Pablo Picasso




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Pablo Picasso, 20th century revolutionary artist

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Pablo Picasso, 20th century revolutionary artist

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Pablo Picasso, 20th century revolutionary artist

Pablo Ruiz Picasso was born in Malaga (Spain) on 25th October 1881 and died in Mouguis (France) on 8th April 1973.

Known as Pablo Picasso, he was a painter, a sculptor and co-founder of the Cubist movement together with George Braque and Juan Gris.

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Pablo Picasso, 20th century revolutionary artist

At the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, Picasso firmly supported the Republican side and symbolically accepted the Directorate of the Prado Museum.

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While living in Paris, in 1937, he painted one of his most remarkable pictures, Guernica. The masterpiece portrays the German bombing of the city of Guernica that same year. It was exhibited at the Spanish Pavilion for the International Exhibition in Paris in 1937 in order to turn people’s attention towards the Republican cause in the middle of the Spanish Civil War.

Pablo Picasso, 20th century revolutionary artist

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Pablo Picasso, 20th century revolutionary artist

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Pablo Picasso, 20th century revolutionary artist