Shifting Stats: Shaking the Church. World Vision Canada's 2014 Church Leaders Forum



Gain a bird’s-eye view of Canada’s new cultural context and a different lens through which to re-frame the Gospel. In spring 2014, more than 800 church leaders in 10 Canadian cities participated in the church leaders forum: "Shifting Stats: Shaking the Church." Using the latest Canadian statistics and church research, Dr. Don Moore, World Vision’s National Church Ambassador, painted the picture of our new cultural and religious landscape. Bruxy Cavey, author and Teaching Pastor at The Meeting House, then challenged our thinking on how to not only present but also live out the Gospel given these new realities. Since 2007, World Vision Canada has offered these half-day church leader events to serve the local church. We strive to offer relevant ministry topics and host a space for honest conversation and collaboration among local leaders. Learn more about the forum at Learn more about World Vision Canada Church Engagement at

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Shifting Stats: Shaking the Church

Don Moore, World Vision Canada

& Bruxy Cavey, The Meeting House


Don Moore WV National Church Ambassador

• Former Professor of Education and founding Dean of Briercrest Seminary, Saskatchewan.

• Served as Vice President for Leadership Development and Care with The Navigators of Canada.

• Led a national movement of 120+ national leaders in Vision 2000 Canada under the auspices of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada.

• MA from Wheaton College and PhD in Education from Michigan State University.

• Author of two books and numerous published articles.


That Canada is home to one of the most multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-religious populations on the planet?

That more teens in this country now identify as Muslim than Anglican, United Church of Canada and Baptist – combined?

That Canadians spend more time online than do citizens of any other country in the world?

That the largest language group in Canada after English and French is Chinese languages?


{seismic cultural change}

As World Vision’s National Church Ambassador

• keep a finger on the pulse of the Canadian church

• track where churches are focusing their energies

• observe how they’re responding to needs in their communities - locally & globally

• spark awareness

• start conversations

• stimulate thinking

This past Christmas, 32% of Canadians attended a church service

80 percent of Canadians today say they believe in God

32% 32%

I’m preaching…





“The only statistic I can ever remember is that if all the people who go to sleep in church were laid end to end, they would be a lot more comfortable.”

• immigration

• families & youth

• finances, time & technology

“The challenge for Canadian churches remains what it has always been—to connect with the felt needs of our neighbours.”

John Stackhouse Regent College Theologian


Our population is composed of more than 200 different ethnicities



1 in every 5 people who live here was born outside of the country.



Two-thirds identify with Christianity, “growing proportions” identify with non-Christian religions.

2/3 67%


One quarter of the population has no religious affiliation: up from 16.5% just one decade ago.






ed v



civic pride peacefully pluralistic society


• 40% of Canadians have a low degree of religiosity

• 31% are moderately religious

• 29% are highly religious


“… adults who previously expressed unequivocal belief in God in the past are not as inclined to do so now.”

Reginald Bibby Author, Restless Gods


In 2011 - 43% of immigrants reported that they attended religious services at least once a month in contrast to 22% of native-born Canadians

43% vs


let’s start our conversations


How is your church responding to new immigrants who are twice as likely to attend church than native born Canadians?

What changes are you making to fully engage recent immigrants in church programs and leadership?

How can we creatively reach the 25%+ of Canadians who declare no religious affiliation?

Share your comments at #shiftingstats

{social change}

family & youth

married lone-parent



x m



common law same-sex common-law

family & youth

1961 - 92% of families contained a married couple

2011 - this has now declined to 67%


b family & youth

In 2011, 27% of unmarried Canadians had no religious affiliation, compared to 19% of married Canadians.

27% 27%

“Because of the changing demographics, I find that I have to explore the Bible with new questions like what is a family and how Scripture addresses singleness.”

David Johnson President

Providence University College

StatsCan tells us that, “religiosity is lowest among young people.”

family & youth

29% of Canadians born between 1967 & 1986 reported no religious affiliation as of 2011

• 20% Boomers • 12% Pre-1946

29% 29%

In 2005, StatsCan found that one-third (33%) of Canadians aged 15 to 24 had never attended a religious institution, compared with one quarter (25%) in 1985.

“… two distinct camps … teens who are very religious and actively practice their religion, and those who don’t believe in God at all. ”

Reginald Bibby Author, Restless Gods

family & youth

• parents never went to church

• teens have never been in church

• vague idea of what Christianity means


let’s start our conversations


How is your church focusing its ministry to meet the needs of various kinds of families & singles?

How can we reach those who believe in God but don’t practice that faith within a church context?

How can a church reach the third+ of Canadian youth who have never attended a church?

Share your comments at #shiftingstats

{significant things}

finances, time & technology

• 2011 Christmas: Canadians spent over $1.5 billion

• 2010 Giving: median charitable donation was $123


According to new research released by BMO Financial Group, Canadians spend more time thinking about money than they do thinking about their love lives!

finances, time & technology

Record household debt levels of 163.4 %! On average, Canadians spend more than $1.63 for every dollar earned



finances, time & technology

Median net worth of lone-parent families headed by a female is just $14,000—the lowest of any family type.



finances, time & technology

In Toronto. from 1980 to 2005:

• poorest neighbourhoods suffered a 6% decline in their incomes

• wealthiest neighbourhoods saw their incomes increase by 63%


-6% vs


finances, time& technology

• work increases; church & family fade

• workers spend 45 minutes less per day with family in 2005 than 20 years ago


“As the norm becomes two-income families, people are using their Sundays as additional days to do other activities as families, or regular or additional chores that couldn't be done during the week. ”

Elaine Sauer Bishop

Manitoba/Northwestern Ontario Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

finances, time & technology

• two-thirds of Canadians visited social networking sites in 2012

• biggest gains in use by 18-24 year olds • next highest gain by 18 years and under


finances, time & technology

• Canadian wireless phone subscribers number over 27 million

• 7 out of 10 practicing Christian millennials read Scripture on a screen

• giving, has for the most part, gone paperless


finances, time & technology

• churches using cloud-based technology report 75% increase in online giving vs 18% not using cloud based technologies

• nearly 50% of churches report using cloud-based apps during worship


let’s start our conversations


How has the financial health of your congregation affected your ministries?

How do you minister to people who are very busy & with limited time for church?

How is your church adjusting to new technological innovations?

Share your comments at #shiftingstats

{secular culture}

{culture shapers}

“When you cut through the noise, what’s really at stake is how we remain true to who we are in a world that is remaking itself at dizzying speed. ”

listen: 2 Chronicles 7:14

learn: James 1: 5-8

lead: Nehemiah 1-2

• Awareness of a Significant Need – 1:1-4

• Acknowledge the Need for God’s Direction – 1:4-11

• Authorization by the Key Stakeholders – 2:1-10

• Analysis of the Situation – 2:11-16

• Announcement of the Plan – 2:17-18

• Answering Opposition – 2:19-20

Nehemiah’s Approach To Change

There are churches in your community that are thriving in light of the shifting landscape in Canada.

We’d love to tell their stories to church leaders across our country through our networks.

Please recommend these churches using the page provided in your portfolio and leave on your table for us to collect later.


Help Us Tell The Stories . . .

Thank you!


Bruxy Cavey Teaching Pastor – The Meeting House

• Author of best-selling End of Religion (NavPress, 2007).

• Teaching Pastor of The Meeting House, one of the largest and most innovative churches in Canada. Their tagline is “A Church for People who aren’t into Church.”

• Bruxy’s engaging style, scholarly rigour, and

refreshing honesty make him a popular guest on television, radio, and at university campuses around the world.

• Teaches part-time at Messiah College in Pennsylvania and Tyndale University College in Toronto.

Continuing the






The Privilege of Partnership

Whenever God decides to do something, his very next thought is,

“Now who can I do this with?”

The Church is called to be…

A community of WELCOME

A community of WITNESS

The Meeting House as a Case Study of WELCOME…

Home Church


Sundays – Q & Eh?

Team Leadership

On ramp opportunities

Third Way…

Renewing our WITNESS…

QUESTION: What written resources do you use to connect non-church people with the message and mission of Jesus?

Renewing our WITNESS…

Renewing our WITNESS…

Gospel = Good News

Greek = Euangelion (Latin = Evangelism) Evangel Evangelism Evangelical Evangelistic Evangelical

Vs. Salvation = Soteria (Vampire Christians)

Luke uses the noun twice in all of Luke-Acts. But he uses the verb 25 times.

Getting & Giving THE GOSPEL

One word…

Three words…

Thirty words…

Getting & Giving THE GOSPEL

One word…

Getting & Giving THE GOSPEL

One word…


Mark 1:1, 14:9; Acts 17:18; Romans 1:1-2, 9;

1 Corinthians 1:18-2:2; John 1:18

Getting & Giving THE GOSPEL

Three words…

Getting & Giving THE GOSPEL

Three words…

Jesus is Lord.

Romans 10:9-10, 5:8; 1 Corinthians 8:5-6, 12:3; Philippians 2:11

What does Lord mean?... Luke 1:38 vs. 43 Luke 2:9 and 26 vs. 11

The Gospel is the Good News

of the KINGDOM…

Jesus Matt 4:17, 23 // Mark 1:15 Matt 6:10, 33 // Luke 12:31

Matthew 9:35 Matthew 10:7

Matthew 13:19 Matthew 24:14

Luke 4:43 Luke 8:1

Luke 9:2 & 6 Luke 17:20-21

John 3:3, 5 John 18:36

Acts 1:3

Paul Acts 14:22 Acts 19:18 Acts 20:25 Acts 28:23 Acts 28:31

Romans 14:17 Colossians 2:15 Colossians 4:11

1 John 3:8

Others Matthew 3:2

Acts 8:12 Acts 14:22

Revelation 1:6 Revelation 11:15 Revelation 12:10

Kingdom of… God / Heaven / Christ / The Son / Light

Gospel of the Cross

VS Gospel of the Kingdom

Gospel of the Cross

VS Gospel of the Kingdom

Getting & Giving THE GOSPEL

Thirty words…

Clues to Understanding the Gospel

1. Meaning of the word

2. The people it attracted

3. The people it offended

4. How Jesus died

5. How Jesus lived

6. What Jesus taught

7. How Christ’s earliest followers

understood and applied his message

8. The big picture of Scripture

The Gospel is the best news you

will ever get – God has come to us through Christ to…

SHOW His Love

The Gospel is the best news you

will ever get – God has come to us through Christ to…

SHOW His Love

SAVE From Sin

Atonement = At-One-Ment KING 1. RANSOM – Christ fooled Satan

2. CHRISTUS VICTOR – Christ conquered Satan

PRIEST 3. HEALING (EXPIATION) – Christ changes our hearts

4. PENAL SUBSTITUTION (PROPITIATION) – Christ changes God’s heart

by taking our punishment and appeasing his wrath

PROPHET 5. MORAL GOVERNANCE – Christ shows us sin’s effects

6. MORAL INFLUENCE – Christ shows us how to love

7. NEW COVENANT – Christ ends the old (Temple, Torah, Tribe) Genesis 4; 15:8; Micah 6:7-8; Psalm 40:6; Jeremiah 7;22-23; Isaiah 1:10-17; 66:2-3; Amos 4:4-5 ; 5:21-24;

Leviticus 5:11; 1 Samuel 15:22; Psalm 50:13; 69:30-31; 103:3-12; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hosea 5:6; 8:13;

Luke 15:11-32; Hebrews 8:13; 9:14; 10:1-10; Ephesians 2:14-16; Colossians 2:13-14

KALEIDOSCOPIC – All/Some of the above

The Gospel is the best news you

will ever get – God has come to us through Christ to…

SHOW His Love

SAVE From Sin

SHARE His Life

Jesus Shares HIS Life With Us

“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me

and drink. Whoever believes in me,

as Scripture has said, rivers of living

water will flow from within them.”

By this he meant the Spirit, whom those

who believed in him were later to receive.

Jesus (John 7:37-39)

The Gospel is the best news you

will ever get – God has come to us through Christ to…

SHOW His Love

SAVE From Sin

SHARE His Life

The Gospel is the best news you

will ever get – God has come to us through Christ to…

SHOW His Love

SAVE From Sin

SHARE His Life


The Gospel is the best news you

will ever get – God has come to us through Christ to…

SHOW his love

Rom 5:8; Lk 15:11-32; Jn 1:18; 3:16; 1 Jn 3:16; 2 Cor 5:19

SAVE from sin

Gen 1-3; Jn 1:29; Rom 6:23; 1 Cor 15:1-3; 2 Cor 5:21; Col 2:13-14; 1 Tim 1:15

SHARE his life

John 3:1-16; 5:24; 10:10; Romans 6:1-11; 2 Cor 5: 17, 21; Gal 2:19-21; Col 3:10

SHUTDOWN religion

Mk 15:38; Jn 17:3; Acts 17:24-25; 20:28; Rom 10:4; 12:1; 2 Cor 5:19; Eph 2:14-16; 1 Tim 2:5; Heb 8:6-13; 9:25-10:18; Jam 1:26-27; 1 Pet 2:5; Rev 21:22

The Gospel is the best news you

will ever get – God has come to us through Christ to…

SHOW His Love

SAVE From Sin

SHARE His Life


The Gospel is the best news you

will ever get – God has come to us through Christ to…

SHARE His Life


SHOW His Love

SAVE From Sin

Getting & Giving THE GOSPEL

To him who loves us and has freed us

from our sins by his blood, and has made us to be a kingdom and priests...

Revelation 1:5-6 (NIV)

Thank you!

These Church Leaders Forums, hosted annually in cities across Canada, are presented by

World Vision Canada.

We do this as an act of appreciation, thanking churches for their investment in transformational development— work that we gladly do on their

behalf for communities living in poverty around the world.

For more information:

References for Don Moore’s presentation (Slides 1-58)

Slide 5

Lunau, “Youth Survey: Teens lose faith in droves,” para. 2. Slide 6 Ladurantaye, “Canada tops globe in Internet usage,” line 3. Slide 7 Statistics Canada, “Linguistic Characteristics of Canadians,” note 8.

Slide 12

Valpy and Friesen, “Canada marching from religion to secularization,” para.7.

Ibid., 1.

Slide 13

Romans 13:11-13 “Besides this, you know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we became believers; the night is far gone, the day is near. Let us then lay aside the works of darkness and put on the armor of light; let us live honorably as in the day, not in reveling and drunkenness, not in debauchery and licentiousness, not in quarreling and jealousy.”

Slide 17 Stackhouse, “Will Canada Be the Next Sweden?,”76. Slide 18 Citizenship and Immigration Canada,“ Annual Report on the Operation of the Canadian Multiculturalism Act 2011–2012,” 7.

Slide 19

Statistics Canada, “Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity in Canada,” 4.

Slide 20

Statistics Canada, “Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity in Canada,” 20–21.

Slide 21

Statistics Canada, “Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity in Canada,” 20–21.

Slide 22

Citizenship and Immigration Canada,“Annual Report on the Operation of the Canadian Multiculturalism Act 2011–2012,” 4.

Slide 23

Clark and Schellenberg, “Who’s religious?” 4–5.

Slide 24

Bibby, Restless Gods, 7.

Slide 25

Pew Research, “Canada’s Changing Religious Landscape,” para.29. Slide 30

Statistics Canada, “Census in Brief,” 1. Statistics Canada, “Census in Brief,” 2. Slide 31 Pew Research, “Canada’s Changing Religious Landscape,” para.13. Slide 33 Clark and Schellenberg, “Who’s religious?” 4–5. Slide 34 Pew Research, “Canada’s Changing Religious Landscape,” para. 9. Lunau, “Youth Survey: Teens lose faith in droves,” para. 6.

Slide 35

Stunt, “Generation Y And Religion,” photo caption.

Slide 36

Ibid., para. 3

Slide 37

Valpy and Friesen, “Canada marching from religion to secularization,” para. 17.

Ibid., para. 18.

Slide 41

According to Statistics Canada, “Christmas by the numbers 2012,” during the Christmas season of 2011 alone, Canadians spent more

than $1.5 billion on TVs, audio and video equipment, toys, games and hobby supplies, computer hardware and software.

Turcotte, “Charitable Giving By Canadians,” 18

Slide 42

Kopun, “More Canadians worried about money than love,” para.2.

Slide 43

Statistics Canada, “National balance sheet,” para.9, reveals many Canadians are living far beyond their means; as a society we are

experiencing record household debt levels of 163.4%

Slide 44

Vanier Institute, “Money and the Canadian Family,” 7.

Slide 45 World Vision Canada, Poverty at Your Doorstep: Toronto 2013, 3.

Slide 46 CBC News, “Longer Work Day Cutting Into Family Time,” para. 2. Slide 47

Longhurst, “The church family and changing demographics,” para. 20.

Slide 48

Statistics Canada, “Individual Internet Use and E-Commerce, 2012,” para. 15. CBC News, “Canadians lead in time spent online,” para. 15. Ibid., para. 16.

Slide 49

Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA) “Facts & Figures 2013.”

Barna, “How Technology is Changing Millennial Faith,” para. 9.

Slide 50

Brandon, “Hallelujah!” para. 4.


Slide 55

New York Times, “Obama Outlines Calibrated Curbs on Phone Spying,” para. 13.

Bibliography for Don Moore’s presentation (Slides 1-58)

Barna Research Group. “How Technology is Changing Millennial Faith,” Barna:

Millennials, October 15, 2013. No pages. Online:


Bibby, Reginald W. “Restless Gods and Restless Youth: An Update on the Religious

Situation in Canada.” Online:,_Ottawa_May_09.pdf

Brandon, Jonathan. “Hallelujah! Cloud technologies linked to higher rates of giving in

the church.” Business Cloud News, September 6, 2013. No pages. Online:


Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association. “CWTA Facts & Figures 2013.”


CBC News. “Canadians Lead In Time Spent Online, Says Report.” March 2, 2012. No

pages. Online:

CBC News. “Census shows new face of the Canadian family.” September 19, 2012. No

pages. Online:

CBC News. “Longer Work Day Cutting Into Family Time: Study.” February 13, 2007.

No pages. Online:

Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Annual Report on the Operation of the Canadian

Multiculturalism Act 2011–2012: Promoting Integration. Online: .

Clark, Warren and Grant Schellenberg. “Who’s Religious?” Canadian Social Trends.

(Summer 2006, No. 81) Online:

Fieguth, Debra. “The Canadian Christian Debt Problem.” Faith Today (January/February

2014) Vol. 32, No. 1 (76). Online:

Kopun, Francine. “More Canadians Worried About Money Than Love.” Toronto Star,

November 18, 2013. No pages. Online:


Ladurantaye, Steve. “Canada tops globe in Internet usage.” Globe and Mail, March 01,

2012. No pages. Online:

Landler, Mark and Charlie Savage. “Obama Outlines Calibrated Curbs on Phone Spying.”

The New York Times, January 17, 2014. No pages. Online:


Longhurst, John. “The Church and Family Changing Demographics.” Winnipeg Free

Press, November 17, 2012. No pages. Online:


Lunau, Kate. “Youth Survey: Teens lose faith in droves.” Maclean’s, April 7, 2009. No

pages. Online:

Pew Research Center. “Canada’s Changing Religious Landscape.” Religion & Public Life

Project. June 27, 2013. No pages. Online:

Project Canada Surveys, Angus Reid and University of Lethbridge. “The Christmas

Onlys: A Wakeup Bell for Canada’s Religious Groups.” Online:

Scoffield, Heather. “Big cities attracting poverty, Statscan data show.” Globe and Mail.

June 21, 2011. No pages. Online:


Shingler, Benjamin. “Influx of Christian and Muslim immigrants changing Canada’s

religious makeup.” The Canadian Press, May 8, 2013.


Stackhouse, John. “Will Canada Be the Next Sweden?” Faith Today (January/February

2014) Vol. 32, No. 1 (76). Online:

Statistics Canada. “Canadians in Context—Geographic Distribution.” No pages. Online:

Statistics Canada. “Census in Brief: Fifty Years of Families in Canada: 1961–2011.”


Statistics Canada. “Christmas by the Numbers.” No pages. Online:

Statistics Canada. “Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity in Canada.” Online:

Statistics Canada. “Individual Internet Use and E-Commerce, 2012.” Online:

Statistics Canada. “Linguistic Characteristics of Canadians.” No pages. Online:

Statistics Canada. “National balance sheet and financial flow accounts, second

quarter 2013.” No pages. Online:

Stunt, Victoria. “Generation Y and Religion: As Church Attendance Falls, Young

Believers Ponder the Future of Faith.” The Huffington Post Canada. No pages. Online:

Turcotte, Martin. “Charitable Giving by Canadians.” Canadian Social Trends,

Component of Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-008-X, April 16, 2012. Online:

Valpy, Michael and Joe Friesen. “Canada marching from religion to secularization.”

Globe and Mail, December 10, 2010. No pages. Online:


Vanier Institute of the Family. “Money and the Canadian Family.” Transition. (Winter

2002-2003) Vol. 32, No. 4. Online:

Vezina, Mireille and Susan Crompton. “Volunteering in Canada.” Canadian Social

Trends, Component of Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11-008-X, April 16, 2012. Online:


World Vision Canada. Poverty at Your Doorstep: Toronto 2013. Online: