Story Board Consejo South Park


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South Park Neighborhood

South Park is one of the most dangerous and poor areas of the City of Seattle. The citizens of South Park have to face gang and drug related crimes daily. According to the Seattle Police, there were about 325 gang/drug related incidents in 2008.

Interview with a South Park Resident

Images of Consejo and The Staff

The staff arriving to Consejo, walking into the his/her office.However, the hope is not completely lost. There is someone who cares about the problems of this community, someone who helps the youth to stay out of gangs and drugs.

Image: Interview with Consejo Staff

Consejo staff will tell us more about how he feels about the work he does, why he cares about this problem, some of his/her background and will invite us to see what he does.

Images of What the Staff Does During the One Day of Work as He Tells It.

The staff from Consejo will be talking about his/her experience as we show images of the different activities he/she do like picking up the youth from school, organize the groups, art activities.

Calm Images of South Park

The difference of the hard work of “name of the staff” is reflected in the community.

Image: Interview with the Youth

Youth will describe what this program means to them, how the staff changed their lives. How were their live before.

Interview: Parent or Friend of the Youth

A parent or friend will describe how this program has changed his/her life and the live of the community.

Image: Consejo Staff Going Home

Last remarks and thoughts of the staff and my closing statement. The End