Ten Commadments 1-4


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Ten Commandments(1- 4) Drama

Commandment 1

“Have no gods before me. There is only one God.

Pray to God alone.”

•God is the only true God

•We should love and honor God above anything

•We should only pray to God

Commandment 2

“Worship no idols. Worship

God only.”


What is “Idol”?

Idol = people or things that we would worship instead of God

Don’t let other things or people become more important than God


Commandment 3

“Don’t misuse God’s name”

• We should use God’s name

with respect.

• Say God’s name with love.

Commandment 4

“ Keep the Sabbath Day Holy. Take time to rest and think

about God.”

BV ChallengeBV Challenge

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all

your soul and with all your mind.

Matthew 22:37
