditation .

Mother MaryI nurture the Spiritual desire in me to bring forth love.

Baby JesusI have a special purpose in my life and I commit myself to it.

The MangerI take care of my body and I honor it as a holy temple.

The ShepherdsI choose to hold on to only positive, creative thoughts.

The AnimalsI call forth my spiritual qualities and I express them now.

The Wise MenI listen to my “still, small voice” and I receive the Divine Wisdom

that I need in every situation.

The GiftsI give all that I have and all that I am to bring forth peace on

earth and goodwill to everyone.

I am the light!
