New Testament Survey - no.9: Luke - His Gospel Account


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The Writings of Luke

1 book in 2 parts : Part 1 : Gospel of


Part 2 : Acts of the Apostles

= 25% of the New Testament

Question :

How do we know these 2 books were written together ?

Gospel and Acts : Part 1 & 2 of the same book

Both addressed to - Theophilus

• (Luke 1:3) it seemed good to me also, having followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus,

• (Acts 1:1) In the first book, O Theophilus, I have dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach,

Acts refers to - as the follow-on from Luke’s Gospel Both – similar language & style

Question :

Who wrote these 2 books ?

How do we know?

Who was the writer ? Name of writer not mentioned in 2 books 4x in Acts refers to “we” – therefore a companion of Paul

personally involved in the journeys with him From analysing all companions of Paul – Luke is the most

likely companion who wrote these 2 books Reasons … One of the closest main fellow-workers with Paul All early church fathers (e.g. Irenaeus, Justin Martyr, Marcion)

confirm that Luke from Antioch wrote the 3rd gospel Medical language in books fits Luke the doctor writing it Educated Greek style & widest vocabulary fits Luke’s further


Questions :1. Who was Luke ?2. When and where was this gospel written ?3. To whom was it written ?4. What style and language was it written in ?5. Why did Luke write this Gospel ?6. What aspect of Jesus did Luke focus on ?7. What is the structure & direction of his gospel ?8. What are the main issues Luke wants to

communicate ?

Question 1.

Who was Dr. Luke ?

Dr. Luke in the N.T : Close companion & fellow missionary with Paul.

Recorded in 3 of Paul’s letters: – (Colossians 4:14) Luke the beloved physician greets you, as does


– (2 Timothy 4:11) Luke alone is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is very useful to me for ministry.

– (Philemon 1:23-24) Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, sends greetings to you, and so do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my fellow workers.

Joined Paul on 2nd missionary journey (Acts 16) Stayed at Philippi after church founded to pastor &

minister there (Acts16) Ministered to Philippi church & across to Macedonia Joined Paul on 3rd journey, from Philippi to Israel With Paul during 2 years imprisonment & then in Rome

(Acts 28)


Ministry for 6 years

With Paul when in Prison

Who is Dr. Luke ? Gentile Greek follower of Christ Only Gentile writer in the whole Bible ! (yet wrote

25% NT) Physician / Doctor – referred to as Dr. by Paul (Colossians


From City of Antioch in Syria & worked for long time in Philippi

Died at 84 yrs have never married (historical records)

Close fellow-missionary with Apostle Paul

Highly educated (to be doctor & judging by writing style) – possibly graduated from university near Antioch at Tarsus

Question 4.

When and Where

was the gospel written ?

When ? Difficult to determine ! Written Before… Book of Acts which was written before the

fall of Jerusalem & before Paul’s 1st imprisonment

Written After … Life of Jesus Development of Christianity to bring

Gentiles such as Theophilus to salvation Therefore Approx… AD 58 – 65

Where ? No indication given – difficult to determine ! Suggestions: Achaia, Rome, Caesarea, Asia Minor

etc. Definitely – somewhere in the Hellenistic world of

Asia Minor or the Greek mainland or Islands – since the writer worked across this area as a missionary to the Gentiles

Question 5.To whom did Luke write to ?

(who was the audience?)

Audience ? Theophilus

(Luke 1:3) “to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus”

Words ‘most excellent’ – to address person of high official position or aristocracy (upper class)

A Gentile – probably his patron – who covered the costs for circulating his writings

Gentile believers (Greeks)• Through Theophilus to be distributed to all Greek gentile

believers – the people to whom he was a missionary and ministered to throughout his working life.

Question 6.

What was the style and language Luke wrote in?

Language = Greek

Style HISTORICALLY written

• Written in historical approach • No other gospel writer gives dates in his narrative


• Aimed to be accurate historically to show Life of Christ based on facts & reality of history

• Named historical people & events• Recorded carefully genealogy & family relationships• Named clearly real places• Experts verified his accuracy in – archaeology, Roman Law,

Geography • Exact correct use of political titles across 2 continents

UNIQUE• Over 50% Luke’s gospel unique – found nowhere else• Some periods Jesus’ life only covered by Luke• = 7 miracles + 19 parables + 28 incidences/events

LARGEST RANGE of Jesus life compared to any gospel – from the

announcements of His birth to the ascension LOGICAL & CHRONOLOGICAL

• (Luke 1:3) “to write an orderly account for you” – carefully, logically written in step by step order of his life & ministry

RICH VOCABULARY• Well-expressed• Rich literature with varied vocabulary• Brings alive the depth of Christ’s ministry and

transformation in people’s lives

Question 7.

Why did Luke write this gospel ?

(what was his purpose?)

Purpose ? (Luke 1:3-4) “it seemed good to me also, having

followed all things closely for some time past, to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, that you may have certainty concerning the things you have been taught”

To present a historically accurate & chronologically correct account of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ

So that >> the reader/s would have their faith based on a sure solid historical foundation

Question 8.

What part of Jesus’ identity did Luke focus on ?

The perfect, sinless man … Luke mainly refers to Him as the ‘Son of Man’ (24x)

• Also – ‘Son of God’ + ‘Son of the most high’ + Son of the Father (9x)

• Also - the Christ / Messiah ‘anointed one’ (12x) • Also – Son of David (5x)

Emphasises the real humanity of Christ Speaks to Greek audience – who look to what is the -

ideal human Ideal for all mankind – not focus on His Jewishness –

on his universal humanity

The son of humanity…

Luke 3 – shows the descendancy of Jesus back to the Son of Adam (whereas Matthew stops at the Son of Abraham)

Luke emphasises Jesus’ human descent (whereas Matthew emphasises Jesus’ Jewish descent)

Luke shows Jesus’ birth from the viewpoint of Mary and her descendancy through the maternal line (whereas Matthew shows from viewpoint of Joseph and through his paternal descendancy)

Question 9.What is the structure of Luke’s Gospel ?How do we follow the direction of Mark ?

Structure of Luke’s Gospel

[ 2nd Structure of Luke’s Gospel ]

Joint Structure : Luke – Acts >> Towards Jerusalem>> away from Jerusalem

Question 10.

What messages did Luke communicate ?

Focus of Luke1.Breaking the Divine Silence2.Working of the Holy Spirit3.Central Role of Prayer4.Teaching in Parables5.Ministry to all Humanity6.Salvation for all people7.Resurrection >>

Transformed Lives

1. Breaking the Divine Silence Ch.1, verse11 – Begins the dramatic breakthrough when God

sent the angel Gabriel to announce the births of John and Jesus After 400 years of silence since the prophet Malachi Only Luke emphasises this powerful move of God breaking

forth into humanity

2. Working of the Holy Spirit More references to the Holy Spirit than Matthew & Mark

combined. All key people – JESUS, John Baptist, Mary, Elizabeth,

disciples- empowered for their work / ministry by the Holy Spirit

Acts – follow-on – focussing on the nature and extent of the work of the Holy Spirit through the church • Mary overshadowed to conceive (1:35)• Elizabeth (1:41)• Zacharias (1:67)• Simeon (2:25)• at Jesus’ baptism (3:22)• led Christ into the wilderness to be tempted (4:1)• empowered Him in teaching & preaching (4:18-19)• predicted the Spirit’s work in the apostles post resurrection


3. Central Role of Prayer

The Holy Spirit is given at His baptism after Jesus finished praying (3:21).

Sought solitary places to pray (5:16).

Prayed all night before choosing the Twelve (6:12-13).

Stated that He was praying for Peter though the devil wants to sift him like wheat (22:31-32).

Praying when the 70 returned from their mission (10:21).

Prayed three times at Gethsemane (22:39-46).

Parables about prayer (11:5-13; 18:1-8).


4. Teaching through Parables

If you are looking to find all of Jesus’ parables – look to Luke !

Out of 22 parables in Scripture - 17 are only in Luke’s gospel


5. Ministry to all Humanity To all humanity, beyond the Jewish people (Matthew) Emphasise ministry to >> women + children + oppressed +

poverty + wealthy + marginalised + Gentiles + Government officials (even!)• To repentant prostitute (7:36-50)• To Roman Centurion (7:1-10)• To the powerful & lowly (8:40-56)

“No social status or rank hindered Jesus from effective ministry”

Emphasis on the role of women Women: 43x in Luke - only 49 in Mark &

Matthew combined. Jesus’ birth is seen from MARY’S genealogy. Jesus’ early years include information

about Elizabeth & Anna. Peter’s mother in law is healed. Widow’s son is raised. Sinful woman who wipes Jesus feet with

her tears.

In this time – women were viewed as lesser beings than men (24:1-11)

Luke opposed this view & showed Jesus’ approach

Women had strong faith in God God used women in ministry

6. Salvation to all people Luke shows that Jesus’ primary concern was

the mission of salvation Key verse: (Luke 19:10) For the Son of Man came

to seek and to save the lost."

6. Salvation … Luke explains Christ’s central message of

salvation >>• Deliverance of people from sin & its effects• To enter the Kingdom of God

• NOW >> transformed life by the complete rule and realm of God in person’s life

• FUTURE >> eternity in God’s Kingdom in New Heaven & Earth

• Inherit eternal life

By REPENTANCE (greatest emphasis by Luke) • Turning from Sin• Commit whole life to follow Christ

6. Salvation >> to all people Luke emphasises more than other writers –

people from every background come to salvation • Jews & Gentiles• Men & women • Poor & rich• Soldiers & civilians • Respectable & Despised (prostitutes & tax collectors)• Those marginalized – outcasts from society

7. Resurrection & Ascension Luke focus - Resurrection & Ascension – more

than other writers• [ Mark emphasises – crucifixion ]

Focus – Evidence of Resurrection • Appearances of Christ• Transformation to disciples from fearful to bold

Recap: Can you answer these 10 Questions

1. Who was Luke ?2. When and where was this gospel written ?3. To whom was it written ?4. What style and language was it written in ?5. Why did Luke write this Gospel ?6. What aspect of Jesus did Luke focus on ?7. What is the structure & direction of his gospel ?8. What are the main issues Luke wants to

communicate ?