Slavery Culture



This is about the culture of slaves when they were in the southern states.

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Slavery Culture in the South

By Payton

Slaves used old traditions

They brought their cooking styles

They brought their gospel singing

Slaves adapted Christianity and African religious ways

Slaves lived together

Some stayed in small shacks

Others stayed in slave quarters

Families stayed together

Slaves attended church

They valued traditions and family

They hoped and dreamed for freedom

Old traditions kept happiness

Religious rites did too

Slaves worshiped with great enthusiasm

Praying kept hopes for freedom

They were great story tellers

Folk tales were about animals

Animals took characteristics of people

Slaves sang songs for joy

Songs sung by the men

“Swing low Sweet Chariot”

“Marching ‘Round Selma”

Influence on slave culture

Old traditions affected their culture

Limitations of activities affected slaves

Religion played a big role
